Monday, June 29, 2015

SCOTUS Decision Rules Same-Sex Marriages ‘Legal’ – But It Remains ‘Immoral’

A so-called landmark decision by the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) does not change the Divine Court’s judgment of the sinful nature of humanity.  It is for this that Christ Jesus came (with the love of God) to earth and shed His blood to redeem sinners (such as me) who turn to Him for their salvation. 

Nothing has changed (for me) by this decision.  I cannot (nor will not) consent to homosexual unions as morally acceptable … though they are now ruled as legal.  And certainly will not embrace them as equal to God’s definition of marriage – between one man and one woman … any more than I can accept other sexual preferences such as adultery or fornication.  God’s Word has not changed!  The Lord’s eternal expectation is fidelity in marriage and celibacy in singleness.

The wisdom of America’s forefathers was evident in their understanding that our inalienable rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” come only from the Creator, not the government.

Mindful of the progressive’s mantra of the so-called ‘separation of church and state’ and now realizing that same-sex ‘marriage’ has been declared ‘legal’ by Caesar (the government) … but not ‘moral’ by the Creator (God); and sincerely believing that the greater agenda is the demise of Christianity’s influence in the marketplace of American society … suggesting that we are welcome to our opinions only within the walls of the church; I suggest that all couples now sign their own legal documents at the desk issuing the marriage license, and that clergy cease to officiate or sign any governmental forms.  God-fearing clergy would then have the discretion of providing a marital ‘blessing’ in keeping with God's definition of marriage in keeping with God's definition of marriage in keeping with God’s definition of marriage … with all the usual pageantry within the church and in keeping with the morality of that faith-group … and issue their own certificate of holy matrimony.  In this way, we can render to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s. 

This 5-4 decision to grant legal recognition of same-sex ‘marriage’ nationwide will now begin the assault on God-fearing Christians who choose to follow JC rather than PC.  True Christians will now experience not only the threats of Islamic terrorists, but also the intolerance of the secular humanists.  The limiting of religious liberty is now the target.  The day has now come to “choose you this day whom you will serve …”  Like Joshua, I will serve the Lord … rendering to God what is God’s. 

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, June 26, 2015

Michigan Law Protects Faith-Based Adoption Agencies that Decline Gay Adoption

Last week both houses of the Michigan legislature passed a bill, and then signed into law by Gov. Rick Snyder, allowing faith-based adoption agencies to decline cases that violate their religious beliefs … such as gay adoptions.  This, of course, is a move to protect the religious freedom of these adoption agencies.

Gary Glenn, a state representative and head of the American Family Association of Michigan, explained the purpose to OneNewsNow saying, “We have many faith-based adoption agencies, such as Lutheran Community Services and Catholic Charities, that as a matter of religious conviction refer children for adoption only by married mothers and fathers because these agencies believe that’s what’s in the best interest of the child.”  Glenn says it prohibits the state from violating constitutional protections for religious freedom, “making sure they don’t engage in content discrimination by putting out a request for proposals or contracts to provide adoption referral services and then turning around and telling some subset of adoption referral agencies that they can’t contract with the state or local government because of their religious convictions.”

Critics say the new law amounts to government-sanctioned discrimination against same-sex couples.  But the governor says it ensures that as many organizations as possible are involved in helping kids be adopted.  Gov. Snyder said, “This is about making sure we get the largest number of kids in forever families.  The more opportunities and organizations we have that are doing a good job of placing people in loving families, isn’t that better for all of us?”

The law does require adoption agencies with religious objections to refer applicants to another agency or to a state website listing other providers.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Why Hillary Will Win the 2016 Election

The spiritual leader of Congregation Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck, NJ, Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, wrote a piece on “Why Hillary Will Win in 2016.” In short: “The lure of free stuff is irresistible.”

With regard to the 2012 election, Pruzansky says – “Romney lost because he didn’t get enough votes to win.  That might seem obvious, but not for the obvious reasons.  Romney lost because the conservative virtues – the traditional American virtues of liberty, hard work, free enterprise, private initiative and aspirations to moral greatness – no longer inspire or animate a majority of the electorate.  The simplest reason why Romney lost was because it is impossible to compete against free stuff.”

