Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day— About Others

Years ago, the Salvation Army was holding an international convention and their founder, Gen. William Booth, could not attend because of physical weakness.  He cabled his convention message to them.  It was one word: “OTHERS.”

Lord, help me to live from day to day

In such a self-forgetful way

That even when I kneel to pray

My prayer shall be for others.


Help me in all the work I do

To ever be sincere and true

And know that all I’d do for you

Must needs be done for others.


Let “self” be crucified and slain

And buried deep, and all in vain

May efforts be to rise again

Unless to live for others.


And when my work on earth is done

And my new work in heaven’s begun

May I forget the crown I’ve won

While thinking still of others.


Others, Lord, yes, others

Let this my motto be,

Help me to live for others

That I may live like Thee.

As Americans, Memorial Day is an opportunity to remember those brave U.S. Armed Forces service members who sacrifices their lives defending our country.  Jesus once said, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends [others].” (John 15:13)

Our service men and women have been willing to do that very thing since the founding of our nation.  In the Civil War, 365,000 Northern soldiers were killed, and 133,000 soldiers from the South died.  In World War I, 116,700 American soldiers died.  In World War II, 439,000 American soldiers died.  54,200 American soldiers died in Korea, 58,000 died in Vietnam, 363 died during Desert Storm, and nearly 7,000 American Soldiers have died in the Global War on Terrorism (in Iraq and Afghanistan).

If you’re alive and breathing free, take a moment to pause, remember, and give thanks for the ‘others’ who laid down their lives on the altar of liberty.


Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, May 28, 2021

How Will Justice Barrett Rule on Abortion Case?

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decided to take up an abortion case out of Mississippi.  An attorney with The Heritage Foundation (HF) says all eyes are on Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett— the newest member of the court.

The SCOTUS’s decision to consider Mississippi’s Gestational Age Act (according to The Associated Press) sets up a showdown over abortion— probably in the fall— with a more conservative court seemingly ready to dramatically alter nearly 50-years of pro-abortion rulings.

“The Gestational Age Act was passed in 2018 and bans abortions after 15-weeks, except for two minor circumstances that are exceptions to the rule,” explains Sarah Parshall Perry (legal fellow for HF).  “We have no idea how Amy Coney Barrett will make good on her promises to interpret the Constitution from an originalist standpoint— but we do know in her personal life naturally she is opposed to abortion.”

In 2020, the SCOTUS ruled against Louisiana’s regulation requiring abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at local hospitals.  That 5-4 decision was a victory for the pro-abortion movement.  However, that was when Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was still on the SCOTUS.  Amy Coney Barrett now occupies that seat on the bench.

“We are cautiously optimistic that [Barrett] will take it as an opportunity to review not just the science that is evolving over when the unborn child can feel pain, when fetal heartbeat is detected,” Perry tells OneNewsNow, “but also will utilize this as an opportunity to interpret the Constitution in the manner in which it was written … and to reevaluate what many scholars believe was a poorly written judicial opinion by Justice [Harry] Blackmun in Roe v. Wade [in 1973].”

It is possible, according to Perry, that the SCOTUS could rule again that a woman has what justices call “a constitutional right to an abortion,” but also that states can set limits on abortion.  “This was never to have been a federal issue,” Perry explains.  “Justice [Antonin] Scalia, in his famous dissent in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, said ‘ultimately this is an issue we never should have involved ourselves in, it’s best left to the state legislatures where citizens can debate, they can vote, and they can speak their minds, this was never to have been an issue that we had involved ourselves in.’ ”  “So,” Perry concludes, “getting state limits to either make their own determinations on the legality of abortion or the illegality of the same is ultimately what we would see as the right constitutional outcome.”

Some observers currently give conservatives on the SCOTUS a 6-3 advantage; but Chief Justice John Roberts— who’s hardly been an abortion-rights supporter in his more than 15-years on the court— has shown a tendency to side with the more liberal judges in some matters.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Infrastructure Spending = Ingratitude Society

1 Chronicles 29:14 includes the following passage where David declares the glory of the Lord: “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this?  Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.”

