Friday, June 30, 2017

Violence & Threats Come Almost Entirely from the Political Left

Anyone exposed to the news knows violence is in the air these days.  It was visible to the world in Manchester, Birmingham and London in the days before the British general election June 8.  It was visible on the baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia, the other week as a Donald Trump hater and Bernie Sanders volunteer took a rifle and shot House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and four others while Republicans were practicing for the annual congressional ballgame.  Violence is increasingly visible on campuses from Berkeley to New England as well.

Contrary to mainstream media expectations, the violence and threats come almost entirely from the political left, not the right.  It’s not hard to find left-wing tweets advocating violence against President Trump and Republicans.  And the “arts” community contributes its share.  Comedian Kathy Griffin posted a picture of herself holding a likeness of the bloody severed head of the president.  In New York, Shakespeare in the Park’s staging of “Julius Caesar” features an orange-haired Caesar being stabbed to death by political rivals.

Now some will say that this is a natural reaction to Trump’s offenses against propriety and the allegedly harmful policies he and congressional Republicans support.  Certainly, Trump has repeatedly transgressed long-standing political etiquette, and in ways that often harm him and his party more than his opponents.  His tweet about having tapes in the White House motivated former FBI Director James Comey, according to his own account, to leak information to The New York Times in the hope that it would prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor.  Which it did, even though regulations limit such appointments to criminal cases and the investigation of Russian involvement in our election is an intelligence investigation in which, as far as we know, there is no indication that anyone committed a crime.

Trump’s violations of political protocol have also sparked a political backlash.  It hasn’t resulted in a Republican defeat yet in congressional special elections – all so far in districts Trump carried handily.  The political process provides avenues for those opposed to Trump or Republican policies – called elections.  Too many Americans have convinced themselves that they are morally entitled to use violence to “resist,” as if Trump were some reincarnation of Adolf Hitler.

At the congressional baseball game we had a brief return to normal, nonviolent politics; but it didn’t last very long.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A Judge Rules Against Advocates of Assisted Suicide in CA

Life Legal Defense Foundation (LLDF) attorneys appeared in court last week to challenge California’s assisted suicide law.  They filed the lawsuit one year ago, shortly before the ‘End of Life Option Act’ went into effect.  Their opponents, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and the Director of the California Department of Public Health, filed a motion to dismiss the case.  The judge denied the motion to dismiss … which means the case moves forward!

The ‘End of Life Option Act’ strips vital legal protections from patients who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness.  The Act does not require patients seeking so-called “aid-in-dying” drugs to undergo a mental health evaluation … even though the majority of individuals who receive a terminal diagnosis experience depression, anxiety, and other treatable mental health conditions that could lead them to seek suicide.

LLDF is also concerned that the assisted suicide law has encouraged some physicians to set up niche clinics that only dispense prescriptions for lethal drugs.  These physicians do not have any meaningful relationships with their patients apart from facilitating their deaths.  Moreover, there have been numerous cases of individuals who have long outlived their ‘terminal diagnoses.’

State-sanctioned suicide sends the message that some lives are not worth living. California law now pits the financial interests of health care providers … especially in cases where the provider and insurer are the same entity … against the needs of patients. There have been cases where insurance companies will pay for lethal drugs but not for life-prolonging treatment.

Listen: The ‘End of Life Option Act’ is a dangerous law that exposes vulnerable individuals to direct and indirect pressure to commit suicide.  LLDF represents hundreds of physicians who are committed to walking through life’s challenges as advocates for their patients, yet who are concerned that those patients could succumb to pressure from family, insurers, and other health care providers to cut their lives short.  The Executive Director for LLDF, Alexandra Snyder, said, “Today’s ruling is confirmation that our claims have merit and deserve a fair hearing.”

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, June 26, 2017

Conservatives Labeled ‘Hate Groups’ on GuideStar via SPLC

The non-profit database Guidestar has partnered with the controversial Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to smear conservative organizations as “hate groups.”

Users of GuideStar’s service have recently noticed an additional text box on its profile pages that alludes to the “hate group” designation as made by SPLC.  Shockingly, among the 46 organizations flagged under this designation are well-respected conservative organizations, such as the Family Research Council (FRC) and the American Family Association (AFA).

The “hate group” designation is not merely political rhetoric; instead, it has real life consequences.  The Daily Signal noted that, in 2012, a man was convicted of attempting to carry out a mass shooting at the FRC after being inspired by SPLC’s smear. Guidestar, which claims to remain politically neutral, has recognized the controversial nature of this action, but refused to retract its claims, saying on its website:
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a respected hate group watchdog. There is disagreement on some of SPLC’s specific choices, but on balance GuideStar believes the analysis is strong enough to share.  We leave it to you to come to your own conclusions.

Many conservative leaders have recognized the danger of a key source for information on non-profits taking partisan political stances.  The Daily Signal has reposted [] a letter signed by 41 conservative leaders asking Guidestar to rethink its approach.
Jerry Boykin, the Executive Vice President of FRC, summarized the issue:
“We have seen the same thing from other places to include certain media outlets.  GuideStar says that they are neutral, but they are anything but neutral. In fact, they are, I would say at this point, they are becoming an arm of the ultra-left.”

The notion that FRC has done anything to warrant the “hate group” status would be laughable if the consequences weren’t so dangerous.  Simply put, FRC stands for life, religious liberty, and Judeo-Christian values in the public sphere.  However, to SPLC, anyone not sharing their liberal ideology is a “hate group,” and unfortunately GuideStar fell for their propaganda.

FRC is calling on conservatives to reach out to Guidestar and let them know why partnering with SPLC does not reflect neutrality. Here is FRC’s call to action []; please join the campaign on social media to make a greater impact.

An alternative to GuideStar for nonprofit reviews you can trust, check out Charity Navigator [] or the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability [].

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, June 23, 2017

An Anti-Christian Religious Test for Government Officials

In a recent confirmation hearing of an executive branch nominee, two U.S. senators implied that those who believe Jesus is the only way to salvation are “Islamophobic” and not fit for public office.

Last year, a controversy erupted when a political science professor at Wheaton College decided to wear a hijab during Advent in solidarity with Muslims.  In a post on Facebook, Larycia Hawkins wrote, “I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book.  And as Pope Francis stated last week, we worship the same God.”

Many Christians disagreed with her claim, including Wheaton alum Russell Vought.  In an article for the conservative website The Resurgent, Vought pushed back against a defense of Hawkins made by theologian John Stackhouse.  “Having a deficient (e.g., nontrinitarian) theology of God,” Stackhouse said, “does not mean you are not in actual prayerful and faithful relationship with God.”  To this claim Vought responded, “Muslims do not simply have a deficient theology.  They do not know God because they have rejected Jesus Christ his Son, and they stand condemned.”

This April, President Trump nominated Vought to serve as deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget.  Vought’s Senate confirmation hearing was held June 7th.  At 1:26 p.m. EDT, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sent a statement about Vought’s confirmation hearing in which they quoted his remarks in The Resurgent article and said:
“Religious freedom is such a fundamental liberty that the framers of our Constitution enshrined it in the First Amendment.  That’s why it’s so disturbing that Trump continues to pack his administration with appointees like Russell Vought, whose views threaten that very freedom.

“Trump’s nominee for this powerful position that helps decide how federal money is spent has claimed that ‘Muslims do not simply have a deficient theology.  They do not know God because they have rejected Jesus Christ his Son, and they stand condemned.’

“We know that diversity is one of our nation’s greatest strengths, and it is vitally important that Americans have confidence that their public servants will serve our entire nation in good faith.  That’s why we will watch Vought closely and press to ensure that those helping decide how public money is spent and the government is managed understand the vital importance of nondiscrimination.”

An hour later, in what appears to be a coordinated action with the ACLU, Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont grilled Vought on the quote during his nomination hearing.  “In my view, the statement made by Mr. Vought is indefensible, it is hateful, it is Islamophobic, and it is an insult to over a billion Muslims throughout the world,” said Sanders.  “This country, since its inception, has struggled, sometimes with great pain, to overcome discrimination of all forms … we must not go backwards.”

During his questioning of the candidate the socialist Sanders read the quote and asked Vought, “Do you believe that statement is Islamophobic?”  Vought responded that he did not, that he was a Christian who based his principles on his faith, and that the statement was made in defense of Wheaton College’s statement of faith about the centrality of Jesus Christ for salvation.  Before Vought could finish responding, Sanders cut him off and asked whether Muslims stand condemned.  Vought reiterated that he was a Christian, whereupon Sanders interrupted him again to ask if Jews stand condemned.  For the third time Vought pointed out that he was a Christian and once again Sanders interrupted the nominee’s answer.  Sanders began yelling at Vought, saying, “I understand you are a Christian.  But this country is made up of people who are not just [sic], I understand that Christianity is the majority religion.  But there are other people who have different religions in this country and around the world.  In your judgment, do you think that people who are not Christians are going to be condemned?”  Ten seconds into his answer, Sanders interrupted Vought once again to ask if the statement that “they do not know God” is respectful of other religions.  After answering, Sanders said, “I would simply say, Mr. Chairman, that this nominee is really not someone who is what this country is supposed to be about.”

A few minutes later, Democrat Senator Christopher Van Hollen Jr. of Maryland quoted from Vought’s article and said, “I think it is irrefutable that these kinds of comments suggest to a whole lot of Americans that, number one … you are condemning people of all faiths.  I’m a Christian, but part of being a Christian in my view is recognizing that there are lots of ways that people can pursue their God … It’s your comments that suggest a violation of the public trust in what will be a very important position.”

Within the span of six minutes, two U.S. Senators — Sanders and Van Hollen — shamed their constituents and the rest of the United States by establishing a new religious test for government officials.

In response to Sanders’s comments, The Gospel Coalition council member and Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission president Russell Moore said:
“Senator Sanders’ comments are breathtakingly audacious and shockingly ignorant — both of the Constitution and of basic Christian doctrine.  Even if one were to excuse Senator Sanders for not realizing that all Christians of every age have insisted that faith in Jesus Christ is the only pathway to salvation, it is inconceivable that Senator Sanders would cite religious beliefs as disqualifying an individual for public office in defiance of the United States Constitution.  No religious test shall ever be required of those seeking public office.  While no one expects Senator Sanders to be a theologian, we should expect far more from an elected official who has taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution.”

Listen: We should not be surprised when such anti-Christian bias is expressed by groups like the ACLU.  That organization has spent decades undermining the liberties of religious Americans.  But it’s unacceptable to have our own representatives in the Senate claim that Christians “violate the public trust” when we make the true claim that in rejecting Jesus “those of other faiths stand condemned.”  This display of anti-Christian bias for partisan political purposes has the potential to set a dangerous precedent and must not be allowed to stand.  The remarks made by Sanders and Van Hollen should be repudiated by every American who values religious freedom and opposes religious tests for government office.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Nice Try Planned ‘Murderhood’ at Rebranding Yourself as Abortion-less

In the midst of Planned Parenthood’s (PP) attempt to cast a new identity to retain federal funding and deflect attention away from its scandals, Christian leader Eric Metaxas exhorted the abortion giant to stop its “dishonest rebranding.”

“Planned Parenthood has spent the last few years insisting that its clinics offer all kinds of services besides abortion,” Metaxas informed in an op-ed posted on The Christian Post. “As the latest stunt in this ongoing campaign, they’ve partnered with Avengers director Joss Whedon to produce a high-budget ad titled ‘Unlocked.’”  Metaxas described Whedon’s commercial as a “three-minute propaganda piece” that tried to get Americans to envision a world without PP.  “It’s a dark and scary place where a mother dies of cancer because she can’t get screenings, where a couple breaks up because of a sexually transmitted disease, and where a young woman’s dreams of college are crushed by a positive pregnancy test,” Metaxas recounted from the ad.

When Whedon sat down to an interview to discuss the possible defunding of PP, he attempted to make the abortion provider look as if it were a one-stop health services center for women.  “[If Planned Parenthood shuts down], millions of people lose access to basic health services [such as contraception, cancer screenings, and sex ed],” Whedon recently told TIME magazine.

Metaxas argues that the liberal director’s words resembled talking points that were likely put in his mouth by PP President and CEO Cecile Richards, who – along with other abortion activists on the Left such as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama – argue that the world’s largest abortion provider “does so much more than abortion.”

Some of Richards’ rebranding attempts were recently communicated through social media.  “Fact: Every day Planned Parenthood’s doors stay open, another 8,118 people get health care,” Richards tweeted the other week.  But the misleading nature of Richards’ so-called “fact” was soon revealed.  “While it is a fact that women can receive cancer screenings, be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, and receive contraceptives at Planned Parenthood, a large part of the organization’s daily work still includes abortion,” TheBlaze reported.  “According to Planned Parenthood’s 2014–2015 annual report, the organization killed 323,999 unborn babies over the course of that year, which equates to approximately 1,045-1,062 unborn babies each day.”

On May 12, Richards was found trying to rebrand her abortion business again – ironically on Mother’s Day.  “Nothing says ‘I love you, Mom!’ like standing up for the right of mothers everywhere to get the care they need,” Richards tweeted.  But Hollywood actor James Woods was quick to let his multitude of Twitter followers know the truth about what kind of “healthcare” PP really provides.  “Hard to say ‘I love you, Mom’ from a medical waste dumpster … #DefundPP,” Woods told Richards via Twitter the next day.

Making his case that PP is all about abortion, Metaxas pointed to the numbers provided by its own books and the Guttmacher Institute – an organization known for its progressive stance on abortion.  “But as our friends at Save the Storks point out, Planned Parenthood’s 2014-15 annual report shows that they perform a meager 1% of the nation’s pap smears, and less than 2% of all clinical breast exams,” Metaxas informed.  “The pro-choice Guttmacher Institute reports that over 80% of teens receive sex-ed instruction from somewhere besides an abortion clinic, and contrary to repeated claims by Planned Parenthood’s leadership and advocates, they perform a grand total of zero mammograms.”

Another telling statistic not mentioned by Leftist politicians and the mainstream media was also brought to light.  “[A]ll 650 Planned Parenthood-affiliated clinics in the U.S. barely participate in real healthcare,” Metaxas noted.  “In fact, Americans so rarely choose this abortion giant for other services, we hardly notice when the few clinics not offering abortions close.”  In fact, PP has reportedly been shutting down its few facilities that cater to women’s healthcare needs other than abortions – because there is little need for them.  LiveAction News reports that Planned Parenthood quietly closed three of its six New Mexico facilities – all of which were dedicated to those ‘other services,’” Metaxas pointed out.  “Apparently, they weren’t covering expenses.  Waving off the closures as no big deal, a PP regional official said – get this – that community health centers could pick up the slack.  She might as well have admitted her organization’s services were not needed.”

A separate account of Live Action’s research into the matter revealed more about the true nature of what really goes on behind PP’s doors across the U.S.  “[Live Action’s] video adds that over the last 10-years, Planned Parenthood’s annual breast exams have declined 60%,” Breitbart informed, noting that its annual abortions have increased 27%. “Additionally, the group’s annual Pap tests have decreased 77%.”  The abortion giant’s smoke and mirrors game has led undiscerning Americans to believe that their tax dollars are saving and improving lives – instead of exterminating them.  “Despite the stark decline in services other than abortions, Planned Parenthood’s government funding has more than doubled – from $272-million to $553-million – with the group claiming taxpayer funding is not used to pay for abortions,” Breitbart’s Dr. Susan Berry impressed.

“Colgate sells toothpaste, and Planned Parenthood sells abortions – more than anyone else in the business,” Metaxas points out.  “In fact, it’s where over a third of all abortions in America happen.  We know how Planned Parenthood’s bread is buttered, and Planned Parenthood employees know it, too.”

Besides lying about its services, PP has been in the business of maliciously butchering preborn babies and profiting off of their dismembered body parts – all the while denying its involvement … despite videos proving otherwise.

“Recent footage from undercover investigator David Daleiden captured affiliates at the National Abortion Federation conference who spoke openly of Planned Parenthood ‘selling’ fetal body parts to ‘increase revenue,’” Metaxas divulged.  “Some also joked about pulling unborn babies apart and how ‘gross’ it is when tiny eyeballs fall into their laps.”

However, Left-leaning corporations, mainstream media, politicians and judges consistently join forces to keep a lid on such discoveries and avoid wide-scale public outrage … by turning public scorn in the other direction.  “YouTube quickly removed the video, and now U.S. District Judge William Orrick is considering contempt sanctions against Daleiden, who’s already facing 15 felony charges for taking this undercover footage in the first place,” Metaxas continued.  He noted that PP is also in the business of creating its own reality and reinventing its identity in order to continue doing what it was designed to do – make money and kill babies.  “Planned Parenthood wants to be known for nicer, less horrifying, less controversial services,” Metaxas concluded.  “But ladies and gentlemen, at the end of the day, their name means one thing: abortion.  And lives depend on putting this big-name brand out of business.”

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, June 19, 2017

HHS Hires Pro-Life, Abstinence Advocate

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is shaping up to be a huge headache for the radical Left.

Last week, the Trump Administration added another solidly pro-life, pro-abstinence leader to a roster that’s already a who’s who of the conservative movement.  Valerie Huber, a longtime leader in sexual risk avoidance circles, is taking a job as the Chief of Staff for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health at HHS.  Valerie is known from her work at Ascend – formerly the National Abstinence Education Association – which empowers teenagers to make positive choices about sex.  

While conservatives cheered the move, the Left fired off a series of angry press releases, accusing Huber of being everything from anti-woman to anti-science.  How are conservatives anti-science, when they actually believe what research says about gender, conception, life, the environment, and creation?  The Left is so confused about basic biology that it doesn’t even know which bathroom to use!

If liberals are upset with Valerie’s approach, they’ll have to take it up with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which just validated her holistic approach in a sweeping study of its own.  In a revealing report, CDC officials make it clear that teaching kids to save sex for marriage might just spare them from a long list of other health risks.  Students in grades 9-12 who made positive decisions about sex were just as likely (or more!) to avoid other dangerous behaviors.  “Virginity among teenagers of all ages correlates closely with the presence of married parents.  Each change in family structure during adolescence (from married to divorced, from single to married, or from divorced to stepfamily) increases the risk of initiation of sexual intercourse for many of the teenage children in these unions.”

Valerie has a long history of promoting healthy lifestyles, especially for women and children.  I’m not sure there could be found a better person for the job.  Congratulations, Secretary Tom Price, on this stellar selection!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, June 16, 2017

An almost 50% Drop in Teen Pregnancy After UK Cuts Sex-Ed & Birth-Control Funding

A new study indicates that teen pregnancy rates drop when liberal contraceptive-based sex-education expenditures were slashed, the UK’s Catholic Herald reported. 

Researchers David Paton of Nottingham University Business School and Liam Wright of the School of Health and Related Research at the University of Sheffield led the study, published in The Journal of Health Economics.

England has been forced to make severe cuts in recent years to its budget, including tax funds for sex-ed in schools and free birth control.  The study sought to “examine the impact of reductions in local expenditure on one particular public health target: reducing rates of teen pregnancy.”

The Paton and Wright research team used statistics from 149-municipalities between 2009 and 2014 and found that after sex-ed budgets were cut, teen pregnancy rates fell by 42.6%.  The researchers discovered that taking away tax funding for contraceptive-focused sex-ed in schools actually reduced teen pregnancy.  “Contrary to predictions made at the time of the cuts, panel data estimates provide no evidence that areas which reduced expenditure the most have experienced relative increases in teenage pregnancy rates.  Rather, expenditure cuts are associated with small reductions in teen pregnancy rates,” they noted.

With the government cuts in sex-ed funding, teen pregnancies in England have fallen to their lowest level since 1969, according to the new study.  In fact, the statistics show teen pregnancy rates diminished the most in those areas where secular sex-ed budgets were most aggressively cut.

Paton and Wright suggest their data should be followed up with research into why cutting sex-ed leads to lowering teen pregnancy rates.  They speculate, “Underlying socio-economic factors such as education outcomes and alcohol consumption are found to be significant predictors of teen pregnancy.”

Liberals have claimed for decades that unwanted pregnancies would be reduced if the government funded more “safe-sex” instruction in public schools and paid for contraception distributed to teenage girls.  But by 1999, after 3-decades of sex-ed, England attained one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in Europe.

Paton and Wright’s research shows those government programs actually increase teen pregnancies, and in turn increase abortions for teen single mothers.

Scott Phelps of the Abstinence and Marriage Education Partnership said that he has seen it before.  “Specifically, Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest received a $4-million grant from the Obama Administration for sex education,” he continued.  “According to a report released by the Obama Administration itself, females in the program reported becoming pregnant at a higher rate than females receiving the alternative program.”  “So after $4-million of taxpayer funding, teen pregnancy increased among teens who received the government’s contraception-based sex education program,” Phelps concluded.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Pro-Life Groups Urge DOJ to Investigate Planned ‘Murderhood’

The March for Life joined with 15 other pro-life and conservative organizations last week in a letter urging Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe to take up an investigation into paid fetal tissue transfers involving Planned Parenthood (PP).

The letter cites the work of David Daleiden and his Center for Medical Progress (CMP) that released undercover videos of “meetings with abortion providers and companies involved in the transfer of fetal tissue,” which “detailed the relationship between fetal tissue procurement companies, including Advanced Bioscience Resources, DaVinci Biologics, and StemExpress, as well as several abortion clinics.”

In response to the videos, the House of Representatives created the Select Panel on Infant Lives in October 2015 which “found evidence of violations of laws protecting human research subjects and patient privacy; laws regulating anatomical gifts for transplantation, therapy, research, and education; laws protecting late-term and born-alive infants; and laws pertaining to public funding for fetal tissue research and abortion providers.”

The panel ended up making “15 criminal and regulatory referrals of tissue procurement companies and abortion clinics, including Planned Parenthood affiliates, and investigations are underway around the nation.  The Senate Judiciary Committee has made 7-criminal referrals to the Department of Justice.”

The letter notes that based on the evidence uncovered by the undercover videos and the panel “it appears that Planned Parenthood Federation of America learned that its affiliates were engaging in paid fetal tissue programs” in violation of federal law.  They add “the facts uncovered raise a reasonable suspicion that these organizations, and/or individuals employed by them, may have engaged in a conspiracy to violate the fetal tissue law.”

“The previous Administration decided to turn a blind eye to the wrongdoing,” the groups conclude, “which led to the creation of the Select Panel.  We request that the Justice Department continue the investigation into the practices surrounding this scandal.”

The letter comes as the CMP released a video last week showing PP doctors exchanging stories about “heads that get stuck that we can’t get out” and when “an eyeball just fell into my lap, and that is gross.”  The video was later removed from YouTube by Judge William Orrick, who had issued an injunction delaying the release of footage.  The California attorney general has filed 15-criminal charges against the CMP.

This is classic good guys (CMP) being viewed as the bad guys while the truly bad guys (PP) is perceived as the good guys.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, June 12, 2017

Unless You Affirm Same-Sex Marriage, You Can’t Sell Produce

The Tennes family has been farming in Michigan for generations.  They grow all sorts of crops at the Country Mill Farm – organic apples, blueberries, pumpkins, sweet corn.  And for the past 7-years, Steve Tennes and his family have sold their produce at the farmer’s market owned by the city of East Lansing.  But this year – city officials told the devout Catholic family that their blueberries and sweet corn were not welcome at the farmer’s market – and neither were they.

Last year, someone posted a message on Country Mill’s Facebook page inquiring about whether they hosted same-sex weddings at the farm.  Tennes told the individual they did not permit same-sex marriages on the farm because of the family’s Catholic belief that marriage is a sacramental union between one man and one woman.

City officials later discovered the Facebook posting and began immediate action to remove Country Mill from the Farmer’s Market – alleging the family had violated the city’s discrimination ordinance.  “It was brought to our attention that the Country Mill’s general business practices do not comply with East Lansing’s Civil Rights ordinances and public policy against discrimination as set forth in Chapter 22 of the City Code and outlined in the 2017 Market Vendor Guidelines, as such, The Country Mill’s presence as a vendor is prohibited by the City’s Farmer’s Market Vendor Guidelines,” read a letter the city sent to the family.

It also did not seem to matter to city leaders that the farm is located 22-miles outside the city limits – and had absolutely nothing to do with the business of selling blueberries at the farmer’s market.

“We were surprised and we were shocked,” Steve told Todd Starnes writing for  “My wife and I both volunteered to serve in the military – to protect freedom now we come home and the freedom that we worked to protect – we have to defend in our own backyard.”  Steve went on to say, “Whether you are a Jew, Muslim or Christian – people of faith should not be eradicated from the marketplace simply because they don’t share the same thoughts and ideas that the government is choosing to promote.”

The Tennes have decided to fight for their constitutional rights.  Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed a federal lawsuit last week alleging East Lansing violated the constitutional rights of the Tennes family.  “All Steve wants to do is sell his food to anyone who wants to buy it, but the city isn’t letting him,” said ADF Legal Counsel Kate Anderson.  “People of faith, like the Tennes family, should be free to live and work according to their deeply held beliefs without fear of losing their livelihood.  If the government can shut down a family farmer just because of the religious views he expresses on Facebook — by denying him a license to do business and serve fresh produce to all people — then no American is free.”

Todd Starnes is correct when he says, “The attacks on religious liberty did not end just because a Republican is in the White House.  There is a concerted effort by the Left to silence free speech and eradicate Christianity from the public marketplace.  The only course of action is to stand and fight.”

I wholeheartedly agree!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, June 9, 2017

ISIS Murders Christians in Philippians … Just for Being Followers of Jesus

Islamic radicals who have besieged much of a southern city in the Philippines are trying to establish a regional branch of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in that country.  The Philippine military says the radicals include foreign fighters and local gunmen.  The military is conducting air strikes, trying to regain control of the city of Marawi that has been overrun by ISIS.

Marawi is located on the island of Mindanao, where more than 100-people have died and 70,000 have fled since terrorists launched their attack.  Among the dead are 9-Christians who were murdered merely for being followers of Jesus Christ. 

A Roman Catholic priest who was taken hostage by the ISIS jihadists says he’s being held along with 200 other captives, including children.  In a video taken by the jihadists, Father Teresito Suganob says under duress that his captors want the military to withdraw its forces from Marawi.

Philippines troops have carried out “precision attacks” with tanks and rocket launchers to target the radicals.  Since they’re attempting to avoid civilian casualties it’s more difficult to destroy the ISIS fighters.

The island of Mindanao has long been a base for local Islamic radicals in the Philippines, and government officials say they’re also getting outside help.

Philippine soldiers have taken control of about 70% of the city.  The head of the Philippine military says three Malaysians, an Indonesian and a possible Arab extremist were killed before they could murder an entire Christian village in an audacious ISIS-style plot.  Gen. Eduardo Ano says the jihadists plotted to set Marawi ablaze and kill as many Christians as possible in nearby Iligan city on Ramadan to create fear by mimicking the terror seen by the world in Syria and Iraq.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Christian Children Among the Dead in Cairo Assault

Last week, masked gunmen opened fire on a bus carrying Coptic Christians south of the Egyptian capital killing at least 26-people, including children, and wounding 25, officials said.  No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, which came on the eve of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

The assault happened while the bus was traveling on the road to Saint Samuel the Confessor Monastery in Maghagha, in the Minya governorate, about 220-kilometers (140 miles) south of Cairo, security officials said.  The officials cited witnesses as saying they saw between eight and 10 attackers, dressed in military uniforms and wearing masks. The victims were traveling from the nearby province of Bani Suief to visit the monastery.

Khaled Mogahed, the Health Ministry spokesman, said that the death toll reached 26 but feared it could rise further.  According to Copts United news portal, only 3-children survived the attack.  Arab TV stations showed images of a damaged bus along a roadside, many of its windows shattered.  Ambulances were parked around it as bodies lay on the ground, covered with black plastic sheets.  Though no one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, it had all the hallmarks of Egypt’s Islamic State (IS) affiliate.

Egyptian authorities have been fighting IS-linked militants who have waged an insurgency, mainly focused in the volatile north of the Sinai Peninsula though attacks have taken place also on the mainland.  Egypt’s Coptic Christians have emerged as a top target of IS.

This attack is the third against Christians in Egypt in 6-months.  In April, twin suicide bombings struck 2-churches on Palm Sunday, and in December, a suicide bombing targeted a Cairo church.  The attacks left over 75 dead and scores wounded.  The IS group claimed responsibility and vowed more attacks.

Late last month, Pope Francis visited Egypt, in part to show his support for Christians of this Muslim majority Arab nation who have been increasingly targeted by Islamic militants.  During the trip, Francis paid tribute to the victims of the December bombing at Cairo’s St. Peter’s church, located in close proximity to the St. Mark’s cathedral, the seat of the Coptic Orthodox Church.  Following the pope’s visit, IS vowed to escalate the attacks against Christians, urging Muslims to steer clear of Christian gatherings and Western embassies, saying they are targets for the group’s followers.

Egypt’s Copts, the Middle East’s largest Christian community, have repeatedly complained of suffering discrimination, as well as outright attacks, at hands of the country’s majority Muslim population.  Over the past decades, they have been the immediate targets of Islamic extremists.  They rallied behind the country’s general-turned-president, Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, in 2013 when he ousted Islamist predecessor Mohammed Morsi, who hails from the Muslim Brotherhood group.  Attacks on Christian homes, businesses and churches subsequently surged, especially in the country’s south, traditionally Egypt’s Christian heartland.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, June 5, 2017

The Mormon Church Pulls Out of the BSA

Recently, the leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church) took a stand for biblical values and is ending their youth’s exposure to alternative lifestyles and behaviors embraced and condoned in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).

“The Mormon Church made a good decision, announcing it was pulling older boys out of the Boy Scouts of America,” asserts Franklin Graham.  “They had been the biggest sponsor of Boy Scouts in the United States.  A scholar said the Boy Scouts’ new policies relating to gays probably related to the decision.”  On his Facebook page Graham adds, “They need to get their younger boys out as well.”

This President of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) went on to share his reasoning for urging all Christians to leave the LGBT-friendly group that refused to listen to its faith-based supporters – in favor of accommodating influential and deep-pocketed homosexual activists.  “I would not want my child or grandchild to be influenced by the lifestyle of a gay Scout Leader that goes against God’s design for creation,” reasoned Franklin Graham.

Appealing to the Church to adhere to the biblical teaching on homosexuality, Graham condemned the BSA’s rejection of God’s Word and ludicrous policy of letting girls become boy scouts.  “Churches should always stand with teachings that align with the Word of God,” says Graham.

Two years ago, the BSA’s National Executive Board voted to allow gay leaders, and since began to allow members based on their gender identity – rather than their biological sex – opening the door to transgender members.  [read my previous blog postings: February 10, 2017 – “Evangelical Churches and the BSA are Unequally Yoked” and July 31, 2015 – “BSA Putting Churches at Risk” and June 5, 2015 – “BSA Gives New Meaning to ‘Be Prepared’”]

The Mormon leadership’s decision severed a major part of the church’s longstanding tradition.  “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced last week its [teenage boys] would be removed from the Boy Scouts – a significant move since the Mormon Church has been a charter member of BSA for over a century,” Breitbart News reported.  “In its announcement, the church said local congregations would replace the BSA with other programs.”  Without directly touching on the main reason driving its decision, the church addressed some general areas where it did not see eye-to-eye with the BSA.  “In most congregations in the United States and Canada, young men ages 14-18 are not being served well by the Varsity or Venturing programs, which have historically been difficult to implement within the Church,” the Mormon Church announced, according to Breitbart.  “This change will allow youth and leaders to implement a simplified program that meets local needs, while providing activities that balance spiritual, social, physical and intellectual development goals for young men.”  It did touch on BSA’s decision to permit homosexual scout leaders and transgender scouts.  “The BSA has always allowed the Church to operate its programs in ways that are consistent with our standards and beliefs, and they have been very supportive,” the Mormon leaders continued.  “This change is to address the needs of young men ages 14 to 18.  The Church is always evaluating what is best for our youth and families, and will continue to do so.”

Yet the recent announcement from the Mormon Church stands in contrast to the statement it released in July 2015, when it openly and strongly condemned BSA’s decision to hire openly homosexual scout leaders to influence America’s youth.  “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is deeply troubled by today’s vote by the Boy Scouts of America National Executive Board,” the Mormon Church disclosed in a statement less than two years ago.  “In spite of a request to delay the vote, it was scheduled at a time in July when members of the Church’s governing councils are out of their offices and do not meet.  When the leadership of the Church resumes its regular schedule of meetings in August, the century-long association with Scouting will need to be examined.  The Church has always welcomed all boys to its Scouting units regardless of sexual orientation.  However, the admission of openly gay leaders is inconsistent with the doctrines of the Church and what have traditionally been the values of the Boy Scouts of America.”

Just as I foretold in my previous blog postings, the BSA numbers continue to dwindle.  Even though the BSA still has more than 2-million members, it has been in a steady decline for years – essentially since it has parted from biblical principles.

“The loss is only a fraction of the 2.3-million youth in Boy Scouts, but the organization has been grappling with declining membership for years and has enjoyed a close bond with the Utah-based Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for more than a century,” The Associated Press (AP) reported.  “Boy Scouts is a rite of passage for Mormon boys, with the church covering the cost of troops for congregations, known as wards, and strongly encouraging participation.”

The recent exodus was downplayed by the BSA.  “Boy Scouts of American spokeswoman Effie Delimarkos said the organization is saddened about the decision, but understands the need for the religion to customize its programming,”

AP’s Brady McCombs relayed from Salt Lake City, Utah. “She said the organization’s membership figures show the decision will impact 130,000 Mormon teens in this age group.  Figures provided by the Mormon Church say the change will impact 180,000 boys.”

For now, a majority of the Mormon children involved in the BSA are staying put, but that will likely change in the near future, when another exodus – of more than a quarter million scouts – will leave the pack.

“Mormon officials said in a news release that it will keep some 280,000 younger boys ages 8-13 in Scouts while it continues to develop a global scouting-type program,” McCombs continued.  “Boy Scouts is only available in the U.S. and Canada, and more than half of the religion’s nearly 16-million members live in other countries.”

The Mormon Church continues to oppose same-sex “marriage” and uphold the sacred bond as being only between one man and one woman – another reason many argue helped motivate leaders to pull teens from the BSA.

Another iconic American group, the Girl Scouts of America (GSA), is also seeing faith-based groups and churches fleeing as it embraces the LGBT agenda and other progressive ideals – similar to the BSA.  “Earlier this month, Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, announced he is severing his archdiocese’s association with the Girl Scouts, citing the organization’s increased secularization and the promotion of values that are inconsistent with the Gospel,” Breitbart’s Dr. Susan Berry announced.  “Naumann said the parishes of his archdiocese would instead begin chartering the American Heritage Girls – an organization that promotes Christian values in addition to skill building.”  Besides embracing LGBT lifestyle, the GSA have been criticized for shunning God’s Word and denying the sanctity of human life by partnering with the world’s largest abortion provider.  “The archbishop noted the Girl Scouts’ national organization contributes to its international counterparts, which are tied to International Planned Parenthood and that group’s advocacy for abortion legislation,” Berry explained.  “He also said many of the materials and resources used by the Girl Scouts ‘do not reflect our Catholic worldview, but stand in stark opposition to what we believe.’”

As an Eagle Scout (myself) and former Professional Scouter (of 7-years), it saddens me that the BSA turned its back on its faithful, long-standing religious Chartered Partners, and surrendered to the pressures of gay activists.  Was it worth it, BSA?  Do the math.  After you subtract your membership and alumni loses for your decisions, do you break-even with the gains of the LGBT members and leaders?  The answer is a sad – No!  In fact, you’re in membership forfeiture.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel