Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Religious Freedom in Bondage

Over the past few decades, attempts to limit religious freedom in the public square have expanded into what is nearing a hostile exile.  This hostility led the then-sitting U.S. Congress to overwhelmingly enact the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act to further protect 1st Amendment freedoms.  And it is what has now led a much smaller number in Congress to introduce the Health Care Conscience Rights Act to further protect those freedoms against Obamacare’s abortion-pill mandate and other dictates that threaten freedom of conscience.  But the abortion-pill decree is perhaps the most serious and recent incarnation of the Obama Administration’s hostility to religion.
In President Obama’s weekly address of 15 Sept 12, he stated, “We stand for religious freedom.  And we reject the denigration of any religion.”  And in his proclamation (16 Jan 13) declaring “Religious Freedom Day” … Obama stated “Each of us has the right to practice our faith openly and as we choose.”  But despite this claim, throughout his Administration, countless Christians, Jews and others have become prisoners of administration policy that contradicts this proclamation.
With the campaign slogan ‘Forward,’ the Obama Administration has taken American liberty backward with public policy, and its limit on conscience resembles the oppressive, atheistic rule of totalitarian ages past.  The president’s policies reflect a rejection of the God-given freedoms our Founding Fathers enshrined in the U.S. Constitution — in particular, religious freedom.
The Obama Administration’s many attacks on religious freedom include: allowing U.S. taxpayer dollars to be transferred to non-governmental agencies that perform abortions abroad; defunding successful efforts to halt sex trafficking for advocates opposing abortion; discontinuing the White House tradition of sponsoring an event on National Prayer Day; ordering the Justice Department to stop defending the federal Defense of Marriage Act … just to name a few.
Just take the marriage arena.  Not too long ago, activists seeking to redefine marriage were content with branding Christians who believe in a biblical worldview regarding sexual behavior as “bigots.”  Now, advocates of the homosexual legal agenda want the courts and legislatures to make all those who dare oppose their demands to pay a price — whether it be going out of business, losing their jobs, remitting a hefty fine, or going to jail for “hate speech.”  (Refer to my previous blogs on the Christian photographer in New Mexico, the florist in Washington State, and the T-shirt manufacturer in Kentucky.)  
Colleges and universities have also abandoned their prestigious origins as institutions dedicated to truth, marking a dramatic shift in recent years in how they deal with religious expression on campus, by unjustly denying Christian students and groups access to the same rights, funding and privileges as other non-religious individuals and groups.  And on some campuses this attempt to limit religion on campus has turned into a full-scale expulsion of religious conviction.  Eastern Michigan University, for example, expelled a counseling student, out of its master’s program and denied her a degree simply because she followed standard procedure and referred a potential patient wanting to improve her same-sex relationship to another counselor.
As Charles Carroll of Maryland, the only Catholic signatory to the Declaration of Independence, wrote, “Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they, therefore, who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure … are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments.”
President Obama’s platitudes for religious freedom appear never-ending. They cover up the stark reality of his rejection of our 1st Amendment as it was originally intended by our Founders.
It is time for the Obama Administration to do what it says it will do — to abandon mere rhetoric, halt the attacks and promote public policy that preserves America’s heritage and restores religious freedom to its rightful place.  It is time to set people of faith free.
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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