A wise man once said: “The best way to appreciate what you have is to remember that it is all from God.”  One thing that the United States lacks is gratitude.  Our country has forgotten to be grateful.  This fact is no more painfully evident than when one considers the presumptuousness found in the Biden Administration’s fact sheet on the infrastructure bill that was recently proposed in Congress.  It reads— “too many lack access to affordable, high-speed internet and to quality housing.”  I say to Mr. Biden— “C’mon man!  Really?”

When one seriously and sincerely considers that the United States is so highly privileged that we consider “high-speed internet” a necessity, it becomes painfully obvious that our nation is out of touch with reality.  

Consider the words of economist Tim Worstall writing in 2013: “The poor in the U.S. are richer than around 70% of all the people extant.  The poor in the U.S. are about as poor, perhaps a bit richer, than the poor in other rich countries.”

This infrastructure spending bill is being sold as if it is a means of resolving inequity.  Not only is this inequity nowhere near the monumental problem it is portrayed to be, but the methodology being employed to reduce it is poorly targeted and demonstrates the problem.  It purports to resolve inequity by fixing roads, bridges, and transport in under-served areas.  Nonetheless, the bill’s actual text contradicts that stated goal.  Less than 6% of the total $2.5-trillion attached to the bill would be spent on highways and bridges for American communities, under-served or otherwise.

Listen: While there is nothing wrong with improving the well-being of the United States, our nation needs a reality check for our incredibly privileged way of life.  There may be large gaps between the rich and the poor, but that is not because the “poor” are truly worse off than other countries— it’s just because the rich are richer!  The fact that there is a gap at all is merely a reflection of 1 Samuel 2:7, which says— “The Lord sends poverty and wealth; He humbles and He exalts.”

The fact that there is a difference is not inherently bad!

Instead of utilizing poorly planned centralized “infrastructure” bills— that misplace resources to solve problems of alleged inequity— we should focus our resources on more important (and more realistic) problems.  Our nation has been incredibly blessed; but too often, our rhetoric surrounding that blessing has become tainted by overly critical ingratitude.  We should remember the admonition of 1 Thessalonians 5:18— “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, May 24, 2021

U.S. Responsibility to Israel

In a recent text, a resident of Tel Aviv, Israel reported, “Because of the ‘Iron Dome’ and our highly skilled armed forces, we feel reasonably safe.  Nevertheless, we deal with disturbing air raid sirens which are sounding all the time.  Thank you for your prayers and please keep praying.”

To be clear: Israel is being attacked by violent rioters and the Palestinian terrorist group— Hamas.  America must stand strong alongside our ally and friend.  It is more and more evident that the nations of the world are turning against Israel.  This sadly includes the United States as seen in the recent changes in our policies regarding this long-time ally. The Biden Administration is turning its back on Israel to favor Palestine— and these moves will clearly not benefit us or the rest of the world.  God, who keeps His promises (Psalm 145:13), has stated, “Blessed is the one who blesses you [Israel], and cursed is the one who curses you!” (Numbers 24:5,9)

God is returning His people Israel to the land He gave them (Jeremiah 31:23; Ezekiel 37:1-14).  His blessings to Israel depend in large measure in their possession of their land— the land promised to them (Deuteronomy 30:16).  His promise of blessing to Abraham is given on the basis of their inhabiting this land (Genesis 26:3).  

However, not all are happy for this turn of events for Israel.  Many nations are turning against them— and in so doing, are turning against God.  This is why Israel needs our prayers and support in every way.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure.  May there be peace within your walls, and security within your citadels … I will say, ‘Peace be within you.’” (Psalm 122:6-8)

Pray for their protection: Ask the Lord for His hedge of protection to surround them (Job 1:10), and a wall of protection for them (Ezra 9:9).  “Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you … you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” (Psalm 5:12)

Pray for their prosperity: “For the Lord your God will bless you as He has promised, and you will lend money to the nations and borrow from none.” (Deuteronomy 15:6)  Pray that the Lord, “… opens the heavens, the storehouses of His bounty … to bless all the work of your hands.” (Deuteronomy 28:12)

Pray for their salvation: Jews need the Lord to open their eyes to see that Jesus is the Messiah.  “We have found the Messiah [that is the Christ].  And he brought him to Jesus.” (John 1:41-42).  “Then Jesus declared, ‘I who you speak to am He [Messiah]. (John 4:26)

Listen: God’s chosen people are the “apple of His eye.” (Deuteronomy 32:10)  He keeps them safely under His wings (Zechariah 2:8; Psalm 17:8).  

In the well-known Aaronic Benediction, we are told just what to say to the Israelites. “This is how you are to bless the Israelites.  Say to them: ‘The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to your; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:23-26)


Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, May 21, 2021

Wisdom is From God

There has been a steady rise in popularity of New Age practices since the 1980s. Meditation, mindfulness, reiki healing, and yoga are commonplace.  Are the practices merely benign habits for health and wellness— or are they the practice of pagan religion?  Is there a place for any of the common New Age rituals in the life of a believer?

The New Age Movement consists of an eclectic range of beliefs and practices based on Buddhism and Taoism, psychology and psychotherapy, paganism, clairvoyance, tarot, and magic.  Included in the movement is belief in the power of healing through ‘spiritual energy, nature, and astrology.’  Mindfulness, self-awareness, and seeking psychic power are thought to elevate man— affording him more control over his decisions.

Earl E. Bakken, Center for Spirituality and Healing, speaks to the components of mindfulness.  He describes, “Mindfulness is the awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.”  To the Christian, this sounds like a practice that could not harm.  It is a ‘hyper-focus’ on our mental state.

The Bible says in Ephesians 5:15-16— “Be careful, then, how you live not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”  If, then, by becoming mindful are we seeking personal wisdom or wisdom from God?  Is mindfulness an opportunity to correct the lies our thoughts may contain?  Can a Christian be mindful and call on God for wisdom within the mindfulness— perhaps by meditation?  

Meditation may also be construed as New Age— however, the Bible has much to say on this subject:

  • Psalm 119:15 – “I will meditate on Your precepts and fix my eyes on Your ways.”
  • Psalm 104:34 – “May my meditation be pleasing to Him, for I rejoice in the Lord.”
  • Philippians 4:8 – “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, meditate about these things.”

Meditation (on scripture) is a directive from the Bible.  In her book “Focus on Your Meds, Meditations of Course” Shawna Allred guides Christians in meditation utilizing scripture.

The question is: Have the New Age teachings surreptitiously invaded the church?

In her article on ‘’, Chelsey Paredes lists five common New Age beliefs to be wary of in the church.  These are:

  • “law of attraction” in which you may ask for and be awarded what you desire;
  • “following your heart” whereby Christians can be guided through emotions and feelings to make their decisions;
  • “oneness”, the act of becoming one with God by our sinlessness and not by our faith; and
  • the belief that we are “mini gods” because with Christ in us we are also God, not children of God.

These trappings of New Age practices often leave God in a backseat and man in driving his destiny.  Proverbs 28:26 says— “Those who trust in themselves are fools.”  

We should not trust our minds— but seek the mind of God.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Critical Race Theory Cancels Truth

In 1 John 3:18, Christians are exhorted— “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”  As Christians (and as a society) we ought to prize and promote the expression of truth.  Nonetheless, this is difficult because the idea of objective truth has become controversial.

For instance, one commentator wrote about the representation of black journalists, saying, “The views and inclinations of whiteness are accepted as the objective neutral. When black and brown reporters and editors challenge those conventions, it’s not uncommon for them to be pushed out, reprimanded or robbed of new opportunities.”

This comment’s implication is simple: What is “objective” has been defined by whites and is therefore untrustworthy.  There are ample grounds for criticizing the sources of authority that deign to define objective truth.  However, this reasonable sentiment has swung so far that the very idea of making objective truth claims has been culturally obliterated.

The definition of truth has become even more important as the buzz-phrase “critical race theory” has filled headlines in the past year.  It most recently popped up in relation to conservative backlash against its implementation in school curriculums across the nation.  This phenomenon has become especially relevant as the Biden Administration’s Department of Education (DOE) just released a proposed rule that would give priority funding to “projects that incorporate racially, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse perspectives.”

Conservatives are justified in being outraged by this favoritism on the part of the DOE. While many conservatives should do a better job acknowledging the damaging actions that have been taken against minority groups, critical race theory is “highly problematic”— to borrow from liberal vernacular.

Critical race theory is defined by Encyclopedia Britannica as an “intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour [sic].”

This theory symbolizes the kind of over-simplified thinking that diminishes the truth that Christians are supposed to love— because its proponents reduce everything about American society to the idea of power and oppression.  It leaves no room for anything else— especially in the underdeveloped black-and-white minds of children.

Favoring and punishing schools based on how well they teach the “right” interpretation of this alleged American caste system is dangerous— because the so-called racial reckoning that it promotes will only breed vengeance.  There is a reason that 1 Peter 3:9 teaches, “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult …”  False piety and over-simplifications slammed into a school’s curriculum will not make students more compassionate and kinder to one another.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, May 17, 2021

Stopping Taxpayer Funded Abortion

Idaho’s Governor, Brad Little, has signed a bill into law banning any state funds from going to Planned Parenthood or any other abortion provider in the state.

House Bill 220, also known as the “No Public Funds for Abortion Act” states— no money will go to support the abortion industry and prohibits the expenditures of taxpayer dollars to abortion providers.

The new law applies to all areas of government in Idaho including: state, county, public health districts, public schools and universities.  It also makes clear anyone intentionally not complying with the law will be subject to prosecution under the state’s “misuse of public funds statute.”

Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates of Idaho (PPAA) condemned the new law— insisting that halting taxpayer dollars from being used to kill the unborn will hurt public health.  “We condemn the actions of this legislature and its fixation with restricting access to health care.  Furthermore, we condemn Gov. Little for signing the bill into law and disregarding Idahoans’ freedom to make their own reproductive health care decisions,” says Mistie DelliCarpini-Tolman (Idaho State Director for PPAA).  “This bill is dangerous and short-sighted and will have impacts on people’s ability to access preventive health care.  Access to birth control, cancer screenings, STI testing and treatment, and wellness exams are now less available to Idahoans, thanks entirely to the political statement legislators tried to make with House Bill 220.”

The new law also keeps abortion providers from teaching sex education in public schools and ends any practice or counseling of abortion at Boise State University, the University of Idaho, and Idaho State University … and other public schools that offer services through student health centers.

Pro-life group, Family Policy Alliance of Idaho (FPA), lauded the signing of the bill.  “Idahoans don’t want their state or local governments sending their hard-earned money to abortion providers— and they certainly don’t want abortionists providing services and promoting abortion in our public schools and universities.  Abortion should never be subsidized with our tax dollars, and Idaho public school students should never learn about sexuality from the abortion industry,” said Blaine Conzatti (Executive Director of FPA).  “The No Public Funds for Abortion Act protects students, vulnerable women, and hard-working taxpayers from the ‘Big Abortion’ lobby.  We are excited that Gov. Brad Little signed this important pro-life reform that protects taxpayer assets from abortion providers who have benefitted from government largesse for too long.”

Planned Parenthood (PP), the nation’s largest abortion provider, saw 9,225 people in Idaho in 2020 for a range of preventive family planning services.  Approximately 1,500 abortions were performed in Idaho in 2019 by various abortion providers in the state.

Nationally, PP’s total revenues for all services amount to more than $1-billion— according to the Lozier Institute.  As CBN News has reported, Idaho joins several other GOP-led states in passing additional restrictions on abortion access this year.


Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, May 14, 2021

Uphold Truth – Deny Deceit

We naturally want the liar to be brought down and truth to win the day.  Sin does bring with it certain consequences.  Proverbs 21:28 says it brings destruction.  However, as Christians we need to be careful to not focus on the liar, rather than God’s glorification when truth prevails.

In the past few months, we have watched as many deceits have been forwarded by far too many with significant political power.  Lies regarding the past (history), to the present (claiming another’s successes for themselves), and for the future (promises that cannot be kept).

Journalist Bob Unrue recently quoted James Dobson on the direction America has taken under the Biden Administration.  We are warned that, “… the agenda pursued by President Biden and his Democratic Party could finish off America.”  Biden’s rhetoric includes false claims of successes and false blame for politics of division.  Dobson is quoted as stating that, “… it seems he [Biden] is willing to say anything to cram his radically left agenda down the throats of all Americans.”  Dobson then asks the question, “Are we [Christians] finally ready to stand up and let our voices be heard, before it is forever too late?”

When we read Dobson’s words, it is easy to get our ire up and call for justice and a big change.  Well, we should be disgusted, we should stand up against, and we should make our voices heard.  Be strong and courageous! (Joshua 1:6).  But while doing this, we must remember the balance to this is found in Joshua 22:5, “… to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, to obey His commands …”

So, let us pray to love, walk, and obey as our Lord God directs us in how to stand up and make our voices heard.  Take to heart the instructions of the Apostle Paul as he writes to the Colossian church:

Colossians 4:2— Pray, not to expose the sinner, but to shine the light and to display the truth in everything.  When a school wins a championship, its trophy case is not filled with all that the other teams did wrong.  It is focused on the successes of their own team and players.  It is the same with sin, as the truth is revealed, the façade of sin falls.

Colossians 4:3— Keep the real message central.  The message/mystery of Christ and His Gospel will reign supreme.  Do not get side-tracked, bring it back to Christ and give God the glory.

Colossians 4:4— Speak clearly.  Do not beat around the bush.  Be sure your words are lovingly forthright.  In other words, do not confuse or hide the message.

Colossians 4:5-6— Use wisdom, make the most of every opportunity.  Be full of grace, seasoned with salt in your reply and instruction.

Colossians 4:10-11— Follow the three men mentioned here.  They were “paregoric” … like a soothing medicine of truth to bring healing.  Like many things, history is what it is. It should remain real, true.  Of course, accepting it in this way and learning from it requires grace – God’s grace.  Attempting to change history, or “fix” it, eliminates the need for God and His grace in the minds of some.

Let us never abandon our need of God’s grace in our dealing with history, the present day, or in the future.  As we pray, walk, and obey, may it always be in God’s way.  As the Apostle Paul said, “Grace be with you.” (Colossians 4:18)


Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

There Is a Race in Crisis, Not Critical Race

Much of the talk of our day focuses on Critical Race and Critical Race Theory (CRT). So, what is it?

Though the theory has been around since at least 1970, the narrative is much older and rooted in Marxism.  The goals behind this messaging include division— especially racial division— and this division is utilized to “divide and conquer.”  

In recent months it has caused much damage, injury, and even death.  An unfortunate result is that the very people or groups the CRT claims to be promoting are actually those being hurt the most.

Dr. Carol M. Swain, the black host of Be the People Podcast and award-winning political scientist said:

“I was spared the life-sapping, negative messages about America that are crippling a generation of young people: White privilege.  Whiteness as a form of property. Unconscious racism.  Reparations.  Microaggressions.  Police have it out for blacks. That the United States was created to protect and promote slavery.  These are the ideas young people are told they must accept.  And then they’re told to reject ideas that can save them— the antidote: the success principles that enabled me and millions of other Americans to escape lives of poverty.”

One basic fallacy of this movement is the idea that we are different races of beings who need to get along better and treat each other with more equity— which is a very different concept than equality.  The fallacy is found in assuming there are many different races of people— some being more “critical” in their station.  But the only real critical race is simply the human race.  Even the Human Genome Project has shown over and again that we all have descended from one set of original parents.  Those believing in the evolution of man from other species bend over backwards in attempting to explain this away.

The most simple and straight forward way of understanding the essence of the human race is found in the record provided in God’s Word— the Holy Bible.  Here, the Creator God tells us of His creation ending with man and woman— Adam and Eve (Genesis 1). Throughout time, science continues affirming the truth of the Biblical record of history. Yet, in the refusal of many to acknowledge the Creator, they go to great lengths to ‘explain Him away.’

Mankind, beginning with Adam and Eve, has rejected their need for God in most every way.  The result— the entire human race (one race) is in critical need of saving from the penalty of sin against God (John 5:28-29; Matthew 25:46, I Thessalonians 4:17; Revelations 20:11-15; 21:8; 22:11).  No one, however, can save their self or others from that destiny.  Therefore, God provided the way through His Son, Jesus Christ, and the regenerating power of His Spirit (Philippians 2:5-11; Romans 5:12-19; I John 3:5-8; Titus 3:5).

The critical race is not just a broken theory of false salvation, meaningless reparation or power of one group over another— It is the critical need of redemption from sin, of changed hearts, minds and lives.  It is the only story of God’s love and provision for all of mankind to be made whole again and restored to God’s image in Whom they were created (Genesis 1:27).


Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, May 10, 2021

Planned Murderhood Needs to Mind It’s Loan Business

There are lots of ways to describe a business with $2-billion dollars in assets— but “charity” isn’t one of them.  And yet, that’s how Democrats must see Planned Parenthood (PP)— the “non-profit” that just took in its biggest taxpayer-funded haul in history: $618-million.

Now, as if that weren’t enough, they’ve stuck out their hand for more— trying to cash in on the pandemic relief that’s clearly meant for small businesses.

To be clear: PP isn’t “small”— and isn’t eligible.  And if the country’s abortion tycoon doesn’t give the money back, Senate Republicans want the government to come and take it.

The Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP) loans were supposed to be for hurting ‘mom and pops’— not abortion tycoons trying to stop people from being moms and pops.  And PP knew it.  When they swindled $80-million out of the small business pool in 2020, they knew the rules.  

The government specifically excluded big businesses, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) pointed out.  For a company with 16,000-employees to say otherwise, Republicans have said, is fraud.  They not only cheated taxpayers out of the money, they poached it from desperate employers who need these loans to stay afloat.

Of course, the other outrage is that PP didn’t need the loans, because guess what? They were still operating!  Even in states where governors explicitly told them to stop, they went ahead performing abortions anyway— cramming women into unsafe waiting rooms and openly defying states’ orders.

While everyone else was taking a hit to their bottom line because of the lockdown, their cash registers didn’t stop ringing.  In fact, some affiliates bragged they’d never been busier!

For months, Republicans have been holding the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) feet to the fire, demanding that they get those dollars back.  Maybe there was confusion in the mad dash for cash last April, but there’s no confusion now.  So why is the SBA still forking over millions to PP?  Good question says Paul.  And yet, “one more affiliate was approved for a second PPP loan while conservatives were leading the call for an investigation!”

“The Trump Administration saw that they lied,” Paul explains.  “They knew they got the money illegally … so they made a ruling … on what affiliates are and who controls them. And so the Trump Administration said, ‘Send the money back.’  A few of the Planned Parenthoods did send some money back, but most of them kept the money.”

Now, with the pro-abortion Biden in the White House, the SBA is even more indifferent. When officials came before the Small Business Committee where Paul is the ranking Republican, he said they asked them:

“Look, we’ve seen the data, and we know that you’re giving second loans to Planned Parenthood after you already told them it was illegal.  Why aren’t you pushing to get all of the money back – and why in the world would you be giving second loans to entities that you knew were getting it illegally?”

“They professed not to understand,” Paul said.

That was even more infuriating, the senator explained, because these same officials had bragged in their testimony about how they were surveilling and catching ineligible businesses.  And that’s when Paul asked the administrator directly:

“Have you changed the policy?  Have you changed the Trump policy and are Planned Parenthood affiliates now able to get this money?”

He said, “No, we haven’t changed the policy.”

So, immediately a letter was sent to the Department of Justice— to the Inspector General for the Small Business Administration and to the SBA itself— demanding an investigation.

At the end of the day, these are Biden officials.  “And, as you know,” Paul said, "Planned Parenthood dictates the politics of the Left and dictates the politics of the Democrat Party.  And I think that they’re going to keep giving them money, even though it is overtly against the law.  But,” he warned, “they also know now that I’m going to be dogged in pursuing this, and we’re not going to let go.”

There’s a chance the Inspector General will take this seriously, Paul told listeners on Washington Watch with Tony Perkins [President of Family Research Council].  “If there’s anything that’s pretty close to independent in the federal government – an independent watchdog – it’s the Inspector General.  So we’re going to keep pushing it on all fronts …. If they’re breaking the law, we want them to stop.”

Listen: PP doesn’t need a bailout!  It needs a blackout of taxpayer funds!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, May 7, 2021

Gender Dysphoria is a Mental Health Issue

A former trans-identified woman— who has de-transitioned— is stressing the importance of treating those struggling with gender dysphoria “the same way we would treat any other young person who’s struggling with mental health issues” … instead of allowing them to alter their bodies permanently. 

Helena Kerschner, a 22-year-old de-transitioned woman who once identified as a transgender man, shared her story at the Q 2021 Culture Summit with the Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender President Preston Sprinkle.

As a child, Kerschner said there was “no indication” she would struggle with gender dysphoria.  And then, at the age of 15, she became “really embroiled in this community online where everything was about social justice [and] ... gender all the time.”  She said, “There were these hierarchical ways of looking at people, like it was bad to be cis, not trans, straight, white girl, and that’s what I was.  I was a straight, white girl, and I felt that that was very bad at the time being in these communities.”

Her engagement with these online communities combined with her mental health issues prompted her to identify as non-binary, which eventually “snowballed into full-on trans.” Though she transitioned with hormone replacement therapy from the age of 18, Kerschner has since de-transitioned with no lingering effects.  “I don’t think I would have ever even considered seeing myself as a boy without the social aspects, especially if I hadn’t joined these online communities specifically because there wasn’t anything at the time, really in my school or in my community, that was influencing me.  It was all online,” she reflected.

Kerschner said she soon found herself surrounded by others in her school and online community who decided to transition— and, like her, have since de-transitioned.

“Just looking back on it, it was the same pattern— just kids who are really struggling, kids who were very alone and isolated, maybe they didn’t have a welcoming family life,” she asserted.  “They just got caught up in these communities online and just started interpreting their emotional pain through the same lens together.”

Though acknowledging her story is unique to her situation, Kerschner stressed that she believes it’s “unrealistic” and not “appropriate” to put decisions on children struggling with gender dysphoria that will “permanently injure” their bodies.  “The way my brain works now that I’m 22 is just completely different than it did when I was 18, and I still have more growing to do,” she said.

“I think that it’s very important to protect young people, protect children,” Kerschner, who co-founded the Pique Resilience Project, emphasized.  “They’re the future of our society, and you only get one life, and you only get one body.  I think that should be the priority: protecting health and protecting people’s future wellness, happiness, ability to exist in their God-given body.  That would be the priority when talking about this.”

Another study found that many females struggling with gender dysphoria also battled mental health issues.

To those who believe rapid-onset gender dysphoria and social contagion don’t exist, Kerschner said her story and statistics prove otherwise.  “I totally believe that there’s a social contagion.  I experienced it like I said.  I observed it happening.  I look back, and I see it happening to so many people I knew at the time,” she proclaimed.   Those struggling with gender dysphoria have “a lot going on below the surface” and need to be treated with kindness and compassion, Kerschner said.  “There’s a lot of comorbid mental health issues.  There’s a lot of depression, anxiety, self-harm, OCD, eating disorders,” she posited.  “I think that we should treat these young people the same way we would treat any other young person who’s struggling with mental health issues.  We should be caring and loving to them.  And we should get them help, and we [should] pay attention to the root causes of why they’re feeling the way that they’re feeling.”

“I don’t think that potentially causing an endocrine disorder by giving someone cross-sex hormones or potentially surgically altering healthy body parts is an appropriate way to respond to someone who’s having mental health issues,” Kerschner added.  “I think that they deserve a lot more personalized specific loving care.”

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.

Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army

Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Christian Code of Conduct in the Crosshairs of Homosexual Debate

In January, Jéaux Rinedahl filed a lawsuit against the Christian Seattle Pacific University— because it would not hire him to be a full-time faculty member after he came out as homosexual.  The school said that violates its long-time ethical code of conduct that is based on biblical sexuality:

“… [W]e affirm the institutions of marriage and family as central to the purposes of God.  We believe it is in the context of the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman that the full expression of sexuality is to be experienced and celebrated and that such a commitment is part of God’s plan for human flourishing.  Within the teaching of our religious tradition, we affirm that sexual experience is intended between a man and a woman.” [Excerpt from the SPU Statement on Human Sexuality]

The educator’s reaction to being denied a full-time teaching position was this: “They don’t have the right to judge me, number one, because my employer has no business in my bedroom.”

American Family Radio host Abraham Hamilton III took exception to that claim during a recent broadcast, saying: “Hold it, chief!  Nobody asked you what you were doing in your bedroom – YOU told the world what you were doing in your bedroom.”

Hamilton pointed out that while SPU’s Board of Trustees is standing firm, last week it was announced that 72% of the faculty gave the board a vote of no confidence, siding with the professor.  Hamilton argued that Rinedahl is faking his shock and offense, saying: “[This is] a school you know is a Christian school, that you know has a code of conduct, that you know [has] a specific First Amendment right to require both their students and their faculty to abide by their Biblical standards for sexuality.  You know that.”

The talk-show host also argues that not only Rinedahl knew that, but each of the 72% percent of rebellious faculty also knew that when they signed on, saying: “If you [the faculty supporting Rinedahl] have ‘evolved’ to where you can no longer uphold the school’s standards, why don’t you evolve your way out of the door then?  No – you want to make Seattle Pacific change.”

According to Hamilton, homosexual activists had a similar objective several years ago in their lawsuit against Denver-area baker Jack Philips trying to legally force him to design and bake a cake for a same-sex “wedding.”  Philips refused, citing religious objections. The activists came up short: Philips eventually won his case, which made it to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, May 3, 2021

Biden Administration Attacks Religious Freedom

In a move perceived by an attorney as a White House attack on religious freedom, the Biden Administration is appealing a court decision allowing religious hospitals and doctors to opt out of gender-transition procedures.  That decision, handed down earlier this year, blocked a requirement known as the “Transgender Mandate.”  It would force medical professionals and religious hospitals to perform the procedures – including children – even when the procedures are potentially harmful.

“This is unbelievable that this Biden Administration and Xavier Becerra [Secretary of Health & Human Services] would want to force religious hospitals and doctors to violate their conscience to perform these invasive surgeries that amputate healthy body parts to match someone’s confused mind,” says Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel.

Staver points out that despite the fact America was founded to protect religious freedom, “the Biden Administration and this Cabinet and these agencies under Biden’s authority literally could care less about religious freedom,” the attorney continues.  “Their agenda is L, G, B, T, and Q and abortion – and nothing else matters to them.”

Staver characterizes President Biden as a “kind of pretender in the White House” who is out to destroy America and Judeo-Christian values.  “It’s time for people to wake up [to that], and we must push back and speak up at every opportunity,” he adds.

By way of illustration, Staver says doctors aren’t expected to give liposuction to someone who is anorexic and requests the procedure.  “[Such patients] think that they’re overweight when in fact they’re emaciated,” he describes.  “You don’t give them liposuction to match their confused, distressed mind – you do mental health behavior modification; and that’s exactly what you have with these people who are confused about whether they’re male or female.  You don’t cut off parts of their body and give them opposite-sex hormones that will ultimately destroy them for the rest of their lives and permanently maim them.”

Christian Medical & Dental Associations is also concerned about the Biden Administration’s appeal, describing the White House’s appeal as “misguided” and not science-based.  The Administration’s appeal is based on a January 2021 ruling in the U.S. District Court for the District of North Dakota Eastern Division involving the Religious Sisters of Mercy, Catholic Benefits Association, et al. against the federal government and the Obama era mandate for doctors and hospitals to perform gender-transition procedures.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army