Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Whinny Weinstein Demands Christian USAF General be Court-Martialed

Imagine.  The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) has demanded that a 2-star Air Force general be court-martialed because he spoke about ‘prayer’ as the keynote speaker at a National Day of Prayer gathering.  Major General Craig Olson described himself in that speech as a “redeemed believer in Christ.”  What was he thinking?!

Mikey Weinstein, president of the MRFF, called the general’s televised remarks a “brutal disgrace.”  Mr. Weinstein wrote a letter to the Secretary of Defense calling for the Air Force general to be severely punished.  He alleged that airmen were “utterly disgusted and shocked by the brazenly illicit and wholly unconstitutional, fundamentalist Christian proselytizing recently perpetrated on international television.”  Weinstein demanded the general be court-martialed and “aggressively and visibly brought to justice for his unforgivable crimes and transgressions.”

If the MRFF thought General Olson was a brutal disgrace, one can only imagine what they must have thought of George Washington, who once prayed at Valley Forge.

It would be easy to dismiss Mikey Weinstein as an annoying two-bit gad-fly. But unfortunately, he cannot be easily dismissed.  Repeatedly, Weinstein has proven that when he complains about something — the Pentagon responds.

Far too many Christians have been bullied by the MRFF’s intimidation, and the time has long since come for the mighty Pentagon to put a stop to this non-sense to giving any credence to Weinstein.

Listen: If Weinstein and his minions have a problem with the general’s televised remarks, maybe they should just change the channel.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

1 comment:

  1. How can we expect God's blessing on our military when we disrespect Him so? There is overwhelming examples of God's providence when we put our trust in Him and ask for His care and mercy. I am so thankful that our chapel have chaplains that stand firm to God's word. I don't recall ever being forced to attend chapel or discouraged from attending. How times have changed!
