Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Pray for ‘Spine-less’ Schools to Stand-Up Straight to ‘Spiritually-lost’ Secularists

A Texas school district will no longer hold its graduation ceremonies at one of the largest mega-churches in the nation after the church refused to remove a cross from the sanctuary.

For more than a decade the McKinney School District held graduation ceremonies for three of its high schools in the massive sanctuary of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX.  But that tradition ended abruptly after a group of atheists, agnostics and free-thinkers complained about a public school system using a building that belongs to a Christian church.

“It was our refusal to remove the cross from view that created this cowardly decision,” Pastor Jack Graham wrote on Twitter.  “It appears religious freedom is under attack at the McKinney Public Schools.”  Graham said they are disappointed in the district’s decision, but the congregation does not have any regrets in refusing to remove the cross.  “We are not ashamed this happened because we would not consent to remove or cover our cross,” he said.

Todd Starnes of FoxNews points out that during the 13-years that Prestonwood Church hosted graduation ceremonies there were no altar calls or baptisms (mandatory or otherwise).

The Dallas Morning News reported that “community members” were also concerned about religious displays in classrooms at this Southern Baptist church.

In 2016, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), a Wisconsin-based group of atheist agitators, fired off a letter to the school district complaining about the church’s “traditional Baptist symbols.”  “The Establishment Claus prohibits public schools from holding graduation ceremonies in houses of worship,” the FFRF wrote in a letter to the district.  The FFRF has a notorious reputation for bullying school districts.  [I’ve written a number of blogs about FFRF.]

“We meet their bullying by reiterating our love and openness to our community and especially those in the McKinney School District community – many of whom attend our services by the hundreds every weekend,” Graham said.

Starnes reports the pastor says he does not begrudge the school district for capitulating to the demands of the out-of-town atheists.  “We know this decision is not a reflection on the good people of our community because it was substantially influenced by a small group determined to change our values in Texas by silencing free speech and restricting religious freedom,” Graham said.

Prestonwood Church has a history of opening its doors to all sorts of community events – including memorial services and funerals for police officers killed in the line of duty.  “This is the heart of our church: to serve our neighbors, no strings attached, but we do it all in the name of Jesus and we will never hide that fact,” the pastor declared.

Starnes writes, “I can’t help but wonder if the atheists and their local minions would object to police officers being memorialized inside a Baptist church?  It is unfortunate that the McKinney Independent School District was not able to muster the backbone necessary to fight back against a small, radical group of anti-Christians.  That sort of response would be expected in places like San Francisco – but not deep in the heart of Texas.”

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, February 26, 2018

PP sues HHS over TPPP

Planned Parenthood (PP) is suing the federal government for cutting short funding to a sex education program that allegedly tries to reduce teen pregnancy.

The Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (TPPP) began under President Obama.  It’s an “evidence based program that funds diverse organizations working to prevent teen pregnancy across the United States.”

But the Trump Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is ending TPPP 2-years early.  PP – America’s largest abortion vendor – and several other TPPP grant recipients are suing over losing grant money.

One of the programs funded by TPPP include sex education classes taught through PP and an app that teaches 15-year-olds about condoms (“Put One On”).

A Colorado organization that received $749,900 in annual funding from the TPPP advocates for “youth” having access to “safe, legal, and confidential reproductive and sexual health services ... including abortion.”  This organization (Colorado Youth Matter) supports “LGBT inclusive sex ed” instructing children about homosexuality and transgenderism starting in kindergarten.

Another grantee, the Baltimore-based Healthy Teen Network, received an annual $723,000.  It supports “the full range of contraceptive options” for teenagers, affirming “LGBTQ+” lifestyles for youth, and the integration of sex education into “all educational levels and programs and across the academic curriculum.”

Lawyers from PP, Democracy Forward, Public Citizen, and Arnold & Porter are representing the liberal sex education promoters in federal courts in Washington state, Maryland, and the District of Columbia.

Contrary to popular myths, contraception use does not reduce abortion numbers.  Social scientist Dr. Michael New has written about this extensively.  Mary Anne Mosack, the Executive Director of the advocacy group Ascend, told LifeSiteNews it isn’t enough to teach kids about contraception and consent to try to reduce risks.  “It’s important that we eliminate risk rather than simply reduce it,” she said.  “I commend HHS for actually ending programs that don’t work and re-assessing so that we can get this right ... the bottom line has to be the health of the youth.”

“Three of the [TPPP] programs actually had negative effects” and increased sexual initiation, pregnancy, or oral sex, Mosack explained.  They were “not effective” yet “we spent almost a billion dollars on those programs during the Obama Administration.”

An undercover investigation by Live Action revealed PP employees giving teens sex advice about whipping, asphyxiation, and “pooping” on partners.  Leslie Kantor, PP’s Vice President of Education, said the Trump Administration is trying “to impose its beliefs on everyone” by axing TPPP funding.  TPPP “has helped millions of young people stay safe and healthy,” she claimed.

“It’s really not in the best interest of youth to continue these particular programs that are not effective,” Mosack told LifeSiteNews.  “It is not enough to simply reduce risk.  We are going for the elimination of risk for all students.  We believe that every student really needs to have the opportunity to achieve optimal health.”

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, February 23, 2018

Atheists Attempt to Redefine Reverend King

Wisconsin atheists are unhappy with a New Mexico town allowing a Ten Commandments monument; but an attorney says an atheist group has gone too far.

The monument in Hobbs, NM had already angered the Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF), earning the town a lawyer’s angry letter; but the atheist group was apparently angered by the religious content at a January event honoring the birthday of Civil Rights leader the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

FFRF attorney Christopher Line fired off a complaint letter to Hobbs about the “gospel music and religious messages,” calling them “inappropriate.”

Let me remind you: King, a Baptist minister, is largely known for his Civil Rights speeches that drew heavily from religious imagery, including his “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963 on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington.  The speech concludes with a reference to the 19th century gospel song, “Free at Last.”  The vital work of black churches, in fact, is a historic part of the Civil Rights movement, including the Southern Christian Leadership Conference that was started in 1957 by black ministers with King as the president.  King’s famous “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” was addressed to local clergy who didn’t support King’s efforts in the city.

FFRF’s complaint about the King celebration caught the attention of Todd Starnes of Fox News Radio, who stated in a Fox News commentary that it’s “beyond ludicrous that anyone would take issue with religious overtones and gospel songs performed during a ceremony honoring a former Christian minister.”  Quoting from the FFRF attorney’s letter, Starnes notes that attorney Line complained that city officials are not permitted to “lend credibility or prestige to religion by including religious messages in city events.”

First Liberty attorney Mike Berry told Starnes that FFRF bullies cities and towns over public displays of faith.  “And in this case,” the attorney said, “I really think the FFRF has gone too far.”  Berry wondered aloud if FFRF would have sent a complaint letter to the U.S. Department of the Interior after King’s 1963 speech.  Good question.

As a related aside: This is why we must always call for ‘Reverend’ to appear in front of every reference to Dr. King.  It is a title he received and defines his calling in life.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Are You Aware and in Prayer for Andrew?

If you are a Christian, are you aware of Andrew Brunson?  You should not only know about your brother in Christ, but be praying daily for him.

It’s been 16-months since his arrest, and Pastor Andrew Brunson, an innocent U.S. citizen, remains locked away in a Turkish prison – seemingly held as a political prisoner while his emotional and physical state deteriorate.

Last week Pastor Andrew and his Turkish attorney had a formal meeting with the prosecutor in Turkey, which was only just recently scheduled.  Although this was the first such meeting since Pastor Andrew’s detention, very little was accomplished.  

With no access to the case file, indictment, or end in sight, Pastor Andrew penned a hopeless and heartbreaking note to his wife via an embassy official shortly after the meeting.  “I am very discouraged.  Please have prayer for me,” Pastor Andrew said.  “I love you - can’t handle the thought of growing old in this place, without you.”

Meanwhile, the most recent monthly legal appeal of Pastor Andrew’s wrongful detention is still pending, but there is little hope that it will be granted.  Further disheartening is the fact that - in Turkey - Pastor Andrew can be held for up to 7-years without any formal charges.

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) continues to advocate on Pastor Andrew’s behalf … taking his case to Congress, the Oval Office, and the United Nations. ACLJ continues to fight this violation of justice and human rights, and says it will until Pastor Andrew is released and returned home to his family in America.

What will you do for your brother in Christ?  Let me urge you to pray for Pastor Andrew, his family, and for his freedom.  Do it right now!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, February 19, 2018

Where Are You on the ‘Slippery Slope’? … Because You are Surely on It

The strange circumstances leading Walgreens to announce a new bathroom policy leaves me (and others) to believe we are traveling down a “slippery slope.”

Walgreens is now allowing people to use the bathroom of the gender with which they claim to identify.  [read my posting of February 14, 2018 – “There Is No ‘Wall’ in Wallgreens”]

The nationwide policy took effect in November 2017, and according to the Los Angeles Times, its adoption follows an incident last year in which a biological female – who is not transgender – was told she could not use the women’s restroom because she looked like a man.  “I had to go, so I didn’t put up much of a fight and used the stall while the men used the urinals next to me,” Jessie Meehan wrote in an email to Walgreens.  “This in itself was very humiliating for me, and I felt extremely uncomfortable.”

The store in question is located on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, California.  Meehan stopped there on her way to an LGBTQ Pride festival.

Two months later, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Southern California wrote Walgreens a letter saying California law allows people to use the bathroom of their gender identity.

Peter Sprigg, of Family Research Council (FRC) said, “The strange circumstances of this, in which a person was barred from the restroom that corresponded with her biological sex because of her gender expression, her appearance, suggests to me that the lines are becoming so blurred that we are moving down a slippery slope towards the point where anyone will simply be able to use any restroom they want, and it will not be contingent on biological sex, or on gender identity, or on appearance.  People will just be able to use any restroom.  That’s the only way companies like this can avoid being accused of discrimination in the current climate.”

Sprigg adds that the problem with that is the protection for privacy and safety of women that has historically been in place because of the separation of men’s and women’s facilities will then be completely removed.  “I’m concerned that that is the direction in which our culture is moving,” he concludes.

Target Stores, Inc. announced a similar policy 2-years ago - and according to the American Family Association (AFA), “dozens of women and children have been victimized by male predators” inside Target stores.

“Walgreens’ new policy could potentially result in female customers becoming victims of voyeurism, sexual assault, and physical attack,” AFA says in an Action Alert to its supporters.  This pro-family group (AFA) launched an online petition urging Walgreens to reverse the policy - and encouraging the public to contact the company at both local and corporate levels.

Have you signed the petition?  If not, click on this link  And after signing on, take a moment to contemplate what the bottom of this “slippery slope” looks like.  Is it a world you want to live in or have future generations abide?

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, February 16, 2018

How the Loud Left Hijacked Hate

[This posting is entirely credited to Tim Wildmon, President of American Family Association, who published this article on February 14, 2018 entitled – How the Loud Left Hijacked Hate … ironically on the same day as a mass shooting in a Florida school.  I feel this is a MUST READ.]

One of the most insidious impacts of the “progressive” movement of the last 20 years is the way the voices of the liberal left have imposed politically correct language on the American public by creating new meanings for old words.

For example, in an attempt to quash reasoned dialogue on important cultural and moral issues, the misuse of the word “hate” has worked very well for the left against conservative Christians.  Most Americans – especially Christians – recoil at the idea of hating people.  Rightfully so.  Therefore, if one can establish hate as the motive for opposing a particular issue or behavior, it sabotages any real debate.  End of discussion.

The progressive parade is crowded with societal movers and shakers.  They control much of our culture – media, education, entertainment, business, and government.  The legions are led by a fervent few, religious zealots in their own right.

Their religion is called secular humanism.  For them, man is god, and there is no higher power to answer to.  They reject Christianity and the morality of the Bible unless they can co-opt and twist it to further their own agenda.  Their goal?  To crush Christianity and rob it of its historical and traditional impact on our nation.

And it is working within and without the church.

Let’s look at how progressives use the concept of hate against Christians.  Think about this for a moment.  The idea of hate has no meaningful context outside a biblical one.  In other words, if God doesn’t exist to reward and punish, what difference does it make if I hate someone?  Why is it wrong?  It’s wrong because there is a God, and He defines love and hate.

In fact, God has charged His followers to spread the word that He loves all people and calls them to turn away from their sin and seek Him.  When we do this, however, we almost always run into conflict with the progressives’ rejection of God and His standards.

For example, when it comes to human sexuality, progressives have done a masterful job of seemingly turning Christianity against Christians.  How?  By convincing the general public – and even many Christians – that to speak against homosexuality or transgenderism is in fact hateful.  Thus, Christians must be haters, even though their Bible and their creeds teach love.  It’s akin to saying that because Christians believe drunkenness is a sin, we, therefore, hate the person who is drunk.  The teaching of “hate the sin but love the sinner” is not allowed by the progressives.

One illustration of this is North Carolina’s HB 2, which simply states that on government property, one must use the restrooms, showers, and changing areas that match one’s biological sex.  Progressives immediately denounced and declared it a hate bill.  End of debate.

Then there are many stories of businesses owned by Christians being told they must participate in homosexual wedding ceremonies or be closed down.  Those Christian business owners were motivated by hate, said the progressives.  End of discussion.

In Mississippi, where I [Wildmon] live, the legislature passed, and the governor signed, a law protecting people of faith from being forced to participate in homosexual weddings. That law, according to the progressives, is a sign of hatred toward lesbians and gays.

It’s hard to fight back against a barrage of lies when they’re repeated 24/7 by the liberal media, and when well-funded LGBTQ activist groups pound on the doors of politicians and corporate executives demanding support and promising punishment if they dare side with those hate-filled Christians.

Unfortunately, many weak-kneed Christians quickly fold on this issue.  They either distance themselves from their fellow Christians or they go silent.  In either case, it’s shameful and cowardly.

The Bible is clear that the act of homosexuality is a sin.  That has been the teaching of the church for 2,000 years.  But subscribing to this teaching today, according to progressives, is unacceptable in this new world they are attempting to create.  A world without the Christian God, but rather man, as supreme.

The truth: Christians do not hate lesbians, gays, or transgendered people.  And without Christians, America would be a much meaner, much uglier place to live.  American Family Association has never advocated hate for anyone, nor have we ever said anything but that God loves sinners and calls us all to repentance.

But we refuse to call right wrong or wrong right, and we will continue to stand on the Word of God and proclaim the truth therein.

End of debate.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

There Is No ‘Wall’ in Walgreens

Walgreens will now allow men to use women’s restroom facilities in all stores across the country on the basis of “gender identity” as opposed to biological sex.

The company announced the new policy after a female LGBT activist claimed a Walgreens employee forced her to use the men’s restroom because of her “appearance.” The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Southern California assisted the individual, who is biologically female and identifies as female, in bringing her complaint to Walgreens corporate.

Instead of affirming that a woman should be able to use the women’s restroom, Walgreens, at the urging of the ACLU and other LGBT activists, has apparently decided the best remedy for the situation is to welcome biological men to use the women’s restroom.  The company’s new policy says:
“All individuals have a right to use restroom facilities that correspond to the individual’s gender identity, regardless of the individual’s sex assigned at birth.”

According to the same directive, Walgreens defines “gender identity” as:
“A person’s innate, deeply-felt sense of one’s gender.  One’s gender identity may not correspond to that person’s sex as assigned at birth.”

In other words, gender identity is what that person feels, at that given moment.

The fact that Walgreens would respond in a way that will create more confusion and complications, as well as more safety concerns, is not surprising given the company’s history on similar issues.  Walgreens recently boasted its perfect rating on the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index, which includes adherence to the controversial Criteria 4.  In order to fulfill the requirements of “Criteria 4,” a company must first “demonstrate ongoing LGBT-specific engagement that extends across the firm” in the following ways:
1. Actively recruit LGBT employees.
2. Demonstrate effort to contract with LGBT suppliers.
3. Directly market to LGBT consumers and/or feature LGBT content in advertising.
4. Sponsor LGBT organizations or events.

And if this isn’t enough to have cease or contemplate doing business with Walgreens, add to your decision process that Walgreens is supporting liberal organizations that lobby for sanctuary city policies.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, February 12, 2018

A Way Back to Restoring Religious Liberty

In the words of Robert H. Knight, an American conservative writer and activist, “Wrong-headed rulings by our courts have fundamentally transformed many constitutional protections into their opposite, but nowhere has more damage been done than to the First Amendment.  How about we impeach some of those lawless judges?”

In early January, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) overturned a longstanding policy that forbade churches from getting federal disaster relief money.  The rule change by the Trump Administration affected any houses of worship that were damaged on or after August 23, just before Hurricane Harvey devastated large areas of Texas and especially the Houston area.  It was a welcome relief also to congregations in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina in the path of Hurricane Irma, and to church communities in Puerto Rico that endured Hurricane Maria.

What might seem to be a neutral stance – that all damaged buildings in a disaster area could apply for aid financed by U.S. taxpayers – was denounced by atheist groups as a violation of the “separation of church and state” doctrine that has governed church-government relations since a series of Supreme Court rulings in the 1940s.

Beginning with Justice Hugo Black’s misapplication in Everson v. Board of Education (1947) of a reference in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury (CT) Baptists promising a “wall of separation” between church and state, the court effectively abandoned neutrality for hostility.  Federal officials’ initial singling out of religious institutions for denial of disaster aid is just one of many consequences from that serious misreading of President Jefferson’s letter – and of the 1st Amendment.  As historian David Barton notes, liberals now use the 1st Amendment as a sword to attack religious freedom, while conservatives use it as a shield.

The 1st Amendment reads – “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

America’s Founders, and particularly Mr. Jefferson and James Madison, who championed religious liberty, would be appalled at how those very words have been twisted to advance discrimination against religious speech and practice.  But perhaps a turnaround is on the horizon.  The Trump Administration’s appointment of judges who respect the Constitution is one good sign.

Besides this recent move by FEMA to undo bureaucratic discrimination, another is a pending U.S. Supreme Court case.  On December 5th, the justices heard arguments in what could produce the most important 1st Amendment ruling in decades.  A Christian baker in Colorado who had declined to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding invoked 1st Amendment protection from having to use his artistic ability to express something against his values.  The case is Masterpiece Cake Shop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.

Similar cases have arisen across the nation involving bakers, wedding planners, photographers and florists – all of whom say they have no problem with serving homosexual clients but draw the line at helping to facilitate same-sex weddings.  They say it is about the event, not the clients – a crucial distinction that the high Court just might find persuasive.  Although all of these involve religious liberty, they could gain more support from liberals if they are based on freedom of expression.  After all, these are the same folks who think nude dancing is covered, so why not expressive cake baking?

In many arenas, the courts have invented new ‘rights’ not envisioned by the Founders or ignored specific constitutional guarantees.  Without the Founders’ biblically-based understanding of humans as flawed (but redeemable), it’s easy to arrive at rulings, policies and laws that sound good on paper but are catastrophic in the real world, producing a less responsible populace.

“If men will not be governed by the Ten Commandments,” G.K. Chesterton observed, “they shall be governed by the ten thousand commandments.”

Knight says, “The less that people embrace personal responsibility, the more we need bureaucrats, police, prosecutors and prisons.”

Thanks to the genius of the Framers, there is a way back.  The Constitution itself is the most articulate voice in any legal matter.  The way we can restore America’s constitutional freedoms and ordered liberty is to elect and appoint leaders and judges who respect the original text and defeat those who do not.  Another remedy would be to impeach lawless judges – something clearly authorized by the Constitution, but almost never exercised.  

Knight says maybe we need this administration to declare some of these judges a disaster.

Can I hear an “Amen!”?

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, February 9, 2018

Christianity in America: Don’t Buy the Lie of Decline

Some news stories might make you think religion is on the decline in America.  Not so, according to a recent study from Harvard and Indiana University Bloomington.

“But we show that rather than religion fading into irrelevance as the secularization thesis would suggest, intense religion — strong affiliation, very frequent practice, literalism, and evangelicalism — is persistent and, in fact, only moderate religion is on the decline in the United States,” the report states.

Scholars Landon Schnabel and Sean Bock go on to write that American religion is still a vital part of society.  “And although religion is simply becoming less salient in other societies, it remains important in the public sphere and central to cultural divides in the United States,” their study concludes.  “Therefore, rather than following the pattern we would expect on the basis of the secularization thesis, American religion remains persistently and exceptionally intense.”

Schnabel and Bock say that studies going back several decades show that the number of evangelicals grew from 1972, when they made up 18% of the population, to a consistent number of around 28% from 1989 to 2016.  They went on to say that mainline Protestants, who are “perhaps the most moderate of American religionists,” have decreased in number especially quickly from 35% in 1972 to 12% in 2016.

The study does mention, however, a dramatic increase in those with no religious affiliation after the rise in the number of evangelicals.  “Notably, rapid disaffiliation started shortly after evangelicalism rapidly grew and rose to prominence in the public sphere,” they wrote.

Still, the conservative evangelical organization, Family Research Council (FRC), is encouraged by the positives in the study.  “So the next time you hear that Christianity is ‘going the way of the Yellow Pages,’ don't buy it,” FRC wrote in a blog on the study. “Liberals only argue that to disparage and diminish you.”  “Don’t let them.  As much as they’d like to believe otherwise — and as long as there are Christians living out their faith every day — faith is alive and well in America!” the organization exclaimed.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Court Rules with Fireman Fired for his Faith

A recent ruling by the highest court in the State of Washington is being viewed as an important reminder of 1st Amendment principles.

On January 25th, the Washington Supreme Court ruled in favor of a former Spokane fire captain who was fired for refusing to self-censor his religious expression.  The court held that the Spokane Valley Fire Department committed unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination when it admonished and ultimately terminated Jonathan Sprague.

At issue were the department’s e-mail and electronic bulletin board systems – forums that had been used by other employees to seek babysitting and sell concert tickets, but that Sprague’s supervisors had told him not to use to announce religious meetings.  The department had also shared newsletters by e-mail dealing with social topics like substance abuse and conflicts with children, but Sprague’s attempts to share biblical perspectives on the same topics got him fired.

“This is a terrific victory for Captain Sprague and an important reminder of First Amendment principles,” says attorney Brad Dacus of Pacific Justice Institute, whose organization was asked to participate in the case as amicus and filed a friend-of-the-court brief.  “No employee should be terminated for speaking on otherwise-permissible topics at work just because he has a religious perspective.”

According to Dacus, that is why Sprague was fired.  “[It wasn’t] because he didn’t do a good job, but simply because he didn’t keep his faith to himself,” Dacus elaborates, adding that that’s exactly why the court’s decision is so important.  “It sends a signal to Christians working for government agencies all across America that if they are fired or silenced simply because of a Christian biblical expression, that that’s likely going to be unconstitutional under the First Amendment.” 

Dacus adds that his group’s case load reveals a “growing tension [and] hostility” toward individuals with a Christian biblical worldview – and a desire to silence that worldview.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, February 5, 2018

Pro-Life Voters: Don’t Forget These Senators’ Names

The U.S. Senate has failed to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in a 51-46 vote, striking a blow to pro-life activists who plan to keep fighting.  The bill, which bans abortions after 20-weeks of pregnancy, failed in the closely divided senate after Republicans fell short of the 60-votes needed to bring the bill out of debate to a final floor vote.

“We're one of only seven nations on the whole planet to allow abortion on demand after five months,” says Mallory Quigley of the Susan B. Anthony List.  “That’s more than halfway through pregnancy and a point by which the research shows that babies can feel pain.”

Three Democrats sided with Republicans in favor of the legislation while two liberal Republicans voted no.

Democrats who voted in favor were senators Bob Casey Jr. (D-PA), Joe Donnelly (D-Indiana) and Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia).

Two pro-abortion Republicans, senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), voted against the legislation.

“There was a handful of Democratic senators who are up for election this year in states that President Trump won easily,” says Quigley, “and where the pain-capable bill is very popular with their constituents.”  They are: senators Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri), and Heidi Heitkamp (D-North Dakota).  According to Quigley, these senators, particularly the women senators, have muddied their position in the past and tried to make it seem like they’re not really radically pro-abortion and that they have some sort of middle-of-the-road stance.  “This is consensus legislation,” Quigley observes, “and so they’ve really with their votes solidified the fact that they cannot claim to be middle of the road on abortion having voted against this bill.”

If you’re pro-life, don’t forget these senators’ names.  The unborn can’t afford their reelection.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, February 2, 2018

Super Bowl ‘Spoiler’ Headlines: AMVETS Beat the NFL

The National Commander of American Veterans (AMVETS) has sent National Football League (NFL) Commissioner Roger Goodell an excoriating letter in response to the league’s refusal to print his organization’s ad in this year’s Super Bowl program.

AMVETS, a 501(c)19 non-profit organization that was formed by World War II veterans, submitted a one-page advertisement with the simple request: #PleaseStand.  In response, an NFL spokesman said:
“The Super Bowl program is designed for fans to commemorate and celebrate the game, players, teams, and the Super Bowl.  It has never been a place for advertising that could be considered by some as a political statement.”

Apparently, the NFL considers a request to stand for the national anthem to be too much of a “political statement,” despite the NFL institutionalizing the kneeling protests on live television as part of pregame ceremonies earlier this season.  It would seem the NFL is conveniently ignoring the original motivation behind the national anthem protests was indeed very much a “political statement.”

In the letter to Goodell, AMVETS National Commander Marion Polk writes:
“Mr. Goodell, Veterans are good for more than just military aircraft flyovers, photo opportunities during halftime, or props to sell camouflage-style NFL apparel; although, the NFL’s stance on not allowing the veterans’ unfiltered voice to be heard says otherwise.
Moreover, the fact that the commissioners of the National Basketball Association and National Hockey League have allowed the very same #PleaseStand ad to run in their respective program books only makes the NFL’s decision to reject the ad that much more inexcusable.”

With plummeting ratings over the past season and NFL brand’s unpopularity, can the league really afford to alienate veterans in such a way?  Last week’s conference championship games hit 9-year lows for viewerships and fans deciding not to watch games have cost advertisers $500-million this year.  This is certainly not the kind of PR the NFL wants going into its most lucrative game of the year.

Admittedly, I gave up on the NFL early on in the season due to the taking of a knee by players.  Now, as a Life Member of the AMVETS, I’m finished with the NFL for their hypocrisy in denying the publication of the #PleaseStand ad because it is too “political.”  Really!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel