Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Our Schools: Bring God Back and Guns Be-Gone

U.S. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (LA-Rep) spoke to the Susan B. Anthony List gala last week, touting President Trump’s pro-life accomplishments and concluding with his thoughts on the importance of prayer in light of the recent school shooting in Santa Fe, TX.

Scalise, who survived being shot in the leg at a congressional baseball game practice last year, talked about the crucial role of faith in his own recovery and said prayer is important for healing society in general.  “I do want to say something about the power of prayer because as we talk about standing up for life, we also believe in a deep faith in God,” he said.  “We have our lives from God, God gave us our lives, God is the one who gave us all of our abilities.  Now there are people that are trying to push God further and further away from every element of our society.”  He emphasized that he and his family “would not have been able to get through the now nine surgeries without the power of prayer and if you look at what happened that day the only explanation for so many of the things that happened to allow me and everyone else on that field to be alive are miracles, true miracles from God and you can go and point to God’s presence.”

Scalise complained that the media always wants him to focus on the topic of guns when tragic shootings happen, but he thinks society should be more focused on prayer.  “Every time there’s another tragic shooting the media always wants to ask me: well gee whiz does this change your view on guns and they want to make it about guns,” he said, “we just had another horrible, tragic shooting last week in Texas and what I said is you know for decades we’ve had guns but you know what they also had decades ago when you didn’t have school shootings like this?  You had God in school, you had prayer in school.”  “There’s no single answer,” Scalise said of these tragic shootings.  However, he asked, “what harm could there be in maybe bringing some of those elements of the values of prayer and God back in our schools and other elements of society where it’s been pushed out over the decades and then we wonder why the culture of our youth has changed where a kid would do some of the things that they’re doing today that they never would’ve done decades ago.”

In addition to emphasizing the importance of prayer, Scalise praised President Trump’s pro-life accomplishments including his recent proposal to take away Title X family planning funding from abortion providers.  “You’ve got a president who backs up everything he said with real action,” he told those gathered.  “He follows through on his promises and he has carried through what can arguably be the most pro-life agenda of any president.”

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day: We Honor Them by Remaining Vigilant

Today we honor the memory of the more than 1.2 million Americans in uniform who have given their lives for our country.  No words can adequately describe the valor of the men and women we honor today.  They defended the future of freedom at places like Bunker Hill and Yorktown, Gettysburg and Antietam, the trenches of France, Guadalcanal and Normandy, the Korean peninsula, Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq.  Thanks to America's service members, freedom endures.

For more than 200-years, Americans have distinguished themselves on the battlefields for freedom.  In places far from American soil, men and women, representing every race, religion and creed of this diverse American melting pot, have willingly donned an American military uniform and defended this country.  And they all knew the risk.

The Americans we honor today loved the ideals and values upon which this nation was founded – values like loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage.

As we pay homage to our nation’s fallen soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines, let us reaffirm our national commitment of keeping the freedom torch burning for tomorrow.  Let us support the American armed forces that are defending freedom even at this moment.  For today’s armed forces personnel, the mission of defending freedom lives on … strengthened by our eternal memory of American patriots who have given their lives to preserve peace and democracy for future generations.  Your support of our armed forces is one of the most powerful weapons in the war against terrorism.

In addition to honoring the memory of those who gave their lives for this country, I urge you to remember in your prayers their families; and to our living veterans and to the service men and women who continue to defend our freedom.

The words that adorn the entrance to Arlington National Cemetery, where some of our heroes are interred, also speak volumes about the bravery and valor of the men and women who risked their lives for our nation:

“Not for fame or reward, not for place or rank, not lured by ambition  or goaded by necessity, but in simple obedience to duty as they understood it, these men suffered all, sacrificed all, dared all and died.”

May the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country live forever in our memories.  And may we honor them by doing everything we can to protect freedom for future generations, whenever, and wherever, it is threatened.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, May 25, 2018

5 Reasons SPLC is a Hate-Mongering Scam

Can you believe it?  Because the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has labeled Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) a hate group, Amazon has pulled ADF from receiving donations on an equal playing field with other Amazon Smile participants … which include highly political leftist organizations Planned Parenthood, the American Civil Liberties Union, Media Matters, and Oxfam-America.

ADF is a nonprofit, 1st Amendment-focused legal organization that has successfully argued in front of the U.S. Supreme Court 7-times in the past 7-years.

SPLC rakes in millions of dollars a year to fund its astronomical $432,723,955 endowment and management’s $200,000-$350,000 annual salaries (plus perks!).

Simply put, SPLC is not a legitimate arbiter of public discourse.  It poisons public discourse for profit.  Its business model is to target groups and people … sometimes with baseless smears … to gin up fear and anger so people send SPLC gobs of cash it largely doesn’t use to benefit the oppressed.  

Neither Amazon nor major media outlets — such as CNN, The Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, the Associated Press, CBS, and PBS — should amplify or give any credence to SPLC’s highly partisan, highly personal, self-interested fear-mongering.

Here are a few reasons why as set forth by Joy Pullmann (Executive Editor of The Federalist):

1. SPLC’s Attacks Are Purposefully Personal
“The SPLC’s hate group and extremist labels are effective.  Groups slapped with them have lost funding, been targeted by activists and generally been banished from mainstream legitimacy,” Politico’s chummy writeup notes.  “… in America, even fighting racism can be very good business.” 

SPLC’s “extremist” and “hate group” labels are not impartial designations that help citizens, media, and public leaders make better decisions about either local concerns or broader politics.  At best, they are self-interested marketing.  At worst, they are designed to execute partisan vendettas, to wield financial and political power against legitimate opponents in public discourse.

“Sometimes the press will describe us as monitoring hate crimes and so on … I want to say plainly that our aim in life is to destroy these groups, to completely destroy them,” SPLC Senior Fellow Mark Potok said at a 2007 conference.

Of course the ideas and methods of the KKK and other violent and bigoted groups that appear on SPLC’s listings are morally wrong and should be rejected.  But since SPLC spends the vast majority of its funds on its own salaries and savings instead of tangible efforts to protect and serve victims of bigotry, it seems pretty clear that it uses the relatively few cranks and purveyors of reprehensible racism it can find in America to serve itself — both financially and ideologically — rather than the public good.

2. The SPLC Is a Scam
“They’ve never spent more than 31 percent of the money they were bringing in on programs, and sometimes they spent as little as 18 percent.  Most nonprofits spend about 75 percent on programs,” noted Montgomery Advertiser Managing Editor Jim Tharpe in a talk for Harvard University’s Nieman Foundation for Journalism.

That’s because SPLC is basically a very effective scam organization that uses images of white-bed sheeted people and, now, Donald Trump policies, to scare donors into sending them piles of money.  Trump-mongering has been very good for business.

The organization’s latest IRS form, from 2017, shows that “Gifts, grants, contributions, membership fees” to SPLC almost tripled, from $50,297,653 in 2015 — already a huge amount — to $132,044,179 in 2016, of course the year Trump ran and won the presidency.

Investigative reporters and actual anti-hate-crimes groups say SPLC is largely a shell organization that uses masterful marketing techniques to rake in bigtime profits for its staff, especially founder Morris Dees.  “Over the years, numerous investigators have pointed out that most of the scary KKK and Nazi and militia groups that the SPLC insists are lurking under our beds are actually ghost entities, with no employees, no address, hardly any followers, and little or no footprint,” Philanthropy noted.  “… Its two largest expenses are propaganda operations: creating its annual lists of ‘haters’ and ‘extremists,’ and running a big effort that pushes ‘tolerance education’ through more than 400,000 public-school teachers.  And what is the single biggest effort undertaken by the SPLC? Fundraising.  On the organization’s 2015 IRS 990 form it declared $10 million of direct fundraising expenses, far more than it has ever spent on legal services.”

Last year, a Washington Free Beacon investigation showed SPLC keeps millions in offshore accounts, which charity experts labeled “a huge red flag” and “completely unacceptable.”

3. The SPLC Is Deeply Biased
While listing among largely isolated and rare racist groups several constructive, nonviolent organizations that lean conservative such as ADF and the Ruth Institute, a small pro-family organization headed by a genial PhD who has taught at Yale University, SPLC’s hate list does not include violent leftist organizations such as Antifa.  SPLC says this is because “as a general matter, prejudice on the basis of factors such as race is more prevalent on the far right than it is on the far left.”  That’s not the case for anti-Semitism. Even if one assumes we should ignore political labels and focus on actions and ideology, as Megan McArdle notes, “the center offers bizarrely shifting rationales that suggest that the staff started with the target they wanted to deem hateful, and worked backward to the analysis.”

“The SPLC blacklist list contains practicing Muslims like Maajid Nawaz, ex-Muslims like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, foreign-policy think-tankers like Frank Gaffney and Daniel Pipes, and right-wing firebrands like David Horowitz — none of whom could be reasonably described as anti-Muslim bigots,” finds Tablet magazine.  “… [T]he Southern Poverty Law Center is now aggressively defending the kind of violent supremacists [Islamists] it had once sought to prosecute, and attacking types like Nawaz it had once defended against violence.”

SPLC is entitled to its own opinions, but it is not entitled to respect for them or a pretense that they are fair, neutral, unbiased, or free of self-serving motivations.

4. The SPLC Exploits Hate
SPLC “act[s] like they have hegemony over how to conduct a civil rights debate in this country, which I find a strange posture coming from a group of white men,” says Loretta Ross, program director for the Center for Democratic Renewal, an Atlanta, Georgia based white supremacy monitoring group.  That is likely because SPLC’s concern for civil rights appears to be a facade to facilitate donor and victim exploitation.

In its expose, Harper’s says former SPLC lawyer Gloria Browne, who resigned to protest its behavior, “told reporters that the Center’s programs were calculated to cash in on ‘black pain and white guilt.’”  They are not targeted to need or effective social solutions.  Harper’s continues: Horrifying as such incidents are, hate groups commit almost no violence.  More than 95 percent of all ‘hate crimes,’ including most of the incidents SPLC letters cite (bombings, church burnings, school shootings), are perpetrated by ‘lone wolves.’  Even Timothy McVeigh, subject of one of the most extensive investigations in the FBI’s history – and one of the most extensive direct-mail campaigns in the SPLC’s – was never credibly linked to any militia organization.

Of course, news of a declining KKK does not make for inclining donations, so SPLC sensationalizes the incidents of racial and anti-LGBT violence in the United States, which data shows is still the most racially tolerant country in the world.  While of course this doesn’t mean any incidents of bigotry are alright, SPLC’s profits depend on mischaracterizing and exploiting them in ways that damage social cohesion and do not benefit actual victims.

Even when it does spend a tiny percentage of its war chest on litigation, “the SPLC would pursue essentially meaningless but headline-grabbing cases, exploiting its uncollectible verdicts through sensational fundraising appeals that generated massive donations,” reports City Journal.  “One disgruntled former SPLC attorney complained that ‘[Dees] was on the Klan kick because it was such an easy target — easy to beat in court, easy to raise big money on.’”

Because the SPLC depends on racism, violence, and division for its revenue and legitimacy, they have reason to want more of these terrible things, or at least the appearance of more.  Their vested interest is not in solving and reducing these social blights, but in maximizing and perpetuating them.  All the more reason polite society should starve their fire-stoking of the oxygen of attention.

5. The SPLC Foments Hatred, Fear, and Violence
The SPLC is infamous for offering a pretext for violence.  When eminent social scientist Charles Murray, whose work has done more to lift U.S. minorities out of poverty than perhaps any other single living person, visited Middlebury College for a talk, because SPLC has falsely smeared him as a “white supremacist,” students rioted.  They attacked Murray and a Middlebury professor as security escorted them out, blocking and rocking their car and yanking the professor’s hair so hard it caused a neck injury that required her to wear a brace afterward.  Murray remains on the “hate list” and SPLC’s website includes no statement about the incident.

In 2012, a young man guided by the SPLC “hate map” entered the Family Research Council’s  (FRC) headquarters in Washington DC with a gun and shot the security guard, who managed to disarm the shooter.  Police later determined the young man intended to kill people at the office because the SPLC had labeled FRC an extremist organization. While condemning the violence, SPLC continues to designate FRC a “hate” group and defend that designation.

After it designated Muslim reformer Nawaz an “extremist” in 2016, the British Quilliam Foundation leader told The Atlantic: “They put a target on my head.  The kind of work that I do, if you tell the wrong kind of Muslims that I’m an extremist, then that means I’m an target.  They don’t have to deal with any of this.  I don’t have any protection.  I don’t have any state protection.  These people are putting me on what I believe is a hit list.”  

Given the FRC shooting and the real dangers of opposing radical Islamism, that’s not a specious claim.  City Journal further reports that SPLC speaks highly of convicted domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, whose organization – Weather Underground – fomented riots and bombed government offices and banks: The SPLC’s education project, ‘Teaching Tolerance,’ and its companion website,, market Ayers’ books and describe him as ‘a highly respected figure in the field of multicultural education.’  Failing to mention that Ayers dedicated the Weather Underground’s 1974 revolutionary manifesto, Prairie Fire, to Robert F. Kennedy’s assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, the SPLC lauds Ayers for his ‘rich vision of teaching that interweaves passion, responsibility and self-reflection.’

Listen: Whatever credibility SPLC earned fighting some anti-KKK cases in the 1970s is long gone.  It has squandered its moral authority many times over.  Its proclamations exploit people to serve its bottom line, and should receive no furtherance from media or organizations like Amazon.

Treating SPLC as a good-faith arbiter of public discourse grants speech police power to an organization whose business model is to make money from poisoning public discourse. Those who care about free speech and justice will grant no such power to folks who, like SPLC, exploit these noble and necessary ideas for their own selfish, cynical, socially destructive ends.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

ISIS Family Slaughters Christians at Worship in Three Churches

At least 18-people have been killed in Indonesia following a spate of suicide bombings which targeted 3-churches.  The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility, crediting the attack to a family of bombers, which includes children.

On Sunday, May 13th, a husband, a wife, and four children … including a 9-year-old girl … carried out the attacks against churchgoers at Santa Maria Catholic Church, Diponegoro Indonesian Christian Church, and Surabaya Central Pentecost Church.  The father reportedly exploded a car bomb, while the mother and her two daughters, aged 9 and 12, and two sons, 18 and 16, use a motorbike to carry out the other church attacks.

“The husband drove the car, an Avanza, that contained explosives and rammed it into the gate in front of that church,” confirmed police spokesman Frans Barung Mangera, according to Sky News.

Christian leaders have responded to the deadly wave of attacks on believers by calling for peace, and by praising the actions of those who sacrificed their lives to save others.  Father Alexius Kurdo Irianto, the priest at Santa Maria Catholic Church, said that a churchgoer by the name of Aloysius Bayu Rendra Wardhana died while attempting to prevent the bombers from entering the church compound.  “If he had not stopped the bombers, there would have been more victims [inside the church],” Irianto said.

The victim’s mother, Rosalia Siswaty, said that her family was “proud to have a martyr who gave his life to save hundreds of people attending Sunday Mass inside the church building.”  “He had completed his service in this world.  He was called to serve the Lord in Heaven,” she stated.

ISIS, which for years has been spreading its influence in the world’s largest Islamic nation, claimed responsibility for the attack.  The terrorists also said they orchestrated another hostage-taking ordeal last week, where imprisoned ISIS militants at a detention center near Jakarta killed six officers.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo spoke out at the scene of attacks, declaring: “This act is barbaric and beyond the limits of humanity, causing victims among members of society, the police and even innocent children.”

Father Agustinus Ulahayanan, executive secretary of the bishops’ Commission for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, called on Catholics and other Christians to unite.  “We must not be afraid.  We must tighten security,” Ulahayanan said.

Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors pointed out in a statement shared with The Christian Post that the attack on the churches comes 2-days before the start of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.  Over the past several years, there has been an increase of violence against believers around the time of Ramadan.  “ … as westerners, we can hardly imagine a holiday [Ramadan] that is accompanied by intense and justifiable fear, but Christians in some predominantly Muslim countries often experience increased persecution during this time,” said David Curry, president and CEO of Open Doors USA.  “Atrocities like these attacks in Indonesia often increase as groups like ISIS encourage extremists to commit violent acts during this Muslim Holy Month,” he added, noting that Indonesia ranks No. 38 on his group’s World Watch List.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, May 21, 2018

U.S. Armed Forces Must Focus on ‘Readiness’ – Not ‘Rights’

A military watchdog believes President Trump’s policy on transgender service members will eventually win in court.

Not long before leaving office, President Obama, along with Defense Secretary Carter, announced the nation was ending the ban on transgender Americans serving in the U.S. military.  “Effectively immediately, transgender Americans may serve openly and they can no longer be discharged or otherwise separated from the military just for being transgender,” Carter said in a 2016 press conference.  “Additionally, I have directed that the gender identity of an otherwise qualified individual would not bar them from military service or any other accession program.”

In taking these steps, Carter said the federal government was eliminating policies that can result in transgender members being treated differently from their peers based solely upon their gender identity rather than upon their ability to serve.  “And we’re confirming that going forward we will apply the same general principles, standards and procedures to transgender service members as we do to all service members,” Carter added.

The announcement from the Obama Administration followed a study by the RAND Corporation that found the policy would have minimal impact on readiness and healthcare costs.

But then Donald Trump became President.

After taking office, President Trump announced a new policy – one that was less inclusive and resulted in at least four federal judges ordering the Trump Administration to stick with the Obama-era policy.

But speaking last week on American Family Radio, Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readiness said there was nothing wrong with Trump’s policy.  “It was surprisingly consistent with what the president said originally when he said we will not have transgenders in the military, but it is a nuanced approach,” she explained.  “It says, for instance, that those who came out under the previous policy (under Obama) would be allowed to stay in the military, their treatment will continue, they will not be negatively affected.”  Donnelly thinks this completely demolishes the premise of litigation against Trump, “but of course the judges won’t acknowledge that,” she predicted.

The Trump Administration’s policy also says persons with gender dysphoria will not be eligible to serve in the military in the future.  Donnelly continued: “There is one rather nuanced section [in the new policy] where it says it will allow persons who identify as something other than their biological gender or their transgender; but if they do not have gender dysphoria, and if they serve in their biological gender, and if they are deployable and they comply with all of those rules – and if all of this applies for 36 months – then they can serve in the military.”  While acknowledging that’s complicated, Donnelly said it shows that the president is trying to be reasonable here.  “But he’s being firm in saying that military readiness comes first,” she added.  “The military does not exist to provide medical benefits just for the sake of providing medical benefits.  The military health system should not be misused.  It is a force multiplier – and he has his priorities straight.”

At some point, Donnelly believes this issue will wind up before the U.S. Supreme Court where the federal injunctions will be struck down, and for several reasons.  “The Constitution, number one,” she said.  “The judges have zero, no authority at all, over the military, because Article Three, which defines the judiciary, does not give that power to the judiciary.”

Many of you will know, I cautioned the military of this matter back in my 2010 U.S. Army War College paper – that the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ will lead us down the slippery slope of sexual perversions being argued as individual ‘rights’ at the price of our military’s ‘readiness.’  As a 25-year veteran, it saddens me that my (then) prophetic words have (now) come to pass.  Thank God for a Commander-in-Chief who appears to understand the importance of readiness over rights, and is not interested in using our military as a national ‘petri dish’ for social experimentation.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, May 18, 2018

Beheaded Christians Finally Laid to Rest

At long last, more than 3-years after they were kidnapped, the bodies of 20-Coptic Christians who were beheaded by Islamic State (IS) terror group militants in February 2015 have finally been laid to rest in Egypt’s Minya province.

“Everyone stood beside the martyr that belongs to him and cried a little, but they were tears of longing, nothing more,” said Bishri Ibrahim, father of Kerolos, one of the victims.  “But we are happy and joyful that they have returned to the village.  This is a blessing for the country and to all Copts all over the world,” he added.

Reuters reported on Tuesday that the funeral service at a church in the village of al-Our in Minya province was made possible after Libya finally flew back the remains of the believers earlier this week.  The victims, 20-Egyptian Copts and one Ghanaian Christian, appeared in an IS video in 2015 lined up on a Libyan beach in orange jumpsuits, before they were executed.  They reportedly were asked to renounce their faith in Christ to save their lives, but refused to do so.

“I wanted to see Milad come back from Libya on his feet after his struggle and hard work to earn a living in a harsh life abroad,” said 55-year-old Zaki Hanna, the father of one of the victims.  “But thanks be to God, he died a hero, did not beg anyone to spare his life and he and his brothers, the martyrs, did not abandon their faith or homeland.”

The victims have been declared martyrs of the Christian faith, with Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi himself ordering the construction of The Church of the Martyrs of Faith and Homeland in their honor.

Bashir Estephanos, whose two younger brothers were killed by IS in Libya, said that Christians in al-Our village had been praying to be able to bury their loved ones.  “Our prayers were answered, so thanks be to God from the bottom of our hearts,” Estephanos said.

Children of the Coptic Christians have said that they are “proud” of the courage shown by their fathers.

Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, which has been assisting the families of the murdered men in Egypt, said in June 2017 that staff has personally visited the bereaved families.  “We met with some of the wives of the martyrs and asked them about their kids and how they live right now, a common answer was, ‘Our kids in their new nice private school have been so proud of their fathers among their friends and they have worked hard to match with studying the new curriculums to stay up to that new level of education,’” Daly shared at the time.

Christians were relieved after it was reported in October 2017 that Libyan authorities found the remains of the Christians.  “Our Lord chose the right time for the appearance and return of the remains of the martyrs after the completion of the building of the Church of the Martyrs of Libya to receive the blessed bodies of the martyrs to be placed at the new church in the village,” Father Makar Issa, a priest at The Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt, told International Christian Concern at the time.

My memory cannot erase the image of my Christian brothers lined up on that Libyan beach in orange jumpsuits, knelling below their IS executioners.  Thank God for the return of their remains and the respectful homage being paid to them.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Iowa: Where the ‘Light of Life’ Shines on the ‘Darkness of Death’

Iowa Gov. (Republican) Kim Reynolds recently signed a bill that bans most abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected … which is often as early as 6-weeks into the pregnancy.  This ban is now one of the strictest abortion restrictions in the country.

Planned Parenthood (PP) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have promised a court challenge on its constitutionality.

“I’m pro-life.  I’m proud to be pro-life.  I’ve made that very clear,” Reynolds commented prior to announcing that she would sign the legislation.

PP of the Heartland President Suzanna de Baca called the efforts to pass the heartbeat bill “shameful” at a rally at the Iowa State Capitol.  “It’s shameful that when Planned Parenthood heard lawmakers were introducing legislation to ban abortion, we were outraged – but we weren’t surprised,” she said.  “But I think many of us still never expected that Governor Reynolds would so swiftly jump to sign a bill that is so clearly unconstitutional.”  “I am here to tell her, Gov. Reynolds, if you sign this bill, Planned Parenthood will see you in court,” she emphasized.  “We will challenge this law with absolutely everything we have on behalf of our patients because Iowa will not go back.”

It appears to me: PP and ACLU is ‘law abiding’ ONLY when the law favors their diabolical position.

Well, for the sake of the unborn – Let ‘life’ and ‘death’ meet in the courtroom of truth; and let the ‘light of life’ shine on the ‘darkness of death.’

“This is the message we have heard from Him [the Lord] and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.  If we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.  But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1 John 1:5-7)

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, May 14, 2018

President Trump: “I Will Always Protect Religious Liberty”

In recognition of the National Day of Prayer (May 3rd), President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating a new White House faith-based initiative to protect religious freedom. 

“As president, I will always protect religious liberty,” Trump told faith leaders gathered in the White House Rose Garden.  “Prayer has always been the center of American life.  It’s forged the identity and destiny of this great nation that we all love.”

Vice President Mike Pence echoed that sentiment.  “The greatest words the president and I ever hear is, ‘I’m praying for you,’” Pence said. “The American people believe in prayer.”

Trump’s faith initiative aims to allow people to exercise their beliefs freely and give faith-based organizations equal access to government funding.  The order calls for the executive branch to ensure “conscience protections” that grants people and institutions free reign “to practice their faith without fear of discrimination or retaliation by the federal government.” 

Here’s what it says: “It shall be the policy of the executive branch to vigorously enforce Federal law’s robust protections for religious freedom.  The Founders envisioned a Nation in which religious voices and views were integral to a vibrant public square, and in which religious people and institutions were free to practice their faith without fear of discrimination or retaliation by the Federal Government.”

It also directs the Treasury Department not to target churches or religious groups for speaking about political issues: “In particular, the Secretary of the Treasury shall ensure, to the extent permitted by law, that the Department of the Treasury does not take any adverse action against any individual, house of worship, or other religious organization on the basis that such individual or organization speaks or has spoken about moral or political issues from a religious perspective, where speech of similar character has, consistent with law, not ordinarily been treated as participation or intervention in a political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) a candidate for public office by the Department of the Treasury.”

Christian leaders are reacting positively to Trump’s new White House plan to protect religious freedom and to work more closely with the faith community.  Evangelist Franklin Graham praised the move saying, “I’m extremely grateful that we have a president who realizes the importance of prayer, faith, and religious freedoms to our nation.”

Johnnie Moore, an unofficial spokesman for the president’s group of faith advisors, said it’s “good for America” that President Trump has welcomed the faith community with open arms.  “This executive order is the product of the President’s unwavering prioritization of faith and religious liberty and reflects the smart work of people like Jared Kushner and advisors in the policy and public liaison divisions who met with hundreds and hundreds of leaders and government officials to assess ways in which the government can partner more effectively with communities of faith,” Moore said.  He also points out how important it is for there to be a faith-based liaison associated directly with the White House.  “Ordering every department of the federal government to work on faith-based partnerships - not just those with faith offices - represents a widespread expansion of a program that has historically done very effective work and now can do even greater work,” Moore continued.  He says he’d like to see the White House faith-based effort focus on issues like prison reform, mental health issues, strengthening families, promoting education and meeting humanitarian needs.

California pastor and evangelist Greg Laurie also weighed in with praise for Trump’s latest pro-faith move.  “I’ve always believed that America is better when it’s faithful, together. Anything any administration can do to demonstrate a positive partnership between our faith communities and government, the better off our country will be and so I herald this important initiative that empowers people of faith in America,” Laurie said.

Responding to the announcement on The Todd Starnes Show, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins said this is something Americans have never seen before.  “Some are saying he’s renaming Barack Obama’s community organizing office that he took from President Bush and the faith-based initiative – no, it’s bigger that, and the evidence is in what we’ve seen thus far,” Perkins added.  In fact, Section 4 of the executive order specifically revokes those two presidents’ related EOs.  “I’m part of the faith initiative advisors to the president,” Perkins continued.  “You’re going to see this office looking at issues – real issues like prison reform issues, poverty issues, how people of faith can serve in the community ... without having to check their faith at the door.”  Perkins went on to say that policies will be reviewed in that light, and no longer will be the government be weaponized against people of faith.  “This is truly a new day in America,” Perkins concluded.

Author and former Obama White House staffer Michael Wear believes the faith initiative is important work, but remains cautious.  “It remains to be seen whether this Administration is truly interested in building an initiative that is focused on helping diverse faith communities serve those in need, or if the real value they see is in using the office as a platform where elite political supporters can pose as statesmen,”  Wear said.  “I hope this Administration will keep the long-view in mind.  I hope they will understand the decisions they make now, the focus of the faith-based initiative today, will greatly influence how future administrations consider the role of faith communities in this country,” he added.

The White House Office of Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships was started by President George W. Bush in 2001.  Under President Barack Obama, Joshua DuBois established an advisory council where members were appointed to one-year terms.

The National Day of Prayer is held on the first Thursday of May and this year’s theme [was] “unity in America.”

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, May 11, 2018

Persecution of Christian Brothers & Sisters in India

The body of a 46-year-old Pentecostal pastor, with his head severed, was found next to his vehicle that had been set on fire in the eastern state of Jharkhand.

While extreme Maoists appear to have claimed responsibility, some local Christians believe the killers were mobilized by right-wing Hindus.

About two dozen gunmen, their “faces completely [covered] with a cloth bag,” kidnapped Abraham Topno – the pastor of a congregation belonging to the Pentecostal Church of God – and later slit his throat in Ranchi District of Jharkhand … according to his driver, Morning Star News reported.

A note found at the scene read, “Death to police spy.”

The deceased had been ministering in the area for about two decades.

Some eastern, central and southern parts of India have been witnessing insurgencies by Maoists, who kill anyone they suspect to be an informer to police.

Pastor Nuas Mundu, a senior pastor from a nearby church of the same denomination, suspects that Hindu nationalists were behind the murder.  “We know that he was a vibrant evangelist, a pioneer missionary, and we suspect that Hindu extremists are behind his killing,” Mundu was quoted as saying.  “Maoists will kill anybody for money, and if someone pays them, they will do the job for them.”

However, some Christians think Maoists are increasingly targeting Christians.  Christian persecution, which includes violent attacks, destruction of Christian property and false accusations, has risen since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party won the general election in 2014.  A report by an evangelical group in India described 2017 as “one of the most traumatic for the Christian community” in 10 years.

Last year was the worst since 2007 and 2008, when about 100 Christians were killed and thousands of homes of Christians were burned down or destroyed in Orissa state’s Kandhamal district, said the Annual Report on Hate Crimes against Christians in India in 2017, released by the Religious Liberty Commission of the Evangelical Fellowship of India.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

New Time – Old Tactic

I’ve heard it said: Wouldn’t it be great if Satan were still to show up as a talking snake? … then we could run away screaming or call animal control.  Fact is: While Satan’s approach has changed since his day in the garden with Eve, his deceitful tactic remains the same.  We are told that he disguises himself as an angel of light; and, terrifyingly, he comes to us as an agent of reason.

When the ‘father of lies’ comes to tempt us, instead of immediately banishing him with truth, we have a tendency to invite him in, ask him to make himself at home, and engage in conversation with him to hear his perspective.

Note: Christ did not enter into conversation with Satan when He was tempted in the desert.  Instead, He responded, “It is written…”  Yet, God’s Word isn’t always our first response.

Satan spoke the first lie in human history, “You will not certainly die.  God knows that if you eat it you will be like Him, knowing good and evil.”  What Satan said is not completely untrue, but it is twisted truth.  Yes, Eve would be like God in that she would know good and evil; she would remember what it was to be wholly good and she would watch sin mangle her innocence as she converted to a child of wrath; she would feel evil seize her heart and separate her from God’s holy presence; and, she would certainly die.

You see: Satan doesn’t always slither in, hissing out hate.  Instead, he takes what’s true and twists it slightly, posing as a voice of reason and sense.
Not “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:2)
Not “grow up into the stature of the fullness Christ.” (Ephesians 4:13)
Not “consider yourself dead to sin and alive in Christ.” (Romans 6:11)
Not “put off the old self and put on the new self, which, in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of truth.” (Ephesians 4:24)
Not “walk in love as Christ loved you and gave Himself up for you.” (Ephesians 5:2)
Not “forget what lies behind and reach forward to what lies ahead.” (Philippians 3:13-14)
No, the lie preoccupied us and we spent a lot of valuable time striving to be the best version of ourselves we can imagine.

Satan will always ask us to consider ourselves instead of Christ.  “Eve, consider how you can be like God...”

Satan hates that we are one with Christ and, though he cannot make it untrue, he will try to divorce us from our identities in Jesus.  In Christ, we have everything we need for life and godliness.  As we clumsily and, at times, inconsistently work out our faith into action, there is His grace, power, peace, strength, hope, patience and steadfast love to sustain us and compel us forward.

My friend: What lies are you entertaining?  How are you considering your weakness, needs and desires over considering the goodness and sufficiency of Christ in your life?

Listen: Let’s kick Satan off our couches.  He is an uninvited guest of which our slain Savior’s blood gives us victory and the power to stand firm against.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, May 7, 2018

An LGBT ‘Freedom March’ … of a Different Kind

Former transgender, bisexual, lesbian and gay men and women, including an Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting survivor, gathered this past weekend in the nation’s capital for a worship event to proclaim how Jesus Christ liberated them.

Attendees from across the nation assembled on the Capital Mall on May 5th for what was called a Freedom March.  Daren Mehl, president of the group Voice of the Voiceless, says he sees the event as “an opportunity for those of us who have a new life with Jesus to come together in fellowship and praise Him for the love and grace available to everyone who seeks it [and] to testify publicly of the life-changing grace available to leave the LGBT identity for something greater,” he told The Christian Post (CP).  Mehl, 40, is a Minnesota native who identified as a gay man for approximately 10 years.  Today he is married to a woman and has two children.  “Jesus instructs us to love others as we love ourselves,” he said when asked what he hopes this event communicates to the LBGT community … many of whom have been wounded by religion.  “When anyone spews hate toward another person they are clearly not operating according to the Holy Spirit,” Mehl said.  “It is extremely sad when this happens and I hope that [Christians] would be convicted of their sin and repent and reconcile with those they hurt.”

Mehl told CP that when he encountered the Gospel his entire value system, purpose for living, and beliefs about who he is changed, including his sexual identity.  “Jesus asked me to lay down my identity at His feet and surrender it for a new one in Him.  I decided the gay label and lifestyle didn’t align to my desired identity as a Christian.  Trying to align my choices in behavior to my Christian identity took years of struggling, and sometimes it was quite painful,” he said.

Mehl believes this Freedom March is necessary to showcase the many formerly LGBT lives that Jesus has transformed and to encourage those who are struggling with their sexuality and are seeking answers … many of whom often feel they are alone.  “They are not alone,” he stressed.

Luis Javier Ruiz, a survivor of the June 2016 massacre at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where 49 people were murdered by Omar Mateen in what was at the time the worst mass shooting in modern American history, participated in the march.  “I should [have] been number 50,” Ruiz wrote on his Facebook page.  “Going through old pictures of the night of Pulse a memory were (sic) my struggles of perversion, heavy drinking to drown out everything and having promiscuous sex that led to HIV.  [T]he enemy had its grip and now God has taken me from that moment and has given me Christ Jesus.  I’ve grown to know [H]is love in a deeper level.”

Ruiz lost several friends that night.  “I should [have] been number 50,” he reiterated, “but now I have the chance to live in relationship and not religion, not just loving Christ but being in love with Christ and sharing [H]is love.  I know who I am and I am not defined with who the enemy says I used to be but who Christ Jesus says I am.”

Several of Freedom March’s speakers and worship leaders are featured in the film “Here’s my Heart: A Documentary of Surrendering to Freedom,” which chronicles the stories of men and women who left homosexuality and transgenderism behind for a new life in Jesus.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel