Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Genocide Against Christians in Iraq

Representative Frank Wolf (Republican–VA) says there is a genocide being perpetrated against the Christians of Iraq and the White House hasn’t said a word about it, much less acted to stop it.
The terrorist group the Islamic State (an al Qaida off shoot) has taken over large swaths of Iraq in recent months.  They told Christians in the Iraqi city of Mosul they had to convert to Islam by July 18 or they would be killed, according to the Economist.  The only other option they were given was to leave Mosul, a city which has had a Christian presence for nearly 2,000-years.  So thousands of Christians have now fled the city in fear for their lives.
“It is genocide.  It meets the test of genocide,” Wolf said last week on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show.  “The definition of genocide was put together by the U.N. by a guy named Raphael Lemkin.  But it is the eradication of a group of people – race, culture, ethnicity, religion.  So this meets the official test of genocide.”
Asked if President Obama has spoken out against this atrocity, Wolf said he has not.  “No, the president hasn’t said anything, the State Department hasn’t said anything,” he lamented.  “Frankly, nobody is saying anything.”
Asked what the United States could do about the situation in Mosul, Wolf listed several options:
“There is a lot we can do,” he said.  “One, the President of the United States can urge the Kurdish government to continue to guard and protect the Christians.  Secondly, we can give some of the foreign aid that we are already giving, give it to a group like Catholic Relief or World Vision or a group like that, to provide relief – water, food, clothing.  Thirdly, we can tell the Maliki government to start protecting the Christian sites and the Christian communities.  [Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-]Maliki flew out – all the Shia were flown out of Mosul – and they left the Christians there to die.”
It remains evident that the Obama Administration is not the least bit concerned about ‘religious liberty’ on the global stage … unlike its passion for ‘gay rights’ and ‘global warming’ and ‘abortion on demand’ and ‘illegal immigration’ … etc., etc., etc. 
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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