Obama’s America is one in which free stuff is given away: the adults among the 47,000,000 on food stamps clearly recognized for whom they should vote, and so they did, by the tens of millions; those who - courtesy of Obama - receive two full years of unemployment benefits (which, of course, both disincentives looking for work and also motivates people to work off the books while collecting their windfall) surely know for whom to vote.  The lure of free stuff is irresistible.

Almost half of the population has no skin in the game – they don’t care about high taxes, promoting business, or creating jobs … nor do they care that the money for their free stuff is being borrowed from their children and from the Chinese.  They just want the free stuff that comes their way at someone else's expense.  The lure of free stuff is irresistible.

It is impossible to imagine a conservative candidate winning against such overwhelming odds.  People do vote their pocketbooks.  In essence, the people vote for a Congress who will not raise their taxes, and for a President who will give them free stuff … never mind who has to pay for it.

The road to Hillary Clinton in 2016 and to a European-socialist economy - those very economies that are collapsing today in Europe - is paved.  If this coming election proves anything, it is that the ‘Old America’ is gone.  And, sad for the world, it is not coming back.  The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, June 22, 2015

According to a Recent Poll: 76% of Americans Support Voter ID Laws

It is as if ‘an article of faith’ among progressives that mandatory voter ID laws are racist and discriminatory.  Such voter requirements, they say, unfairly discriminate against minorities and elderly citizens … claiming many of whom do not have and cannot afford to purchase them.  However, it is a well-known fact that in the United States, one must always and everywhere show a photo ID at airports, car rentals, purchasing firearms … even with some purchases at department stores.  So why should voting, a fundamental and hard-won American right, be any different?

Perhaps as a result of these realities, a new poll shows that the vast majority of Americans … most of whom are not racist … support such compulsory laws.  A new Rasmussen Reports poll out last week found support for photo ID laws at 76% -- nearly exactly the 78% support registered in 2006 when the latest movement to scrap the laws kicked off.

Despite charges by progressives that conservative states and politicians are engaging in discrimination by demanding that voters show identification, more than three-quarters of likely voters believe photo ID laws are needed.  In other words, support for these kinds of laws is enduringly strong; and presumably, it will stay that way for the foreseeable future.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, June 19, 2015

Pro-Life Victory in Federal Court Enrages Baby-Killers

The other week, the health and safety of both mothers and their unborn babies was at the forefront in a federal court ruling on a Texas law (House Bill 2) requiring abortion clinics to operate under the same state standards as any other clinic offering out-patient procedures.  It would ensure that the clinics basically operate under hospital-level standards.  [read my previous blog posting dated March 14, 2014 – “Pro-Choice Advocates – More Interested in Access to Abortion Clinics than Protecting Women”]

The court ruled in the case of Whole Woman’s Health v. Lakey, that the medical requirement advances Texas’ interests in safeguarding maternal health and protecting women from sub-standard abortion facilities and practices. 

Pro-life leaders see it as a victory for women and children.  “Texas has struck a decisive blow for women’s health and safety against a predatory abortion industry,” said Americans United for Life President and CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest.  “A largely under-monitored, under-supervised, and secretive abortion industry tells women ‘trust but don’t verify that our clinics are clean and safe.’  No longer should women be abandoned to self-serving and false assurances from an industry that puts profits over people,” she added.

Pro-choice leaders call the ruling a setback, saying it will leave as few as seven abortion clinics in the state of Texas.  “Not since before Roe v. Wade has a law or court decision had the potential to devastate access to reproductive healthcare on such a sweeping scale,” said Nancy Northrop, President and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights.  “We now look to the justices to stop the sham laws that are shutting clinics down and placing countless women at risk of serious harm.”

Justices stated in the ruling that 9 out of 10 women in the state would still have access to an abortion clinic within 150-miles of them.

The number of abortion clinics in Texas is on decline from 40-clinics in 2012 to currently about 17.  That decline began after the 5th Circuit upheld another part of the 2013 law requiring doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

According to a new Associated Press survey, fewer people are getting abortions in almost every state.  Researchers found that abortions have declined in states where new laws make it harder to have them, as well as in states with few restrictions.  Abortions have been down since 2010 with an over-all drop of about 12%.  Pro-life advocates say the drop is due to a shift in attitudes (increased awareness of the humanity of the baby before it is born due to sonograms as their baby’s first picture) with more women choosing to carry their pregnancies to term.  Pro-choice advocates attribute the drop to expanded access to effective contraceptives.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Oregon Gov’t Officials & Gay Group Found ‘in bed together’ Against Christian Cup Cake Bakery?

There may be evidence that the government agency in charge of enforcing Oregon’s anti-discrimination laws colluded against Aaron and Melissa Klein, former owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa Bakery, with the pro-LGBT group – Basic Rights Oregon (BRO).

The Daily Signal, the news arm of The Heritage Foundation, exposed the communications contact between officials at the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (OBLI) and BRO … obtained through a public records request … in their story entitled, “Emails Raise Questions of Bias in Case Against Bakers Who Denied Service for Same-Sex Wedding.”  The communications between the two groups raises questions of the impartiality of the government organization tasked with deciding to bring a case against the Kleins … who were forced to close their bakery after declining to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian marriage ceremony and have since become encumbered with over $150,000 in damages.

OBLI Commissioner Brad Avakian, who will determine the final fine to be paid by the Kleins, appears to be far from impartial.  The Daily Signal reported on the conflict of interest: “Emails also show Avakian purchasing tickets costing hundreds of dollars to attend BRO’s annual fundraising galas and gay pride parades, while his agency’s case against the Kleins was underway.”  The Daily Signal further uncovered in its report that in 2012, “Basic Rights Oregon donated almost $8,000 to Avakian’s bid for commissioner.”

The Daily Signal also reported the communications director for the OBLI mostly ignored its press inquiries about the case against the Kleins, but were quick to inform BRO of updates in the case … sometimes sending them texts about new or developing updates.  The two groups even communicated together about avoiding questions from the Daily Signal.  The Daily Signal did report that the OBLI provided a statement to them where they reiterated their commitment to “fair enforcement.”

In a related essay on cronyism last week at The Federalist, Michael A. Needham and Ryan T. Anderson discussed how cronyism and collusion … especially within the courts … is infecting culture.  “Cultural cronyists often start in the courts,” declared Needham and Anderson, “where they leverage the networks and institutions they dominate in law and academia to convince sympathetic judges to enact sweeping rulings that declare their core social priorities to be fundamental rights.”  Almost prophetically in terms of this case, Needham and Anderson noted, “Progressive allies often have a seat at the table when the government decides how to crack down on civic institutions that don’t toe the progressive cultural line.”

This summer, OBLI Commissioner Avakian is expected to rule on the final penalty against the Kleins.

Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation, called the agencies action “a clear conflict of interest.  State agencies have a duty to represent the best interests of the general public,” declared von Spakovsky, “not the interests of one particular advocacy group.  The relationship shown by these communications is inappropriate and raises basic questions about the objectivity, bias, and fairness of this agency and its proceedings.”

The Klein’s attorneys are hopeful that the newly uncovered communications will once and for all prove clear bias in the case against their client.  The Heritage Foundation published a motion by the attorneys to reopen the case because of new evidence based on bias and collusion.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, June 15, 2015

Is It True That Jesus Didn’t Say Anything About Homosexuality?

As we await the U.S. Supreme Court decision regarding same-sex ‘marriage’ let me respond to the often expressed argument in favor of homosexual ‘marriage’ made by both professing Christians and unbelievers – “Jesus didn’t say anything about homosexuality.”  Is this a true statement? Yes and No.  It’s true that we have no record of Jesus specifically mentioning homosexuality during His earthly ministry; but nor did He mention bestiality or molesting children.  So, does this ‘argument from silence’ (a logical fallacy) prove that Jesus was okay with these things?  Of course not!

We do know, however, that Jesus affirmed marriage as one man and one woman in a one-flesh relationship for life by appealing to creation (Genesis 1:27 and 2:23-24).  This is understandable because Jesus is God – the Son Incarnate.  Thus, Jesus rejects every other so-called definition of marriage beyond what was given in the Old Testament Scriptures.  He affirms His position in words attributed to Jesus in Mark 10:2-9.  For Jesus the parameters for all expressions of sexual orientation, for all desire for one-flesh relationship and all that it entails, is one man and one woman committed to one another for life in marriage.  Every other desire for any aspect of this one-flesh relationship outside of seeking marriage to the opposite sex is a violation of God’s creation.  In other words, to desire any aspect of the one-flesh relationship outside of marriage between one man and one woman for life is sin.  That’s what Jesus thinks about homosexuality.

Thus, we see that we cannot separate Jesus’ views of marriage from the Old Testament view of marriage – the ‘traditional (Biblical) definition of marriage’ – since the Old Testament view of marriage is Jesus’ view of marriage.  Furthermore, we cannot separate Jesus’ views of marriage and homosexuality from the other New Testament writers.  

Many times I’ve heard the additional argument that the Apostle “Paul was against homosexuality; he was a bigot.”  But, if Paul was a bigot, then you must reject the entire New Testament: all the letters of Paul; Luke’s accounts of Paul in the Acts of the Apostles; all the Christian leaders of the Church who approved of Paul’s ministry.  If you think Paul was a bigot, then you must argue that the entire New Testament has been corrupted … including the words of Christ.

The question becomes: Do you love the sin of homosexuality more than Christ?  Because Jesus clearly thinks that gay marriage is evil.

If you are a homosexual, I encourage you to agree with God’s Word instead of agreeing with what the world says against His Word.  There’s no possible way a person can read the Bible and come up with, “Homosexual marriage is not evil,” unless he or she changes Scripture.  If you cannot trust the Bible when it speaks about sin, you cannot trust the Bible when it speaks about salvation.  Based on the authority of God’s Word, I encourage you to repent of all homosexual desires you are conscious of; repent of all desires grounded in your homosexual orientation.  If you turn from your sin (repent), believing (faith) that Christ died for your sin and rose from the dead to declare you righteous before His Father, you will be saved from God’s wrath, your wicked heart, the Evil One, and this wicked world.  Christ will wash you (salvation); Christ will be washing you daily (sanctification); and you will be ultimately washed by Christ in the end (glorification).

If you are a Christian, continue repenting of all sin and sinful desires, and continue trusting in Christ alone for your salvation.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

I want to grateful acknowledge the contribution of Jared Moore, pastor of New Salem Baptist Church in Hustonville KY, for his blog of March 27, 2014 entitled – “What Does Jesus Think About Gay Marriage?”

Friday, June 12, 2015

Bruce Jenner Will ALWAYS Be a Man

Let’s be clear, and let’s be real.  Bruce Jenner is not a woman; he is a man.  Every single chromosome in his body confirms that fact.  He can alter his appearance all he wants; but he will remain a man – a badly damaged man; but still a man.  He can no more make himself a woman than I can make myself a dinosaur.

Progressivism is pure rebellion against whatever exists.  Progressives continually try to recreate human nature and human behavior to suit their agenda … not just in sexual preference and completely contrary to their actual genetics, but in all areas of life.  And whenever they fail (as they inevitably will), instead of reflecting upon it and considering the possibility that they were wrong, they will double down and seek to crush any dissenters … believing those dissenters to be the cause of their failure.  

Listen: Progressivism is organized rebellion against the law and rule of God.  It is the systematic violation of the Ten Commandments.  It is the rejection of the reality of the curse on humanity, and the attempts to overcome the effects of that curse by throwing off the law of God.  It never works and will never work … because God is God, and His curse on humankind will stand, until men and women submit to Jesus as the Christ (Messiah) and the remedy to the curse which He provides.

Promiscuous sex will always lead to horrible results.  They can try to cure all the STDs, have expensive government programs to provide for the broken families, kill unwanted babies, train kids in “safe sex,” educate or demand us to be accepting of all the broken results of this madness – like Bruce Jenner – pretending there is nothing weird about a 65-year old man calling himself Caitlyn and posing in a women’s magazine in a slinky dress.  But those who embrace God’s Word as their authority for abundant life and righteous living will not succumb to such blatant defilement of God’s creation.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

I wish to gratefully acknowledge that much of these thoughts originate with Matt Powell on wrote a piece entitled “Transgenderism, Progressivism, and God’s Law” on June 6, 2015.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Pro-Choice Democrats Flip-Flop on OTC Birth Control

Back in 2013, pro-choice progressives were singing the tune to make prescription birth control available over-the-counter (OTC).  Now, for political reasons, these Democrats are changing their tune.

If you’re one of the 10-million women in America who uses the pill, the prospect is nothing short of life-changing.  Going to the doctor to refill the pill every month or even a couple times a year is annoying and time-consuming.  According to many doctors, it’s unnecessary.  The pill is safe to take without a prescription.  “So why can’t we have this, when the public and the medical establishment both think it’s a great idea?” asked progressive journalist Amanda Marcotte (two years ago).

Just last year, far-left women’s groups – Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List – also thought making birth control available OTC was a great idea.  And according to a Reason-Rupe poll, so do 70% of Americans.

Well, in an uncanny and highly unusual turn of events, Republican lawmakers in Washington actually listened.  Just last week, legislators introduced a bill that would encourage drug companies to apply to sell contraceptives without a prescription.  But if Republican Senators Cory Gardner (CO) and Kelly Ayotte (NH), along with four other GOP senators, were expecting flowers from Planned Parenthood and others for their bill, the Allowing Greater Access to Safe and Effective Contraception Act, they should brace for disappointment.  Suddenly, the idea doesn’t sound so great, and the former supporters aren’t mincing words.  Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards said the bill is a “sham and an insult to women.”  Karen Middleton of NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado even got personal, saying, “Cory Gardner can’t be trusted when it comes to Colorado women and their health care.”

Why the about-face?  Well, the story the libs are going with is that the bill will actually make the pill more expensive once it’s no longer prescription (and therefore not covered by insurance) … which would be a fair point if it were true. 

An op-ed by Planned Parenthood’s Jennifer Frizzell said women would be “forced to pay several hundred dollars more out of pocket each year” and “pay twice for their birth control – first they’ll pay for insurance coverage that includes birth control coverage, and then they’ll pay out of pocket for it, too.”

Of course, some women would rather not pay as much as $300 in monthly premiums for Obamacare when they can buy birth control a la carte from $10-30 a month.  But more importantly, there’s nothing in the Gardner-Ayotte bill that says all forms of birth control must be made available OTC.  Some may remain prescription only.  Furthermore, the Obama Administration already mandates that Plan B, emergency contraception that is OTC, be covered by insurance, and it could require the same of birth control.

Sen. Ayotte said, “Those who are falsely saying our legislation would eliminate insurance coverage apparently haven’t read the bill – nothing in our bill changes current insurance coverage for contraceptives or prevents insurance companies from continuing to cover contraceptive costs.”

Beneath the fear-mongering lies, the more likely reason for the change of heart on the left is simply because the bill was introduced by the wrong party.  If Democrats concede this issue to Republicans, they lose a major battlefield in their “war on women” narrative.  For years, pro-choice groups have been peddling the charge that Republicans are against access to birth control.  But it’s utterly (and provably) false.

For one, Gardner and Ayotte are not the first Republicans to champion OTC birth control. Gov. Bobby Jindal introduced the idea in 2012.  For another, last year Gallup found that a whopping 88% of Republicans find birth control to be morally acceptable.  To put this into greater perspective, more Republicans are okay with birth control than Democrats are okay with gay or lesbian relations (71%) or abortion (59%).

But rather than do the right thing for women, progressives are putting politics before women’s health.  One hopes that when they actually read the bill, Planned Parenthood and others will change their tune.  More likely, they’ll just come up with another reason to say “no” to something women want, but that they alone want to take credit for.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, June 8, 2015

Shariah-Creep … Coming to a Community Like Yours

It appears that the progressive political left liberals in America are blind to the agenda, desires, and reality of Shariah law.  They scoff at the professed desires of extreme Islamists and jihadi radicals that want to murder in clear daylight hundreds of citizens for drawing a cartoon of the historical person Mohammed.  They have done this in the aftermath of two jihadists having attempted to carry out just such a plan.  Apparently, the left does not recognize Shariah as a real threat to America.

The New York Times in 2011 wrote: “The crusade against Shariah undermines American democracy, ignores our country’s successful history of religious tolerance and assimilation, and creates a dangerous divide between America and its fastest-growing religious minority.”

Maxine Waters (D-CA Rep.), attending an Islamic town hall meeting in Orange County in 2012 openly criticized 13-states that would seek to pass laws that would ban Shariah law from their jurisdiction.  She stated, “Anti-Shariah laws are motivated by anti-Muslim bigotry, plain and simple.” … a sentiment often expressed by leftists.

In 2014, the Jewish lesbian ‘Rabbi’ Robin Nafshi, first identified herself as a person with a wide understanding of various religious and political views and then proceeded to imply that Shariah law could be 100% compatible with the constitutional life of modern day America.  She also proceeded to condemn those that would say otherwise: “The politicians who endorse anti-Shariah laws are exploiting Americans’ legitimate fears of ISIS, al Qaida, Hamas and other extremist groups in order to ostracize and discriminate against the American Muslim community.”

David Goodfriend, formerly a staff secretary for President Bill Clinton, said it is “ridiculous” to think that Shariah-creep exists.  He argues: “That’s just ridiculous.  [This is] about the limits of 1st Amendment and free speech, and that’s where we ought to keep it.  That’s the American way.”

So, we need not worry about those who think Shariah law is acceptable and compatible with American life; rather let’s talk about limiting the amount of free speech American’s are allowed to have?  Sorry Mr. Goodfriend,  that’s not a healthy debate at all.  It’s not where we ought to keep it, and it’s the opposite of “The American way.”

Shariah law goes beyond the private governance of Muslims.  In nations where it is established it undermines the civil government and dictates the public behavior — which it also demands must be modified to adhere to its specificities — or public punishment is administered.

Shariah law is (by its very nature) a political/legal matter; and the jihadists that showed up in Garland Texas … to kill Pamela Geller and 300 other Americans … were basing their justification of doing so on the most specific understanding of their Shariah standards.

When many of the major mosques in America have publicly declared their desire to see Shariah become the governing legal system in America; when Imams from New York City to Dearborn, Michigan have declared that such will be the case before 2050; and then the political left look the other way (even shaming those like Pamela Geller who are speaking up as to this reality) – Yes, Shariah-creep is very much in effect.

Listen: Shariah law disallows freedom of speech; it sees as blasphemous (and thus punishable by death) conversion away from Islam and to any other faith; it allows questionable sexual relationships to be arranged as it pertains to what it calls marriage; it subjugates women; depending on the Imam, excuses honor killings; and calls for the decapitation of those who profane the “holy men” of Islam.  Shariah law is the justification for why 81% of those who responded to a survey from Al Jazeera Online said they support the aims of the Islamic State in its current attempt at conquest of the world.

The left (particularly Clinton-connected types) may have enormous short term rationalizations for why they are ignoring the changing reality of Shariah law and its intentions for the USA.  There may be incentives (monetary donations, political appointments, etc.) all to be had in touting tolerance for Shariah law in the United States.

Let me just say to my left-leaning friends: Don’t be blind to the evils of Shariah law and the growing nature of acceptance it is receiving here in the U.S. — particularly in your own political circles.  If not stopped, Shariah-creep will become law in America!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, June 5, 2015

BSA Gives New Meaning to “Be Prepared”

I wrote rather extensively about it in previous blog postings [April 15, 2013; June 5, 2013; June 7, 2013; July 12, 2013; April 11, 2014].  Like many others, I warned of what would become of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) when they welcomed into its ranks “open and avowed” homosexuality … thus disavowing the “morally straight” Scout Oath its members had previously sworn to uphold.  I went on to say it would only be a matter of time before openly gay/lesbian adult Scout leaders would force the BSA to capitulate to sexual extremists’ political demands and allow homosexual adults to take boys on overnight camping trips.  Well, it’s happening.

Just the other week, BSA President Robert Gates announced that the organization’s unconditional surrender is forthcoming and that the BSA will soon invite men who have sex with males to become troop leaders.  “The status quo in our movement’s membership standards cannot be sustained,” Gates claimed … indicating that to maintain the BSA’s existing prohibition of homosexual men would spell “the end of us as a national movement.”

This, of course, is hyperbolic nonsense!  Remember: This comes from the same Gates who while serving as Secretary of Defense both advocated for and oversaw the implementation of the full repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy … permitting gay military personnel to ‘openly’ practice their perversion – resulting in rampant anti-Christian discrimination and an explosive 33% spike in male-on-male homosexual assaults.  What’s to say that such homosexual assaults will not befall the BSA?!

In an interview with WND, Dr. Michael Brown (author of such books as, “Can You Be Gay and Christian?” and the upcoming “Outlasting the Gay Revolution: Where Homosexual Activism Is Really Going and How to Turn the Tide”) said that he “believes if the Boy Scouts accept openly homosexual leaders, they will cease to be a positive moral force in the lives of American boys.”  Brown goes on to say, “This opens the door for sexual predators, a real danger, and it opens the door for gay boys to be flirting with straight boys under the auspices of the Boy Scouts.”

The BSA has already been plagued by a long history of man-on-boy homosexual assaults perpetrated by closeted Scout leaders … costing them millions of dollars in lawsuits.  Now, the BSA is about to place political correctness above a child’s safety to a level unprecedented in its once-honorable history.

Listen: This is not an opinion; it’s an empirical, quantifiable certainty.  A study published in the left-leaning Archives of Sexual Behavior … of over 200 convicted pedophiles … it found that “86% of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.”  This demonstrates, as observes Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council, “Since almost 30% of child sexual abuse is committed by homosexual or bisexual men (one-third male-on-male abuse times 86% identifying as homosexual or bisexual), but less than 3% of American men identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual, we can infer that homosexual or bisexual men are approximately 10 times more likely to molest children than heterosexual men.”  Coupled with another 2001 study in the same peer-reviewed publication, it found that nearly half of all “gay”-identified men who participated in research were molested by a homosexual pedophile as boys: “46% of homosexual men and 22% of homosexual women reported having been molested by a person of the same gender.  This contrasts to only 7% of heterosexual men and 1% of heterosexual women reporting having been molested by a person of the same gender.”

The connection between homosexual abuse and “gay identity” is undeniable.  Although clearly not all “gay”-identified men and women abuse children, or were abused as children, the verifiable reality is an alarmingly high percentage of them do and were.  As with most forms of abuse, the cycle is both circular and vicious.  “Born that way?” … not so much. “Made that way?” … sadly, it appears so.

Yet the BSA will not let facts get in the way.  “We must deal with the world as it is, not as we might wish it to be,” Gates said last week.  The fact is: This is not the world as it is; rather this is a world of the secular humanist’s making.

It’s not profound on my part to say that the BSA will soon open its ranks to sexually confused girls … just as the Girl Scouts of America (GSA) similarly announced last month that it will allow boys pretending to be girls to join its ranks.

Parents and grandparents: You’ve been warned.  If you leave your children or grandchildren in the BSA or GSA, anything might happen.  Are you willing to risk that?  If not, become an adult volunteer (yourself) to better insure their protection or enroll them in the alternative.

The alternative – Trail Life USA – is the Christian boy scout program that has grown out of the misguided direction of the BSA.  Trail Life’s membership standards state without equivocation – “The basis for the program’s ethical and moral standards are found in the Bible.  In terms of sexual identification and behavior, we affirm that any sexual activity outside the context of the covenant of marriage between one man and one woman is sinful before God and therefore inconsistent with the values and principles of the program.  Within these limits, we grant membership to adults and youth who do not engage in or promote sexual immorality of any kind, or engage in behavior that would become a distraction to the mission of the program.”  Trail Life’s chairman, John Stemberger, says his organization is “saddened” by Gates’ announcement.  “It is tragic that the BSA is willing to risk the safety and security of its boys because of peer pressure from activists groups,” he said.  “Trail Life USA remains committed to timeless Christian values.”

Even as an Eagle Scout, I must say – I’m immensely saddened that the once ‘youth protection’ programs of the BSA have been replaced by ‘political correctness’ … which can only lead to child-endangerment and extremist sexual activism.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Atheists’ Demand for Court-Martial Fails!

The U.S. Air Force (USAF) has refused to punish a general officer for referring to God in a testimony speech, despite agitations from a group ‘hell-bent’ in stripping the military of religion.

On May 7, Maj. Gen. Craig Olson (of Hanscom Air Force Base, MA) stated at the congressionally supported National Day of Prayer Task Force that God guided and strengthened his career; and without God’s help, he wouldn’t have been able to fly aircraft or execute nuclear missions, reported the Air Force Times.  “He [God] put me in charge of failing programs worth billions of dollars,” Olson said.  “I have no ability to do that, no training to do that.  God did that.  He sent me to Iraq to negotiate foreign military sales deals through an Arabic interpreter.  I have no ability to do that.  I was not trained to do that.  God did all of that.”  He further stated that he is a “redeemed believer in Christ.”

Well, such a profession of faith was too much for the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF).  The group wrote a letter to Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh on May 13 demanding for Olson to be court-martialed immediately … due to violations of USAF rules.  According to MRFF, Olson’s speech was “brazenly illicit” and constituted “fundamentalist Christian proselytizing” … effectively amounting to an endorsement of a particular belief.

The USAF disagrees.  According to a spokesman for the service, Lt. Col. Pete Hughes, Olson did not breach Instruction 1-1 dealing with the exercise of religion.  “His remarks were his own personal opinions and do not represent the views of the United States Air Force,” Hughes told Air Force Times.  That decision didn’t satisfy MRFF.

Commenting on the National Day of Prayer controversy, Rev. Franklin Graham, a prominent evangelical Christian leader, said in a Facebook post that “this group would’ve tried to court martial George Washington when he prayed at Valley Forge!  Come on — whose civil liberties are really being infringed on here?  They want to bully Christians into silence.”

Preach it, Rev. Graham!  And I, furthermore, salute the USAF for not succumbing to the bullying tactics of MRFF!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, June 1, 2015

OK Gov Protects Pastors & Churches … Refusing to Perform Same-Sex Weddings

I previously wrote about Oklahoma legislators protecting pastors in that state, even as homosexuals are asking them to perform same-sex ‘marriage’ ceremonies.  [read my blog dated May 15 – “Oklahoma is OK by Me”]  Now Gov. Mary Fallin has signed into law the bill that protects pastors and churches if they refuse to perform or host same-sex ‘marriage’ ceremonies.

Timothy Tardibono of the Family Policy Institute of Oklahoma says the legislation is responding to the current moral and legal fight across the country.  He cites religious freedoms that were once taken for granted – but not anymore.  “Because of the various cultural forces,” he says, “we’re having to put those religious freedoms into explicit language in statute.”

A landmark decision is coming from the U.S. Supreme Court in June that conservatives fear will erode natural marriage laws across the country.

Homosexual activists, meanwhile, are demanding “marriage equality” while they go after bakeries, florists, photographers, and other wedding vendors.

OneNewsNow recently reported that Texas, like Oklahoma, has passed a state law that protects pastors.

Without the state law, says the Family Policy Institute spokesman, there’s the potential that same-gender couples could take action to force pastors to violate their religious beliefs.  Citing a non-discrimination policy, a city council in Kansas proposed an ordinance in 2012 that would have forced churches to rent their facilities to same-sex couples.  A retreat property in New Jersey, owned by the United Methodist Church, was forced by a judge to rent its facility to same-sex couples.

There’s already a movement among the progressive-left to remove the tax-exempt status from churches, which some homosexuals tie to churches’ stance against homosexual ‘marriage.’  “Churches that lobby to have freedoms and rights taken away from ANYONE should absolutely have their 501(c)3 status revoked!” said a Wyoming homosexual activist declared in a Facebook post, as reported by a conservative website.

In 2004, 76% of Oklahoma voters declared natural marriage should be preserved as state law.  Mirroring the pattern in other states, the state’s marriage amendment was challenged in court and a federal appeals court overturned it last year.

Pastors took notice, says Tardibono, especially after their phones began ringing.  “They had three calls from couples asking if they could have a same-sex ceremony at their church, and done by their pastor,” Tardibono tells OneNewsNow.

Listen homosexuals who want marriage equality: There is NO natural ‘right’ to compel others (pastors, bakers, florists, etc.) to celebrate your ‘marriage.’  You don’t have a ‘right’ NOT to be offended; but we do have the constitutional right to express and live our religious convictions!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel