Friday, October 23, 2015

The Agenda Targeting Christians

I’ve felt all along … and expressed it (myself) in previous blog postings … that the legal action against Kim Davis (the Rowan County clerk in Kentucky) is evidence of the hostile homosexual agenda.  Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel, says it is confirmation that gay activists wanting to make an example of her and warn the rest of the nation to bow to their agenda.

Remember: The original legal action that jailed Davis was for ‘contempt of court’ for refusing to issuing licenses for unnatural marriage.  [As a Christian, Davis’ religious conviction prohibited her from signing gay marriage licenses.]  Federal Judge David Bunning released her on the condition that she wouldn’t interfere with other staff issuing the licenses.  Davis’ name was then removed from the licenses.

Now her attorney (Staver) says, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed another contempt request because Davis’ name isn’t on the licenses.  “This is a motion that they filed asking for the judge not to jail her, but ... believe it or not, to put the Rowan County Clerk of Court office in receivership and to fine it excessively because of Kim Davis,” Staver tells OneNewsNow.  According to Staver, the judge could then appoint someone else to operate the office, even though it's an elective office approved by voters.

The marriage licenses are being issued by the clerk’s office, but Staver says that’s not enough for the ACLU.  “Frankly, they want her scalp attached to the license and put on the wall.  This has never been about getting a license, as we’ve said from the very beginning,” he continues.  “It’s always been about targeting a specific person – in this case Kim Davis, because of her Christian views – and attempting to crush [those views] and put her in jail or fine her into oblivion.”

Staver adds that “it’s an agenda of absolute intolerance” that they want to punish Davis when they’ve already gotten what they wanted.  That agenda, he says, sends a message to other office holders to get out of the way of the homosexual movement or be crushed.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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