Monday, November 23, 2015

Three Ways to Battle ISIS According to a Former Muslim

While the politicians bloviate on what they would do to deal with the threat of ISIS, wouldn’t it make sense to listen to a woman who escaped radical Islam?  In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Ayaan Hirsi Ali outlined three ways in which she believes Europe and western civilization (in general) must act to defeat the terrorists:

1.    Listen to Israel
“Israel … has been dealing with Islamist terror from the day it was born and dealing with much more frequent threats to its citizens’ security. … Instead of demonizing Israel, bring their experienced, trained experts to Europe to develop a coherent counterterror strategy.”

2.    Fight for Our Beliefs
“[D]ig in for a long battle of ideas.  European leaders will have to address the infrastructure of indoctrination: mosques, Muslim schools, websites, publishing houses and proselytizing material (pamphlets, books, treatises, sermons) that serve as conveyor belts to violence.  Islamic extremists target Muslim populations through dawa (persuasion), convincing them that their ends are legitimate before turning to the question of means.”

3.    Limit Immigration
“Europeans must design a new immigration policy that admits immigrants only if they are committed to adopt European values and to reject precisely the Islamist politics that makes them vulnerable to the siren song of the caliphate.”

Hirsi Ali told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly that western civilization isn’t at war with Islam, but that radical Islamists are at war with western civilization … pointing out that Israel works with Muslim nations all the time to help curb radical Islamists.

Hirsi Ali heads a foundation which seeks to “end honor violence that shames, hurts or kills” women.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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