Friday, June 12, 2015

Bruce Jenner Will ALWAYS Be a Man

Let’s be clear, and let’s be real.  Bruce Jenner is not a woman; he is a man.  Every single chromosome in his body confirms that fact.  He can alter his appearance all he wants; but he will remain a man – a badly damaged man; but still a man.  He can no more make himself a woman than I can make myself a dinosaur.

Progressivism is pure rebellion against whatever exists.  Progressives continually try to recreate human nature and human behavior to suit their agenda … not just in sexual preference and completely contrary to their actual genetics, but in all areas of life.  And whenever they fail (as they inevitably will), instead of reflecting upon it and considering the possibility that they were wrong, they will double down and seek to crush any dissenters … believing those dissenters to be the cause of their failure.  

Listen: Progressivism is organized rebellion against the law and rule of God.  It is the systematic violation of the Ten Commandments.  It is the rejection of the reality of the curse on humanity, and the attempts to overcome the effects of that curse by throwing off the law of God.  It never works and will never work … because God is God, and His curse on humankind will stand, until men and women submit to Jesus as the Christ (Messiah) and the remedy to the curse which He provides.

Promiscuous sex will always lead to horrible results.  They can try to cure all the STDs, have expensive government programs to provide for the broken families, kill unwanted babies, train kids in “safe sex,” educate or demand us to be accepting of all the broken results of this madness – like Bruce Jenner – pretending there is nothing weird about a 65-year old man calling himself Caitlyn and posing in a women’s magazine in a slinky dress.  But those who embrace God’s Word as their authority for abundant life and righteous living will not succumb to such blatant defilement of God’s creation.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

I wish to gratefully acknowledge that much of these thoughts originate with Matt Powell on wrote a piece entitled “Transgenderism, Progressivism, and God’s Law” on June 6, 2015.

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