Monday, January 26, 2015

America’s First Freedom – Threatened Abroad and at Home

It cannot be denied that we live in a time of unprecedented violence against Christians and Jews.  In the Mideast, Christians are routinely murdered.  We’ve seen children beheaded by ISIS and al Qaeda; other children are kidnapped and sold into sex slavery by Islamic extremists.  Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq … countries on whom American taxpayers have lavished billions of dollars in foreign aid … provide no protections for their Christian minorities.  Israeli homes and schools have come under rocket attack daily from Hamas in Gaza.  Jews are being driven from France … even before these latest terrorist attacks in Paris … with some 7,000 Jews emigrating last year to Israel.
But listen: In the U.S., our first constitutional freedom is under assault.
The Obama Administration has issued HHS Mandates that force us to subsidize the killing of unborn children.  It’s not enough that this is the most pro-abortion administration in history … evening spreading its lethal pro-abortion message with U.S. foreign aid dollars to Africa and throughout the world.  President Obama now wants to overturn the protections of the Hyde Amendment and force us all to violate our consciences as he “fundamentally transforms this country” by paying for the brutal execution of 3,000 unborn children a day.
We saw the firing of Atlanta’s Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran.  Chief Cochran’s record of achievement was without reproach.  He had risked his life for his fellow Atlantans throughout a distinguished career.  But because he wrote a book about his Christian faith, because he expressed his personal view that sex between men was wrong, Chief Cochran was fired.  Chief Cochran based his belief on Scripture’s clear teaching.  This happened in the same city of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. … the cradle of the great American Rights Movement (a Christian led movement).  But Chief Cochran not only lost his job, but (more importantly) his human right to think and speak freely.
In launching the Montgomery ‘bus boycott’ that sparked the modern Civil Rights movement, the Rev. Dr. King said this: “I want it to be known throughout Montgomery and throughout the nation that we are a Christian people … and we are determined here in Montgomery to work and fight, until justice runs down like water and righteousness as a mighty stream.”  King cited Scripture as his inspiration.
James Madison celebrated the passage of Virginia’s Statute for Religious Freedom in 1786 by writing to Thomas Jefferson in Paris.  Madison said we had “extinguished forever the ambitious hope of writing laws for the human mind.”
But that’s what political correctness does; it crushes all public expression of opposing views.  It’s why we will see a White House summit on “violent extremism” that dares not mention jihad or Islamist terrorism … because such realities are not politically correct. Controlling public speech is the first step to controlling private thought.
Madison was clear on the link between civil and religious freedom.  The guarantees for civil freedom in the Constitution, he wrote in Federalist 51, are the same as those for religious freedom — in the “multiplicity of sects.”  For us, that translates as diversity.  Our diversity is not simply of colors, races, or sexes; but an American diversity of ideas and expression.
Ken Blackwell, a senior fellow at the Family Research Council, says, “Think of Christians as the canary in the coal mine.  When the canary dies, you know it’s unsafe for the miners, too.  Free exercise of religion is the First Freedom mentioned in the First Amendment.  That’s because the Founders recognized that all civil freedom is based on that firm foundation of religious freedom.  When religious speech is suppressed, all civil freedom is threatened.  And it has never been as threatened in America as it is today.”
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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