Monday, June 24, 2013

A.C.T. Needs to Result in A.C.C.C.D. (Activating Conservative Clergy Civil Disobedience)

If the Affordable Care Act (A.C.T.) … a.k.a. Obamacare … remains the law of the land, we will no doubt be reading many more reports of IRS abuses in the future.  Unfortunately, the stories may well involve reports of churches and ministries being shut down, and priests and pastors being hauled off to jail.
The Obama Administration has ordered American employers to provide employee health insurance that covers ‘free’ contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs — or face crippling fines.  Christian business owners like Bill Newland, president of Hercules Industries, whom Alliance Defending Freedom represents in a lawsuit against the president’s mandate, must either choose to act contrary to their religious beliefs or follow the dictates of their conscience; and, as a result, face steep fines that could put them out of business.
In the past, the Alliance Defending Freedom was all about how the role of religion in America is defined.  Sadly, today, they have become more about whether religion has a role at all.  The lawsuits filed against Obamacare, for example, are in sharp contrast to legal cases of the past that dealt with differences of opinion on what the state may limit when it comes to religion. With Obamacare, on the other hand, the administration is now trying to expunge religious expression altogether by arguing that Christian entrepreneurs cannot exercise their religious convictions even in running their own businesses.
The conservative movement has not yet seriously entertained the notion of civil disobedience.  However, some Catholic and evangelical leaders have said they will close their hospitals, schools and businesses; and go to jail … rather than comply with Obamacare's coercive mandates.
In a recent column, Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia warns that our heritage of religious freedom is in jeopardy.  He wrote: “…the latest IRS ugliness is a hint of the treatment disfavored religious groups may face in the future, if we sleep through the national discussion of religious liberty now.  The day when Americans could take the Founders' understanding of religious freedom as a given is over.  We need to wake up.”
This is a message that needs to be preached from every pulpit in this nation!  And every occupant in the pew had better prepare for the infringement of their personal religious freedom as well!
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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