Monday, August 22, 2016

Trump Promises to Protect Religious Liberty

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is laying out a plan to protect pastors from the IRS.  Last week, he addressed hundreds of faith leaders at a Pastors and Pews Conference in Orlando, FL, saying the government has been trying to hinder the influence of Christians in the political system for years.  “Christians have been silenced like a child,” Trump told his audience.  He says it is particularly a problem with the Obama Administration.

His speech encompassed the current trials Christians have been facing in recent weeks and over the past few years in the country when it comes to freedom of speech — limitations he says have come mainly from the White House or connected to it.

His solution?  Repeal the Johnson Amendment.

The 1954 legislation created by then Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson limits the free speech of pastors, essentially threatening to take away a church’s or non-profit’s tax-exempt status for endorsing or opposing a political candidate.

“They get absolutely hit with the 501(c)(3), which is the tax exempt status, which is a tremendous hit.  It’s a shattering hit, and it really keeps them silent,” Trump told his audience.  “Free speech is being taken away from people who are saying good things, not bad things.  And if I can do that, I will have done a great thing for religion as a whole, and it’s so important to me,” he said.

Trump knows it’s a major selling point to get Christians from the pews to the polls.  “The words I said today are so important.  I was honored to get the ovation I got, but they understand.  I think it will be a tremendous achievement if we can get it done, and I know we can get it done,” Trump told CBN News.  “If we can get elected, that’s why I say on November 8, everyone has to get out and vote because four years ago evangelicals didn’t get out and vote.  Christians didn’t vote,” he said.

The business tycoon is trying to change that by attending events like the Pastors and Pews Conference — and by showing a softer, more humble side.

“In your RNC acceptance speech, it was a really endearing moment, you thanked evangelicals for their support but you said, ‘I don’t necessarily always deserve it.’  Why did you say that?” CBN’s Jenna Browder asked.

“Well because I think I’m not perfect, and because I think I’m less perfect than some people,” he replied.  “But I have certain abilities that are good, like, being able to do things, and I think I’ll be able to do things that will be really great for the evangelicals and others and they understood that.”

Some evangelical Christians believe that Trump has been chosen “for such a time as this.”  But Trump shied away from the notion that this is a divine calling.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, August 19, 2016

The LGBT Activists Push a “Brainwashing” of NC Students with a “Gender Unicorn”

Evangelist Franklin Graham, the 64-year-old son of Billy Graham and president of the Billy Graham Evangelist Association, took to Facebook to alert parents about the recent use of a “Gender Unicorn” inside classrooms across North Carolina’s largest school districts. The brightly-colored animated character is being used to “brainwash” children that transgender behavior and homosexuality is acceptable.

Graham wrote, “Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in North Carolina wants to try to brainwash our children into accepting that homosexuality and transgender behavior is okay - and they’re using an innocent looking Gender Unicorn to do it.”  “Parents, watch out,” Graham continued.  “They are using this unicorn to grab the imagination of children and make this seem acceptable.”  Their new school policy, set to go into effect August 29, includes very concerning gender neutral bathroom/locker room policies and more.

The new policy says that staff should no longer use the terms “girls” and “boys” anymore, as the terms “scholars” or “students” do not specify gender.  Teachers are also required to work with students to help them determine their sexual orientation.

In addition, students are permitted to choose a bathroom and locker room of their choice, as well as their gender-based activities such as dress codes, classes, ceremonies, extracurricular activities, and many other things.

“Parents should be enraged and so should we,” Graham charged.  “The Communists used brainwashing in Eastern Europe and Russia, and they took the parents out of the decision-making process and the state began to make decisions about morality.  This is a dangerous path.”

The Bible places the responsibility for training children on their parents, not on society as a whole and not on the civil government.  For example, Moses commanded the people of Israel that they should teach their children – “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is One.  You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.  And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.  You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” (Deuteronomy 6:4-7) 

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Will ‘Gun-Free’ Establishments Ever Learn?

I’ve never had occasion to eat at a Jack in the Box; but I’m not about to … given their ‘gun-free zone’ stance.

According to an article from Breitbart, armed men allegedly herded customers into a back room and robbed the safe of a Jack in the Box last week in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

In May of 2014, Jack in the Box asked law-abiding citizens not to carry guns into their eating establishments.  Less than 2-weeks after making that request, two Jack in the Box restaurants were robbed-… both in Houston and a shooting in Nashville.

Jack in the Box is one of the many corporations that have caved to pressure from the anti-gun group Moms Demand Action.  A statement from Jack in the Box’s Vice President of Corporate Communications Brian Luscomb makes clear that the company is responding to pressure and acting on behalf of its corporate and franchise stores: “The presence of guns inside a restaurant could create an uncomfortable situation for our guests and employees and lead to unintended consequences.”

It appears that the “unintended consequences” of Jack in the Box’s decision to cave to the Moms Demand organization has resulted in a less safe environment for their restaurants.

I don’t care how good their food may be, I won’t be patronizing Jack in the Box until Jack gets his head out of the box of appeasement and welcomes law-abiding 2nd Amendment citizens to the table.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, August 15, 2016

A Word to the Wise from God’s Word and Evangelist

Like the ever increasing number of my fellow citizens frustrated with our choice of presidential candidates in this November’s General Election, I still must exercise my civic right and moral duty to vote.  Perhaps the words of a respected evangelist would be of help.

Billy Graham has urged U.S. citizens to exercise their right to vote this election season – even if they don’t fully approve of any particular presidential candidate.

In a recent column shared on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association webpage, the 97-year-old Baptist pastor shared his thoughts in response to a reader who asked whether everyone ought to vote.  “The Bible says we should do everything we possibly can to be good citizens and work for the betterment of our society, and one of the ways we can do this is by voting,” Graham said.  “God tells us to ‘seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you.’” (Jeremiah 29:7)

Graham acknowledged that many Christians are disillusioned by what they see in politics today.  “However, this will not be changed if concerned people refuse to vote, if good people refuse to run for office, or if no one votes for them.  In other words, staying away from the voting booth may only perpetuate the problems you see,” the evangelist  wrote.

Graham recalled how, in the first century, Christians in the first century didn’t have the privilege of voting; Caesar was a dictator, not elected by popular vote.  Nevertheless, the early believers were commanded to do the one thing they could do to make the world a better place: They were told to pray.

The evangelist went on to cite the Apostle Paul’s words in 1 Timothy 2:1-2: “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people-for kings and all those in authority.”  Graham concluded: “Our world will never be perfect-not until Christ returns.  But in the meantime, God wants to use us to overcome sin and establish a more just world for His glory.”

Earlier, Graham encouraged Christians to understand they have a “God-given responsibility” to vote: “We should do everything we can to encourage and support good government – including voting.  Understand the issues ... know where the candidates stand on them ... ask God to guide you – and then vote.”

Graham concluded, “Beyond that, however, pray for our nation and its leaders – not just the President, but all who’ve been entrusted with public office.  It’s the most important thing you can do.”

Amen! and Amen!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, August 12, 2016

SCOTUS Rules Local School Can Block Obama’s Transgender Bathroom Mandate

The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has temporarily stayed a lower court ruling that would have forced a Virginia school district to let a transgender male student to use the bathroom of his (her) choice.

The 5-3 decision allows the Gloucester, VA school board to block 17-year-old Gavin Grimm from using the boy’s restroom when he starts school next month.  Grimm, who was born a girl … but now identifies as a boy … argues that the current VA school board policy requiring students to use the bathroom that matches their birth gender is discriminatory.

Josh Block, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union who is representing Grimm, says his client is disappointed that he is “going to have to begin another school year being stigmatized and separated from his peers as a result of this policy.”

Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, says schools should not be forced to follow the Obama Administration’s transgender mandate.  “This case is a result of yet another Obama Administration overreach — to require schools to allow students into any bathroom of their choice is an overstep on legal boundaries,” Nance said.  “Schools all over this nation have rightly worked on a case-by-case basis to accommodate kids struggling with gender dysphoria,” she continued.  “They should not be forced by big government to violate the privacy of other students and perhaps even create trauma for the very kids Obama pretends to protect.”  Nance goes on to say, “Local school districts, with the input of parents and health professionals, should be setting school policy on such a sensitive and controversial issue, not Washington.”

The school board in Gloucester, VA is expected to ask the Justices to further intervene in the case later this month.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A “Hagar Moment” for Evangelicals

The 2016 presidential elections has been said to be a “Hagar Moment” for white self-identified Evangelicals.  By that, blogger Joseph Rossell means we are facing a similar conundrum to that of Abraham … who undermined God’s will because he lacked faith that God would provide for him in a challenging situation.  Similarly, Evangelicals risk sacrificing their Christian witness by taking matters into their own hands for political convenience.

Pew Research Center released a poll on July 13th that showed white Evangelicals currently support Republican candidate Donald Trump even more strongly than they did Mitt Romney in 2012.  Whether the candidate is islamophobic or bigoted, Christian values appear not to matter.  If anything, making this tradeoff seems to increase popularity with Evangelicals.

“Yes, it’s true that electing a liberal like Hillary Clinton may have consequences for America in the future,” says Rossell.  “It could mean a more liberal U.S. Supreme Court and the White House promoting liberal policies for another four years.  But as people of faith, Evangelicals know that God can redeem even the most dire situation.”

Rossell warns that “Christians must be careful not to make an idol out of winning at politics.  It is better to lose an election than to destroy the credibility of our social witness, especially when it is not clear if the candidate Evangelicals seem to be backing is either more competent or ‘Christian’ than the alternative.”

Moreover, turning Trump, or any candidate, into a “political savior” demonstrates a lack of faith in God to work His will in history for the good of His people.  Whatever happens in the next 4-years, Christianity and the Church will outlast the next American president.  There are no easy answers, except that followers of Christ must maintain their faith in God to accomplish His purposes.

The 2016 presidential election hearkens back to a dilemma confronting the Biblical patriarch Abraham.  God promised to provide Abraham an heir.  Yet faced with years of Sarah’s infertility, the father of Israel took matters into his own hands.  He had a son named Ishmael through his wife’s servant Hagar in an effort to expedite God’s plan. (read Genesis 16)  The Lord eventually delivered on His promise by providing Isaac … in His own time.  But Abraham’s ill-advised decision created all kinds of problems – centuries of strife between the Ishmaelites (Muslims) and Israelites (Jews) to this day.

Also, remember the absurdity of attempting to discern the future through the murky tides of politics.  It usually proves impossible to tell how the American cultural and political landscape will shift in the coming years and decades.  For example, who could have envisioned at the time of Roe v. Wade (1973) the current rising pro-life tide in the United States … particularly among American youth?  Persistently endeavoring to change the culture through prayer and advocacy has worked.

Thankfully, we can rely on God for the cultural and political future of America.  Our job as Christians is to pray fervently and evangelize zealously.  Christian organizations can redouble their advocacy efforts.  In other words, we must keep the main thing – the main thing – and do what we do best.

This election is a “Hagar Moment” for Evangelicals.  Let’s not take the easy way out or compromise our social witness; for doing so will only produce bigger problems in the future.  Instead, we need to have faith that God will provide while continuing to serve Him faithfully.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, August 8, 2016

Gun Advocates Had It Right

A study conducted by the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police to determine the source of firearms used in crimes found that gun rights advocates have been right for years.

The study, led by epidemiologist Anthony Fabio of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public Health, partnered with the Pittsburgh Police to identify the origins of the 893-firearms police recovered from crime scenes in the year 2008.  The study found that less than 1/5 of all gun crimes are committed by legal gun owners, and in nearly 8 out of 10 cases, the perpetrator was not a lawful gun owner and the weapon they used belonged to some-one else.

But researchers were also attempting to learn how guns go from a legal purchase into the hands of criminals.  “All guns start out as legal guns,” Fabio said, but a “huge number of them” move into illegal hands.  “As a public-health person, I’d like to be able to figure out that path,” he added.

In most cases (62%) of recovered weapons, the gun owner didn’t know how he lost possession of their firearm.  Moreover, only slightly more than 30% of guns recovered by police were reported lost or stolen by the gun owner.

Conclusion: 79% of perpetrators use firearms they are not the legal owner of; therefore it is “highly likely that a significant amount of theft or trafficking is the source” of the overwhelming majority of firearms used in America’s “gun crime epidemic.”  In layman’s terms, no additional gun laws are going to stop criminals from getting their hands on guns.  Period! 

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, August 5, 2016

How DNC Really Feels About NC via WikiLeaks

The Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) emails that were released by WikiLeaks last weekend don’t just show that the scales were tipped in Hillary Clinton’s favor over Sen. Bernie Sanders — they also reveal that members of the DNC were actively wading into the debate in North Carolina (NC) over HB2.

As companies like PayPal backed away from plans to expand their operations in NC, and entertainers like Bruce Springsteen and Pearl Jam canceled shows in protest over the law – which requires people to use public bathrooms or locker rooms that corresponds to their biological gender – DNC staffers pushed a narrative about the cost these type of pronouncements would have on the state’s economy.

According to the Christian Post, the news that Pearl Jam had cancelled an April show in Raleigh, NC, DNC communications director Dave Miranda sent an email on April 25 to undisclosed recipients that cited an estimate from The Greater Raleigh Convention and Visitors Bureau that claims that cancellation of the Pearl Jam show would cost the local hotel industry about $60,000.  Additionally, Miranda claimed in the email that HB2 had already cost the state 1,750-jobs and over $77-million in economic activity in just over a month since it passed.

One of the recipients of Miranda’s email was DNC’s deputy director of regional media T.J. Helmstetter, who forwarded the email to DNC communications strategist Deshundra Jefferson and pushed for approval to have the email forwarded to the DNC national email list.  “This is great,” Helmstetter wrote in his email.  “Can we forward to our LGBT and National lists?”

Jefferson forwarded the email and received a reply from another DNC official, who wrote a one word response: “Awesome.”

Miranda insists, however, that the comments were not celebrating the economic impact to NC.  “They’re basically saying, ‘Good work, good work, NC Democratic Party, getting the word out there about the damage that this bill is doing,’” Miranda told

Dallas Woodhouse, the Executive Director of NC Republican Party, isn’t buying it, however.  He believes the DNC was trying to bring about economic pain on NC by urging businesses to pull out and events to be cancelled in the state.  “They orchestrated it. They inflicted pain on the people of NC and they celebrated it,” Woodhouse told

Other emails show that staffers were keeping tabs on conservative opposition to HB2 as well.  DNC staffers compiled footage of conservative pundits such as Juan Williams, Hugh Hewitt, Kathleen Parker and Chris Wallace speaking out against the law to proclaim that “it’s not only Democrats who are opposing the Republican-backed HB2 in NC.”  In response to the video, Helmstetter shared a Towleroad blog post saying the video attack on HB2 is “delicious” in an email dated April 27.

And Pablo Manriquez, the DNC’s director of Hispanic media, reached out to the committee’s video research associate for information that would help craft “a decent hit piece on the pro-prejudice backwater of the NC state house,” while also referring to NC Gov. Pat McCrory as a “moronic little bigot of a tarheel governor.”

Woodhouse believes the emails show that Democrats actively sought to make HB2 a controversy from the start.  “I think some of the information coming out of the WikiLeaks shows that the other side was determined for there not to be a resolution of this issue because they thought it was good for them politically.  No matter the harm,” he said.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Is This What Jesus Meant When He Said We Will Be Persecuted for Righteousness Sake?

The devout Roman Catholic named Javier Chavez was hired in 1990 as a door guard at Macy’s … and loved his job.  A few years later, he was promoted to store detective, and eventually became a senior store detective at the department store’s location in Flushing, Queens.  But after more than 26-years on the job, Mr. Chavez was fired – allegedly over an incident involving a man who identifies as a woman using the ladies room.

Mr. Chavez has filed an official complaint with the New York State Division of Human Rights claiming he was terminated because of his religious beliefs.

In May, Mr. Chavez responded to a call about a distraught female customer and her daughter.  They were afraid to enter the ladies room because a transgender person was using the facilities.  A security guard under Chavez’s command told the transgender individual to leave – but the person refused.  “He later exited the bathroom holding hands with his female companion and he declared that he ‘was a female,’ which was not true,” Mr. Chavez wrote in his complaint.  The transgender customer complained to store management and raised quite a ruckus, according to the complaint.

At some point an assistant store manager informed Chavez that men who identify as women are allowed to use the ladies room.  “I advised her that this was against my religion and contrary to the Bible,” Chavez wrote.  “I also mentioned that I would not like my young daughters to be in the bathroom with a male inside.”

At no time did Mr. Chavez tell Macy’s he would not enforce the policy; he simply stated his religious beliefs.

A few days after the incident, he was summoned to human resources (HR) for more probing.  He asked HR for a copy of the new policy concerning restroom usage.  But instead of providing the policy, he was suspended and later terminated.  “After my employer learned that I was a practicing Catholic, with religious concerns about this policy, I was terminated because of my religion,” he wrote.

Macy’s refused to discuss the specifics of Mr. Chavez’s case – but they did tell Todd Starnes of FoxNews that “Macy’s does not make employment decisions based upon religious beliefs or religions practices of applicants or employees.  Given that Macy’s employs and serves people of many different religions, ethnicities and cultures, Macy’s expects its employees to at all times treat fellow employees and customers in a non-discriminatory and respectful manner in accordance with our company policies.”

Bill Donohue, of the Catholic League, said it’s a clear case of religious discrimination.  “The most basic religious right is the right to believe; if conscience rights can be vitiated, the First Amendment means nothing,” Donohue said.  “Macy’s has no legal, or moral grounds to stand on.  For merely holding beliefs that are contrary to the store’s policy, Chavez was fired,” Donohue said. “This is what totalitarian regimes do, not American commercial establishments.”

It’s certainly disturbing to think that Macy’s could fire an employee for simply having a religious belief they find to be offensive.  This should be alarming to every Bible-believing Christian who works for Macy’s … or any other commercial establishment.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, August 1, 2016

A Response Results in Revision of Iowa’s Targeting Churches re Transgender Issues

The Iowa Civil Rights Commission (ICRC) recently amended its “Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Public Accommodations” brochure after churches in the state sued, contending the commission was trying to mandate transgender restroom usage in churches and prohibit preaching on Biblical sexuality.

The pamphlet originally stated that Iowa’s anti-discrimination law “sometimes” applies to churches, such as occasions when the facility was not being used for a “bona fide religious purpose” … which is not defined.  It further stated that instances when church services are open to the public are not a “bona fide religious purpose.” 

The law suits contend, this interpretation of Iowa’s anti-discrimination law amounts to a de facto ban on free speech … outlawing pastors from preaching about sexual morality.

According to Iowa law, it is illegal to discriminate against transgender individuals in any manner that they are “unwelcome, objectionable, not acceptable, or not solicited,” since Iowa Code Chapter 216 was expanded in 2007 to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of protected classes.  The law also requires places of public accommodation, which includes — by the ICRC’s interpretation of the Iowa Civil Rights Act in its “Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Public Accommodations” brochure — churches that open their services to the public, to allow transgender use of restrooms and locker rooms.  Further, “illegal harassment” (according to the brochure) includes “intentional use of names and pronouns inconsistent with a person’s presented gender.”

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) sued July 4 on behalf of The Fort Des Moines Church of Christ, arguing, “The Act’s and the (accompanying Des Moines) City Code’s imposition of sanctions on public statements that may be viewed as unwelcome in violation of the speech ban, places a direct and substantial burden on the Church’s right of Free Speech, including the Church’s freedom to teach its religious beliefs regarding God’s design for human sexuality and to publicly distribute and implement its restroom and shower use policy.”  ADF said that the statutes were unconstitutional and use terms that are vague or have no settled legal meaning.  ADF asked the court to enjoin the commission, the City of Des Moines and the Iowa Attorney General from applying either code “to prohibit or chill the Church’s statements and facility use policy regarding its religious beliefs about sex,” and also declare that the statutes violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

Cornerstone World Outreach in Sioux City sued the following day represented by First Liberty Institute (FLI), requesting the commission amend its policy to clarify that it would not apply Iowa Code 216 against churches, and publicly acknowledge that because Cornerstone World Outreach is a church, it would be exempt from enforcement action related to the code.

Christian advocates have criticized the brochure.  “It doesn't take a law degree to see how the application of this law can be a threat to religious liberty,” Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony Perkins said in a statement.  “I don't know about you, but most church services I have attended were open to the public.”  “Did the Last Supper qualify as a religious event?” Perkins asked.  “What about the feeding of the five thousand?”

“It is quite evident that the ICRC is out of control,” local blogger, speaker and interim pastor Shane Vanderhart wrote in Caffeinated Thoughts.  “So basically they’re saying any time the church holds an activity that according to the ICRC does not have a ‘bona fide religious purpose’ then a transgendered person who is a biological male must be allowed to use the women’s restroom and vice versa.”  “Apparently, it would be considered “harassment” if a pastor or teacher in the church used the wrong pro-nouns,” Vanderhart continued. “They write ‘intentional use of names and pronouns inconsistent with a person’s presented gender’ is harassment.  Really?  This is illegal?”

“If pastors don’t stand up now, they may soon have to break the law in order to preach the Word,” the Family Policy Institute of Washington said in a statement.

The ICRC announced just the other week that it amended its “Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Public Accommodations ” brochure, which now states that “Places of worship (e.g. churches, synagogues, mosques, etc.) are generally exempt from the Iowa law’s prohibition of discrimination, unless the place of worship engages in non-religious activities that are open to the public.  For example, the law may apply to an independent day care or polling place located on the premises of the place of worship.”

The commission’s executive director stated the revision replaces what had been in place since 2007 and clarifies that churches’ religious activities “are exempt from the Iowa Civil Rights Act,” and further that the commission has not indicated it would be going after pastors.  “The ICRC has never considered a complaint against a church or other place of worship on this issue,” said Kristin Johnson, executive director of the ICRC.  “This statute was amended to add these protected classes (sexual orientation and gender identity) in 2007 and has been in effect since then.  The ICRC has not done anything to suggest it would be enforcing these laws against ministers in the pulpit, and there has been no new publication or statement from the ICRC raising the issue.  The Commission regrets the confusion caused by the previous publication.”

The Christian Post reports Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad commended the pamphlet revision and suggested the commission’s objective is not to infringe upon religious liberty.  “I think they wanted to clarify the law and make it clear that they have no intention of going after people for exercising their freedom of religion.”  Despite the governor’s reaction, reservations persist.

FLI was cautious in its response.  “We’re taking the state at its word that it will not encroach on the church in any way,” Chelsey Youman, chief of staff & counsel for FLI, said in a statement.  “However, if it does in the future, we stand ready to use the full force of the law to protect the church’s free exercise of religion and free speech under the Constitution.”

“What remains is still vague and alarming,” Perkins said.  “What constitutes ‘non-religious activities,’ and who decides what those are?”

ADF rejected the commission’s remedy on the whole, saying the modified brochure “doesn’t change bad law,” and that its suit would continue.  “Cosmetic changes to the alarming language in one brochure won’t fix the unconstitutionality of the Iowa Civil Rights Act,” ADF legal counsel Christiana Holcomb said.  “Churches should be free to communicate their religious beliefs and operate their houses of worship according to their faith without fearing government punishment.  The ICRC had no constitutional basis for including explicit threats against houses of worship in any of its materials.”  Although the commission removed some of “the most disturbing language” in its brochure, Holcomb continued, the change doesn’t correct the inherent problem with the Civil Rights Act that forms the basis of ADF’s lawsuit, which is “the act gives the power to determine what parts of a church’s activities do not have a ‘bona fide religious purpose’ and are thereby subject to the act’s prohibitions.”  “No state or local law should threaten free speech and the free exercise of religion as protected by the First Amendment,” Holcomb said. “Because the Iowa law does that, ADF will continue to challenge the law to bring certainty to Iowa churches.”

The brochure was also cited last year in a National Review piece warning of potential devastating financial losses for churches that refuse to perform same-sex “marriages” after the U.S. Supreme Court Obergefell v. Hodges decision redefining marriage because insurance companies would now decline to cover them.

The brochure’s controversial content has also been seen by Christians as prime example of current codified attacks on religious freedom, demonstrating how the agenda is not limited to Christians declining to bake cakes, produce floral arrangements, photograph or host so-called same-sex “weddings,” but that it has included pastors all along.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel