Monday, April 8, 2024

Will Biden’s Trans Celebration on Easter Hurt Him?

Joe Biden’s celebration of the trans lifestyle on the holiest Christian holiday will be a bridge too far for many voters when Election Day comes this November, says a conservative podcast voice.  Others, however, aren’t so sure.

The president received plenty of social media backlash for his proclamation on Good Friday declaring that March 31 – Easter Sunday – to be “Transgender Day of Visibility 2024” in the United States.

Christians who celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday reacted predictably with social media responses.  Some of those critical responses came from interesting sources – including one of the nation’s most famous transgenders, “Caitlyn” Jenner, the biological male who won gold in the Decathlon in the 1976 Montreal Olympics as Bruce Jenner.  “I am absolutely disgusted that Joe Biden has declared the most holy of Holy days – a self-proclaimed Catholic – as Transgender Day of Visibility. The only thing you should be declaring on this day is ‘He is Risen,’” Jenner wrote on X.

In a second post, Jenner responded to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre – who wrote of the “extraordinary courage” of transgenders – with this: “Hey there … it’s called Easter Sunday.  The Holiest Day in the Christian faith that BILLIONS of people practice worldwide.”

The DC Roman Catholic Archbishop, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, calls Biden a “cafeteria Catholic.” 

“There’s no coming back from yesterday politically for Biden and the rest of the Democrats,” wrote social media strategist and podcast host Joey Mannarino.  “I don’t care who you are, no one at all thinks it’s normal to prioritize a day of celebrating transgenders over the Easter holiday.  Not just Christians were disgusted – but everyone of all faiths, and even those without any faith.”

The Monday morning after Easter Sunday, in the give-and-take with a reporter, President Biden denied having declared Easter Sunday as Transgender Day of Visibility.

Non-Christians were also offended by Trans Visibility Day.

Its impact remains to be seen, but there’s no doubt the Transgender Day of Visibility – more specifically its calendar placement – riled up voters and influencers.  Even those, as Mannarino points out, from non-Christian faiths.  

“Joe Biden declaring the most holy day for Christians as ‘Transgender Visibility Day’ is a slap in the face to every American, whatever their faith.  Now the White House is banning any religious symbolism on Easter eggs.  We’re in the middle of a war in this country – and take it from a Hindu – this isn’t a ‘Christian Nationalist’ talking point,” wrote Vivek Ramaswamy, the former GOP nomination contender.

Indeed, Easter eggs submitted for display at the White House as part of a ‘Celebrating National Guard Families’ event, must be free of “questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes” and more according to the flyer describing submission guidelines.

The Left has been very effective at both diminishing traditional holidays, whether it’s Christmas or Easter or whatever, and then replacing them with secular alternatives.  There’s going to be major fallout with future generations if we do not engage now!


Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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