Friday, January 30, 2015

SCOTUS Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage Should Leave Decision with States

The justices of the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) will hear two-and-a-half hours of oral arguments in April, followed by a ruling on same-sex marriage before the term ends in late June, according to USA Today.
“The people and their elected representatives should deliberate and vote about marriage policy — not unelected judges — and they should make policy that serves the common good by reflecting the truth that marriage is the union of a man and woman,” said Dr. Ryan Anderson of the Heritage Foundation and co-author of the book – “What Is Marriage?  Man and Woman: A Defense.”  He added that redefining marriage to make it a genderless institution fundamentally changes marriage.  “It teaches that mothers and fathers are interchangeable.”
Central to the case are two questions:
1. Whether states are required to license marriages between same-sex couples under the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
2. Whether the Amendment requires states to recognize such marriages when licensed by other states.
Gay marriage is legal in 36-states and the District of Columbia.  Gay rights groups want all 50-states to legalize same-sex marriage.  “We've reached the moment of truth — the facts are clear, the arguments have been heard by dozens of courts, and now the nine justices of the Supreme Court have an urgent opportunity to guarantee fairness for countless families, once and for all,” said Chad Griffin, President of the Human Rights Campaign, in a statement.
However, Brian S. Brown, President of National Organization for Marriage, said in a statement that it is time for the 50-million Americans who stood for marriage in 30-states, to have their day in court.  “We are confident that the Supreme Court has chosen the 6th Circuit case in order to affirm the finding of the Appeals Court, just as it did in the cases of Windsor v. United States and Sabelius v. Hobby Lobby,” Brown added. “We will be watching this case closely and anticipate an eventual victory for the democratic process, religious liberty, and the cherished institution of marriage which forms the very bedrock of our society.”
Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, also released a statement, saying this case could potentially transform the cultural landscape of America.  “We should pray for the Court, that they will not seek to redefine marriage,” he said.  “Marriage was not created by government action, and shouldn’t be re-created by government action.  Even more than that, we should pray for churches who will know how to articulate and embody a Christian vision of marriage as the one flesh union of a man and a woman in the tumultuous years to come.”
Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, said marriage is an institution older than the Constitution.  “Marriage is a natural bond that society or religion can only ‘solemnize.’”
Alliance Defending Freedom said the people of every state should remain free to affirm marriage as the union of a man and a woman in their laws.  “Consistent with the Supreme Court’s 2013 Windsor decision, which said that ‘states have the essential authority to define the marital relation,’ the 6th Circuit rightly concluded that the Constitution does not demand that a new view of marriage be judicially imposed on everyone,” ADF Senior Counsel Austin R. Nimocks said in a statement.  “We are hopeful the Supreme Court will uphold the freedom of the people to affirm marriage.”
This is Roe v. Wade (legalizing abortion) all over again … as the SCOTUS is poised to invent a new right to same-sex marriage found nowhere in the Constitution.  What is in the Constitution is the Founder’s checks and balances against this overreaching in power.  The Framers understood the tendency of a branch of government to expand; and they empowered both Congress and the States with the legislative tools necessary to avert the encroachment.
Listen: It is the duty of legislatures to step up and limit the federal judiciary’s expansion of power – particularly on marriage … a matter central to state sovereignty.  Both Congress and the States should fulfill their obligations to safeguard the Constitution and the American people against usurpation in power by the SCOTUS over marriage.  Congress should enact laws denying funding and withholding jurisdiction from enforcement of any redefinition of marriage by the federal judiciary. Congress has repeatedly withdrawn power from the federal courts over many other topics, ranging from Medicare reimbursement to welfare … and marriage is certainly no less important an issue.  Congress should also exercise its special authority under Section 5 of the 14th Amendment to clarify that States retain full authority to limit marriage between one man and one woman.  Unlike the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution, which depend on the federal courts for enforcement, the 14th – which contains the equal protection clause relied on by same-sex marriage advocates – gives Congress the power to enforce its provisions against the States.
Even economically, the costs of same-sex marriage include billions in new entitlements, consumption of family court resources, and lawsuits for alleged discrimination.  The elected branches of federal and state government, which retain the ‘power of the purse,’ should not have to foot the bill for those costs, and the Constitution ensures that they can cut off the money.
On January 22, 1973, a 7-2 majority of the SCOTUS invented a new constitutional right to abortion, and many politicians mistakenly thought that settled the issue.  But the advantage in the polls formerly enjoyed by the pro-abortion side has completely disappeared.  Moreover, even the Court that had declared a ‘right’ to abortion subsequently held that Congress and the States retain power to cut off money for abortion, and to regulate it.  By the same token, States have full authority to cut off money for the homosexual agenda today!
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Pro-Choice Strategy is No Choice!

A Freedom of Information Act request in Maryland has provided undeniable proof that some pro-abortion organizations are determined to close pro-life pregnancy centers across the country.  Emails procured by Dustin Siggins of … which have since been authenticated by a Montgomery County official … have exposed the Maryland chapter of NARAL Pro-Choice America’s collaboration with state officials to try and close a local pro-life pregnancy center.
The business under attack, Centro Tepeyac Silver Spring Women’s Center, had been required by Montgomery County to post signs stating that it did not have doctors on staff … in an effort to turn women away. The ordinance was soon dropped, however, after a judge sensed a certain pro-choice bias against the center.
The emails obtained by Siggins show how NARAL had a hand in the case, and just what the NARAL chapter president, Jodi Finkelstein thought of these “obviously fake abortion clinics.”  The emails reveal that, unbeknownst to the public, Montgomery County dropped the case after conferring with NARAL.  The county stopped defending the law the month after NARAL recommended that very action in a March 14, 2014 letter, sent a week after the judge permanently blocked the law.  “It is our hope that the Montgomery County Council will once again partner with us to ensure Montgomery County citizens are aware of the misleading tactics used by crisis pregnancy centers,” wrote Finkelstein.
Although the court battle didn’t go their way, NARAL is still determined to make life hard for Centro Tepeyac.  A closer look at those emails reveals their strategies for doing so, such as restricting these pro-life centers’ advertising rights, and instructing county officials not to refer women to crisis pregnancy centers for ultrasounds … a procedure which often convinces mothers to reject abortion.
Pro-life activists have done their fair share to shut down abortion clinics, with over a dozen closed in Texas last year alone … thanks to the pro-life law HB 2.  [read my blog dated March 14, 2014 - “Pro-Choice Advocates – More Interested in Access to Abortion Clinics than Protecting Women”]
Yet, there’s a major difference.  Fewer abortion clinics means more mothers choosing life for their children; whereas, fewer pregnancy centers means fewer opportunities to find the care and encouragement they need to carry their child to term.  The difference is life and death.
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, January 26, 2015

America’s First Freedom – Threatened Abroad and at Home

It cannot be denied that we live in a time of unprecedented violence against Christians and Jews.  In the Mideast, Christians are routinely murdered.  We’ve seen children beheaded by ISIS and al Qaeda; other children are kidnapped and sold into sex slavery by Islamic extremists.  Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq … countries on whom American taxpayers have lavished billions of dollars in foreign aid … provide no protections for their Christian minorities.  Israeli homes and schools have come under rocket attack daily from Hamas in Gaza.  Jews are being driven from France … even before these latest terrorist attacks in Paris … with some 7,000 Jews emigrating last year to Israel.
But listen: In the U.S., our first constitutional freedom is under assault.
The Obama Administration has issued HHS Mandates that force us to subsidize the killing of unborn children.  It’s not enough that this is the most pro-abortion administration in history … evening spreading its lethal pro-abortion message with U.S. foreign aid dollars to Africa and throughout the world.  President Obama now wants to overturn the protections of the Hyde Amendment and force us all to violate our consciences as he “fundamentally transforms this country” by paying for the brutal execution of 3,000 unborn children a day.
We saw the firing of Atlanta’s Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran.  Chief Cochran’s record of achievement was without reproach.  He had risked his life for his fellow Atlantans throughout a distinguished career.  But because he wrote a book about his Christian faith, because he expressed his personal view that sex between men was wrong, Chief Cochran was fired.  Chief Cochran based his belief on Scripture’s clear teaching.  This happened in the same city of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. … the cradle of the great American Rights Movement (a Christian led movement).  But Chief Cochran not only lost his job, but (more importantly) his human right to think and speak freely.
In launching the Montgomery ‘bus boycott’ that sparked the modern Civil Rights movement, the Rev. Dr. King said this: “I want it to be known throughout Montgomery and throughout the nation that we are a Christian people … and we are determined here in Montgomery to work and fight, until justice runs down like water and righteousness as a mighty stream.”  King cited Scripture as his inspiration.
James Madison celebrated the passage of Virginia’s Statute for Religious Freedom in 1786 by writing to Thomas Jefferson in Paris.  Madison said we had “extinguished forever the ambitious hope of writing laws for the human mind.”
But that’s what political correctness does; it crushes all public expression of opposing views.  It’s why we will see a White House summit on “violent extremism” that dares not mention jihad or Islamist terrorism … because such realities are not politically correct. Controlling public speech is the first step to controlling private thought.
Madison was clear on the link between civil and religious freedom.  The guarantees for civil freedom in the Constitution, he wrote in Federalist 51, are the same as those for religious freedom — in the “multiplicity of sects.”  For us, that translates as diversity.  Our diversity is not simply of colors, races, or sexes; but an American diversity of ideas and expression.
Ken Blackwell, a senior fellow at the Family Research Council, says, “Think of Christians as the canary in the coal mine.  When the canary dies, you know it’s unsafe for the miners, too.  Free exercise of religion is the First Freedom mentioned in the First Amendment.  That’s because the Founders recognized that all civil freedom is based on that firm foundation of religious freedom.  When religious speech is suppressed, all civil freedom is threatened.  And it has never been as threatened in America as it is today.”
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, January 23, 2015

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

Did you miss it?  While most the world’s attention was focused on the terrorist attack in France, there was little notice given to a much larger attack by Islamist extremists in Nigeria.  In an assault that lasted days, Boko Haram militants carried out a ‘scorched earth campaign’ in the northeastern part of the country … killing, looting, and burning everything in sight.  Amnesty International described the attack as the “deadliest massacre” in the history of Boko Haram.
During the raid that started January 3, hundreds of gunmen seized the town of Baga and neighboring villages … as well as a multinational military base.  Though local officials gave conflicting death tolls, they agreed on the massive number of fatalities.  From hundreds to as many as 2,000 people were killed in attacks on 16-villages.  The actual toll is yet unknown.
An offensive is underway to reclaim the areas from the militants, according to Mike Omeri, a government spokesman.  “These towns are just gone, burned down,” Borno State Senator Ahmed Zanna told NBC News.  “The whole area is covered in bodies.”
Boko Haram gained notoriety earlier last year after kidnapping roughly 200-schoolgirls … who are still missing.  [read about it in my blog posting of May 12, 2014 – “Christian Persecution in Abduction of Nigerian Girls” ] They’ve conducted a number of large-scale attacks since then, and declared their own caliphate in the country.
Clearly, the Nigerian government is struggling to keep the militant group in check, but why?  The Christian Science Monitor reports this:
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has pledged to put an end to the group’s reign of terror, but Boko Haram has refused to negotiate with the current government, which is led by a non-Muslim political party.  If anything, Boko Haram’s attacks are intended to display the government’s inability to effectively respond and influence the outcome of the next election.  Boko Haram boasts firepower, discipline, and seems to benefit from links to well-funded organizations such as al-Qaeda.  In 2013, the Nigerian military descended on Baga in response to an attack by Boko Haram fighters.  The effort, during which critics accused soldiers of executing more “destruction than protection,” at least 37-people were killed and 2,275-homes were destroyed.  When Boko Haram overtook Baga on January 3, government soldiers abandoned post leaving unarmed citizens to defend themselves.  “We are very dispirited,” Borno North Senator Maina Maaji Lawan told BBC.  “There is definitely something wrong that makes our military abandon their posts each time there is an attack from Boko Haram.”
Clearly, Boko Haram is not just Nigeria’s problem anymore, especially since the group threatened Cameroon in a video last week, and has set its sights on expanding territory into the neighboring country.  “A global threat calls for a global response.  Such should be the response of the international community, including the African Union and our regional organizations,” said Cameroon’s President Paul Biya in a speech earlier this month.
If the Bible is your moral guide in thought, word and deed: How do you reconcile what is going on in Nigeria … where 50% of the population is Christian … with being your brother’s keeper?  Are we being like Cain who slew his brother Abel (Genesis 4:9) and when the Lord asked Cain – “Where is your brother?” we respond like Cain – “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

42-Years Since Back-Alley Abortions: Women No Safer

Are you old enough to remember the argument that we needed to legalize abortion because women were in harms way due to back-alley abortions?  The alarming stats presented by the defenders of pro-choice … before the U.S. Supreme Court in the decision of Roe v. Wade … was fabricated out of whole-cloth; there was no documented evidence to the claim.  Well, here we are 42-years hence and we have some alarming stats.  Read this …
Nearly two-thirds of all licensed abortion facilities in Illinois have not been inspected by the state’s Department of Public Health in two to three-and-a-half years, while some haven’t been inspected for over a decade, according to a new report.
The 66-page study report, released by Illinois Right to Life, says that 63% of licensed Illinois women’s clinics have not received a health and sanitary inspection for up to three-and-a-half-years.  “The failure of the Department of Public Health to conduct regular health and sanitary inspections leaves women open to the prospect of unsterile surgical tools, dirty operating rooms, incomplete medical attention, infections, and possibly more deaths,” the group says.
When the group requested a copy of the sanitary inspection policy for licensed women’s clinics, they were told no such policy exists.  “It’s quite scary,” Emily Zender, the group’s executive director, says in the report. “While news reports warn of MRSA [Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus], urge flu vaccination, and praise hospital Ebola training, abortion providers are allowed to perform invasive surgical procedures in unsanitary conditions.”
The report also reveals that 40% of the clinics licensed between 2000-2014 went without health inspections for 14-17 years.  It adds that the state’s five Planned Parenthood clinics that perform abortions are not licensed, and consequently did not receive health and sanitary inspections between 2000-2014.
“What is even more unconscionable is that the Department of Public Health failed to produce any documentation showing that women who had abortions in unsterile clinics were warned of the potential risks,” Zender added.  “No woman should leave an abortion clinic needing HIV testing, a tetanus shot or hospital emergency treatment, yet for 15-years the Illinois Department of Public Health has abdicated all responsibility to ensure licensed abortion clinics are safe and sanitary.”  The state requires even tanning salons to go through annual inspections and nursing homes to receive inspections every 15-months; but abortion clinics in Illinois are inspected an average of once every 9-years, the group says.  Besides, there’s no sanitary inspection policy for licensed women’s clinics, it adds.
The report carries some health violations documented at various Illinois women’s clinics.  The violations included: “No registered nurse was employed ... Medical personnel were observed retrieving a paper towel from the garbage to cover food trays ... Reportedly gynecological cannulas were stained with a brown substance ... Suction machine in the operating room contained clear water with specks of floating debris in it.”
The grand jury report on West Philadelphia’s “house of horrors” acknowledged that lack of inspection allowed Kermit Gosnell to kill women and newborn babies.  [read my March 17, 2014 blog entitled – “They Say Abortion Is About the ‘Safety’ of Women – An Unsubstantiated Argument” and my May 10, 2013 blog entitled – “Gosnell is By no Means the Exception”]
“The State of Illinois has failed women.  Refusal to immediately enact reform abandons women to the prospect of unsterile surgical tools, dirty operating rooms, and inadequate medical attention,” Zender said.  “Two clinics have already shutdown after health inspections revealed dangerously unsanitary conditions inside.  Gosnell-esque abortion clinics are not welcome in Illinois.”
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, January 19, 2015

New Congress Seeks to Ban Late-Term Abortions, While the President Threatens to Veto

This week marks the 42nd anniversary (January 22, 1973) of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion in America.  I’m dedicating today’s and Wednesday’s blog postings to the some 56-million unborn fellow Americans who painfully suffered an agonizing death before taking their first breathe of life.
Marking this dreadful anniversary, the newly controlled Congress of Republican majority is taking its first step in sending pro-life legislation to the desk of President Obama.  According to Politico, the House has timed a vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to take place on January 22 … coinciding with the arrival of at least 300,000 pro-life Americans who are expected to brave the cold at the annual ‘March for Life’ in Washington, D.C.  If made into law, as many as 18,000 unborn children could be spared an abortion and granted life.  [The Congressional Budget Office and the Guttmacher Institute issued separate estimates that the bill would save between 10,000 and 15,000 unborn children a year.]
Trent Franks (AZ-R) and Marsha Blackburn (TN-R) introduced the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R.36) in the U.S. House of Representatives last week.  The bill institutes a national ban on all abortions on babies who are 20-weeks or older, in order to prevent fetal pain.  “More than 18,000 very late term abortions are performed every year on perfectly healthy unborn babies in America,” Franks said, adding that the babies are “torturously killed without even basic anesthesia.”  He said, “Many of them cry and scream as they die, but because it is amniotic fluid going over their vocal cords instead of air, we don’t hear them.”  Blackburn said the bill must become law, because Americans “have a moral obligation to end dangerous late-term abortions in order to protect women and these precious babies from criminals like Kermit Gosnell and others who prey on the most vulnerable in our society.  The United States is one of the few remaining countries in the world that allows abortion after 20-weeks.”
The Senate, under new Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of KY, is expected to vote on the measure in the spring.  Two Senate staffers told LifeSiteNews that a 20-week ban is expected to get through the Judiciary Committee and be a priority of the upper chamber’s Republican majority.  At least eight possible 2016 GOP presidential candidates have publicly stood with the ban.
President Obama has threatened to veto the bill, because it “shows contempt for women’s health and rights, the role doctors play in their patients’ health care decisions, and the Constitution.”  But whether he will need to is still an open question.  Republicans will need at least 6-Democrats to join them in supporting the bill, and possibly more if as many as 4-Republican Senators do not support the ban, to overcome a filibuster.
Polls show that a majority of Americans support the late-term ban … which includes exceptions for the life of the mother, rape, and incest.
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, January 16, 2015

Survey Shows: 92% of Congress Are Christian

Members of this year’s 114th US Congress may have many differing opinions, however, according to a recent Pew Research survey, there is one important thing most of them have in common: faith.  The Pew Research Religion & Public Life Project found that 491 of the 535 members of Congress (92%) identify as Christian.  According to a CNN Wire report, that number is a slight increase from last year’s Congress (which was 90%).
Alan Cooperman, director of religious research at Pew, noted, “One of the things we have seen in our surveys is that the American public says one thing they like to see in candidates for office is strong religious beliefs.”
If you broke it down amongst party lines, you'd find all but one of the Republicans in Congress are Christian … New York’s Rep. Lee Zeldin is Jewish.  The more diverse group are congressional Democrats, who are 80% Christian, 12% Jewish, with two Buddhists, two Muslims, one Hindu and one ‘unaffiliated’ member, according to the CNN Wire report.
“On the whole, American adults tend to say that they do want strong religious beliefs in candidates and they tend to say that they would be less likely to vote for someone who says they do not believe in God,” added Cooperman.  “Candidates are reflecting the views of the public when they do tend to affiliate with a religious group.”
Given these stats, what can we expected of our elected officials?  Do their religious convictions govern their decision-making process?  Do they recognize God’s Word as the absolute source for truth and justice?  Will we see voting that support the Biblical worldview for religious liberty, sanctity of human life, traditional marriage & family, national defense, right to bear arms, freedom of speech, economic free market, dominion over the environment, and in foreign policy? … for the Bible speaks to all these contemporary issues.
Let us earnestly pray for those members of Congress who profess to be Christian that their walk will be consistent with their talk.
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Call to Christians: Stand Your Ground Against ‘Gay Marriage’

The Defense of God’s design for natural marriage – along with the God-given, constitutional freedom of conscience to decline participation in and, thereby, endorsement of, its unnatural and sin-based counterfeit, so-called ‘gay marriage’ – is now among America’s premier civil-rights struggles.
As Christians, we are called to stand our ground, in love, against all wickedness (not selective wrongdoings).  We do so not because we are righteous – for we are not – but because of Christ’s righteousness in us. As Christ followers, we are to follow Jesus; we are to stand for His truths. And when we do face persecution (for righteousness sake), He will ultimately honor our faithfulness for His own glory and purpose.  I know this firsthand!  I’ve taken a stand against sinful ‘same-sex marriage’ and have experienced ridicule … both in and out of the Church.  But I’m not alone.
The cases are piling up.  I’ve written past blogs on bakers, photographers, florists, inn keepers, magistrates, county clerks and other people involved in various vocations surrounding marriage who have suffered persecution for merely declining to become complicit in sin. Christians are being financially ruined and even facing jail time for refusing to lend their time, talents, gifts and abilities to sanction unnatural marriage rituals.
Listen: All good things come from God the Father, and all wickedness comes from the father of lies.  If Jehovah God designed Biblical marriage (between one man and one woman) and natural human sexuality (for the purpose of procreation) as He did, then we are left with Satan as the counterfeit designer who fabricated counter-biblical ‘gay marriage’ and perverted God’s perfect purposes for human sexuality.
As faithful Christians we cannot, indeed we must not, endorse or participate in that which God calls evil.  “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.” (Isaiah 5:20).  We must reject sin.
There have been a number of good and well-intentioned folks who, rather than participating in these pagan ‘gay marriage’ rituals, have either resigned employment or, if business owners, closed their doors altogether.  This is admirable.  But when (not if) you are placed in such a situation that compels you to choose between obedience to God’s just laws or man’s unjust laws, that you not only refuse to obey the unjust laws, but refuse to quit.  Stand your ground!  Do not resign your post. Force the government to overtly persecute you – to take punitive action against you for your righteous stand … even if you face chains.  Pray for courage, and God will provide it.
The Apostle Paul set the example when, while chained to a wall in a Roman prison, he wrote the following to the church in Philippi: “Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the Gospel.  As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ.  And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the Gospel without fear.” (Philippians 1:12-14)
Not only did Paul supernaturally face anti-Christian persecution without fear, he faced it with great joy.  “Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.  I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.  For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:18-21)
Mat Staver, chairman and founder of Liberty Counsel, one of America’s fastest-growing civil-rights law firms, has said, “If the government wants to impose an intolerant agenda on people of faith and trample their religious convictions, then let it happen in public for all to see.  I cannot believe the American people will long tolerate this intolerant agenda.”  He went on to say, “Where would the civil-rights movement be if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. voluntarily went home when he faced opposition?  Where would we be today if Rosa Parks had voluntarily moved to the back of the bus?  The quest for religious freedom was the reason America was born. We cannot voluntarily give up this unalienable right.”
As Paul concluded, “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ … without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you.  This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved – and that by God.  For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him.” (Philippians 1:27-29)
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, January 12, 2015

The Islamic Conquest of Europe and the Passivity of America

A German ISIS fighter claimed in an interview that it’s only a matter of time before the jihadists expand and conquer Europe.  He also defended the terror group’s practices of mass enslavement and beheadings, and said that it plans to carry out “the largest religious cleansing campaign” in history, which will include the killing of hundreds of millions of people.  “We will conquer Europe one day.  It is not a question of if we will conquer Europe, just a matter of when that will happen.  But it is certain. ... For us, there is no such thing as borders.  There are only front lines,” said this spokesman to journalist Juergen Todenhoefer in an article for CNN.  “Our expansion will be perpetual. ... And the Europeans need to know that when we come, it will not be in a nice way.  It will be with our weapons.  And those who do not convert to Islam or pay the Islamic tax will be killed.”
ISIS, or the Islamic State as the group is also known, has captured a number of cities across Iraq and Syria, and has become known for beheading prisoners on camera and enslaving religious minorities, including Christians.  The terror group’s mission is to establish an Islamic caliphate (political-religious state) across the Middle East region, and eventually the world.
Todenhoefer visited the Iraqi city of Mosul, which used to host a large Christian community, before it was taken over by ISIS in June.  The jihadists have since imposed Islamic law on the land, forcing people to convert to Islam, pay a tax, or face death.
When asked about Shiite Muslims who don’t share the same beliefs as ISIS, the spokesman said that anyone who refuses to convert will be killed.  “150-million, 200-million or 500-million, it does not matter to us,” the jihadist said.  “We will kill them all.”
He also argued that slavery is a sign of “progress,” and claimed that the practice also exists among Christians and Jews.  “I would say that slavery is a great help to us and we will continue to have slavery and beheadings; it is part of our religion. ... Many slaves have converted to Islam and have then been freed.”
The ISIS spokesman blamed the beheading of several Western journalists and aid workers (including American James Foley) on the U.S. government.  “[Foley] did not get killed because we started the battle.  He got killed because of the ignorance of his government that did not give him any help.”
Earlier in December, an ISIS senior leader said in another revealing interview that the terror group was born at the American Camp Bucca prison in southern Iraq 10-years ago.  The official, who chose to identify himself by the name of Abu Ahmed, noted that Bucca, established after the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, provided an “extraordinary opportunity” for the growing number of jihadists imprisoned there.  “We could never have all got together like this in Baghdad, or anywhere else,” Ahmed said.  “It would have been impossibly dangerous.  Here, we were not only safe, but we were only a few hundred meters away from the entire al-Qaeda leadership.”
Imagine: One prison at America’s Camp Bucca in Iraq contributed to ISIS.  Makes me wonder what’s going on in any one of the 2,100 mosques in the United States! 
Question: If I (as a Christian pastor) can be monitored for my political statements from the pulpit by the IRS and be subject to claims of ‘hate speech,’ then why can’t what’s being said in a U.S. mosque be subject to the same scrutiny?  Currently, the answer can only be due to ‘political correctness’ or the intentional persecution of Christians.  What else can it be?   
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, January 9, 2015

Contrasting Christianity and Islam – No Comparison!

Having dedicated the past two blog postings to Islam not being a “religion of peace,” I want to contrast Islam to Christianity using a question an 11-year old Arab Christian girl asked of an Islamic scholar who was preaching about Allah.  The girl asked – “Show me where in the Koran that Allah loves me as the sinner that I am, and I will become a Muslim."  The dumbstruck ‘scholar’ was silent for a long time, and then walked away.  He had no answer to give her.  Why?
It is because the Allah of the Koran does not love the sinner, or the unrighteous, or the lost, or the struggling, or the backslider.  The Allah of the Koran displays only a highly-qualified, conditional type of “love” … which is for Muslims only.  The Koran clearly teaches that Allah hates non-Muslims:
Qur’an 3:31-32 — Say [O Muhammad]: If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your faults, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.  Say: Obey Allah and the Apostle; but if they turn back, then surely Allah does not love the unbelievers.
Qur’an 30:43-45 — Then turn thy face straight to the right religion before there come from Allah the day which cannot be averted; on that day they shall become separated.  Whoever disbelieves, he shall be responsible for his disbelief, and whoever does good, they prepare (good) for their own souls, that He may reward those who believe and do good out of His grace; surely He does not love the unbelievers.
These quotes are in startling contrast to the words of the Bible that show that Jehovah God offers His love to any and all who will receive it … as a free gift paid-in-full with no strings attached:
Zephaniah 3:17 – “The Lord your God is in your midst; He is a warrior who can deliver.  He takes great delight in you; He renews you by His love; He shouts for joy over you.”
Romans 5:8 – “But God demonstrated His own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
John 3:16-17 – “For this is the way God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world should be saved through Him.”
Clearly the Bible teaches that God is not interested in “making you a Christian,” rather He desires to save you from the penalty of your sins … which is an eternity in Hell. God’s salvation is a free gift that only needs to be received to become active.  It is the exchange of your sins for His righteousness and a full and free eternal pardon.
The Allah of the Koran is not the same as the God of the Bible.  Allah wants to make you a Muslim; Jehovah God wants to set you free from the bondage of sin.  “So if the Son sets you free, you will be really free.” (John 8:36)
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Islam is No “Religion of Peace” (Part 2)

Today’s blog is a continuation from the previous posting.  If you did not read the posting of Monday (January 5), please do so before reading this posting.  The following data is attributed to Dr. Peter Hammond (doctorate in Theology): Born in Cape Town in 1960, grew up in Rhodesia, and converted to Christianity in 1977.  He is the author of the book Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat.
When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions.  In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings.  Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam.  Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections, in:
Guyana – Muslim 10%
India – Muslim 13.4%
Israel – Muslim 16%
Kenya – Muslim 10%
Russia – Muslim 15%
After reaching 20% of the population, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the destruction of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:
Ethiopia – Muslim 32.8%
At 40% of the population, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and on-going militia warfare, such as in:
Bosnia – Muslim 40%
Chad – Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon – Muslim 59.7%
From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya (the tax placed on infidels), such as in:
Albania – Muslim 70%
Malaysia – Muslim 60.4%
Qatar – Muslim 77.5%
Sudan – Muslim 70%
After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:
Bangladesh – Muslim 83%
Egypt – Muslim 90%
Gaza – Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia – Muslim 86.1%
Iran – Muslim 98%
Iraq – Muslim 97%
Jordan – Muslim 92%
Morocco – Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan – Muslim 97%
Palestine – Muslim 99%
Syria – Muslim 90%
Tajikistan – Muslim 90%
Turkey – Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates – Muslim 96%
100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ – the Islamic House of Peace.  Here there’s supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrassas are the only schools, and the Koran is the only sacred text, such as in:
Afghanistan – Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia – Muslim 100%
Somalia – Muslim 100%
Yemen – Muslim 100%
Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.
Today’s 1.5 billion Muslims make up 22% of the world’s population.  But their birth rates dwarf the birth rates of Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, and all other believers.  Muslims will exceed 50% of the world’s population by the end of this century.
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel
“If the camel once gets his nose in the tent, his body will soon follow.” – Arabian Proverb