Wednesday, November 19, 2014

U.S. Bureaucrats Continue to Destroy Public Trust

In the aftermath of some 20 court decisions against state marriage laws and constitutional amendments, a constitutional law expert believes judicial boundaries have been violated.  The most recent action came when a Florida federal judge struck down that state’s marriage amendment, which had been approved by 62.5% of voters.
A stay on the court’s decision has been issued, but Liberty Counsel Founder Mat Staver tells OneNewsNow, “It’s ridiculous when federal courts overturn the natural order of marriage.”  He points out that these types of arbitrary decisions from courts greatly undermine public confidence in the judiciary.  “The judiciary is on trial more than marriage,” he says.  “You can’t put the laws of gravity on trial.  Such laws are what they are.  Marriage is what it is.  It is part of the natural creation, male and female, moms and dads.  They form the first foundation of government and provide the best environment in which to raise boys and girls to be men and women.”
Attorney Staver argues that with the judiciary wrongly overturning the natural order of marriage, the public does no longer trust the courts.  “When judges begin to cross the line – and I think they certainly do when they have the audacity to say that you cannot affirm the natural, created order of marriage as between a man and a woman – that ultimately undermines confidence of the people in the judiciary,” he explains. “When that happens, judges and courts all across the country will lose their power.  And, frankly, the time for that to happen has been looming for a long time.”  Staver concludes that, in effect, renegade judges are usurping the authority of the people and of the other two branches of the government.
It’s becoming a repeating nightmare.  The bureaucrats are forgetting or ignoring the fact that our form of government is of the people, by the people, and for the people.  It is we the people of the United States who ordain this constitutional form of government to insure “domestic tranquility” … among other things.  Given this understanding and the demonstration of our current branches of government, is there any wonder ‘why’ there is rebellion in the air?  Every one of these officeholders took an oath to uphold the Constitution.  If they no longer realize that they serve the people, then it’s past time for them to go!
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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