Friday, October 25, 2013

Petty and Partisan Politics

Last week, House Republicans began a caucus meeting by singing, “Amazing Grace.”  Sadly, they were mocked by a liberal congressman from northern Virginia, who said, “Isn't that usually sung at funerals?”
The fact that the members of one party felt the impulse to remind themselves of a central truth – that we all fall short and are saved by the grace of God – was met by scorn and derision.  Yet, conservatives typically get blamed for the lack of civility in Washington, D.C.
Surprisingly, the Boston Globe, a flagship newspaper of the left, recently published a very long article that was critical of Obama's leadership style – and specifically his failure to deliver on his promises to bridge the divide in Washington.  Consider this excerpt: “In nearly five years in office, Obama has met individually with Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell two times, according to a review of White House visitor logs, pool reports, and press releases. … He [Obama] has visited Democrat-leaning ‘blue’ states six times more often than he has visited Republican ‘red’ states. … None of his major legislative accomplishments – the stimulus, health care, and financial reforms – received more than six Republican votes.  In sum, one of the biggest failures of Obama's presidency is that, five years after he took office vowing to close the partisan divide, the capitol he now oversees and the country he represents are far more divided than they were before he came.”
Is Obama not the President of the United States … not just ‘blue’ states?  The petty and partisan politics must stop!  And ‘the buck stops’ with the President!    
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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