In a city of Howard County, Maryland, a
bill to make it a safe haven for illegal aliens was stifled – not by
conservative Republicans – but by legal immigrants … some of whom supported
Hillary Clinton. This drives the
‘sanctuary city’ liberals nuts!
One might think, legal immigrants and
illegal immigrants should pretty much be together on this issue, right? Not so!
Legal immigrants see ‘sanctuary city’ status as something that
denigrates and cheapens their long road to legal status or naturalization.
It’s no secret that for those who want
a green card or become U.S. citizens, the process could take years. Yet, these people who entered illegally – who have
broken federal immigration laws – get a free pass … because that’s what liberal
Democrats want? Correct!
Right now, ‘sanctuary city’
legislation is being considered as a way to fight President Trump’s agenda. Yet, in deep blue Maryland, naturalized
citizens torpedoed that initiative. Who could
have guessed that people who came here legally and went through the process
would act so negatively?
To make the irony more explicit, even
former illegal aliens, who in their lifetimes have worked their way to green card
status and eventually citizenship, say that they’re opposed to ‘sanctuary city’
The New York Times (NYT) reported:
“At first blush, making Howard County
a sanctuary for undocumented immigrants had seemed a natural move: The county
has twice as many Democrats as Republicans and a highly educated population,
full of scientists and engineers. One in
five residents was born abroad. But the
bill met stout opposition from an unlikely source: some of those very same
foreign-born residents.”
In passionate testimony before county legislators,
and intense debates with liberal neighbors born in the United States, legal
immigrants argued that offering sanctuary to people who came to the country
illegally devalued their own past struggles to gain citizenship. Some even felt it threatened their hard-won
hold on the American dream.
Their objections stunned Democratic
supporters of sanctuary here and helped bring about the bill’s demise in March.
A similar proposal for the state
collapsed recently in the Maryland Senate, where Democrats also hold a
two-to-one advantage. Some of the same
immigrants spoke out against it.
The NYT then went through various stories from legal and naturalized
citizens, where both groups also emphasized the rule of law and the growing
crime rates when gangs like MS-13 entered the picture. Here is one such account:
“Many Hispanics welcomed Democrats’
efforts to make Maryland a sanctuary. Stanley
Salazar, 37, did not. A carpenter in
Silver Spring, he compares living in the country illegally to being a guest in
someone’s home: Be on your best behavior. Make your bed and do the dishes. Any misbehavior — drinking and driving, for
example — could mean you are no longer welcome.
Mr. Salazar, who is from El Salvador, knows this because he himself was
illegal. His journey back, and to
American citizenship, was long, but compared with more recent immigrants’, relatively
painless. He left law school in El
Salvador in 2001 and traveled to Maryland on a tourist visa, but violated its
terms by painting houses for cash. After
several extensions, his visa expired. But
he spoke English, thanks to his mother’s tireless teaching. She had a green card. And he had a driver’s license, a bank account
and a car. By 2007, he had his own green
card. Now, he lives in a small house
with his wife, their daughters and his mother, 73, who rides the subway into
Washington every morning to her job serving sandwiches in a museum. Mr. Salazar thinks sanctuary would be bad for
Maryland. He bases this on what has
already happened in Montgomery County, where he has been part of a Hispanic
population boom.
The Salvadoran gang MS-13 has gained
strength in the area recently, the authorities say, partly because of an influx
of undocumented children arriving without their parents. The young arrivals are more susceptible to
recruitment by gangs.
Well, that’s odd. When conservative Republicans talk about
border security in relation to enforcing existing federal immigration laws,
fighting crime, and how it’s unfair to legal immigrants — they’re labeled racists,
anti-immigrant, and xenophobic. As a
naturalized citizen, I’m [Salazar] for enforcing federal immigration laws
because that’s what societies based on law and order do. They enforce the laws. They protect and define its borders. And if you come here illegally, you’re out.
It’s refreshing to see Immigration and Customs Enforcement begin to do their
jobs again.”
It seems that even some in the
immigrant communities have the same concerns exhibited from those who want to
see our immigration laws enforced. Yet,
since they opposed ‘sanctuary cities,’ they’ll be called racists and hypocrites
because well, it’s easier for liberals to do that than persuade them to their
view. And the reason they can’t is because
‘sanctuary cities’ are very, very bad aspects of social policy.
Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
(Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel