Friday, April 22, 2016

“We Are From the Gov’t … Here to Help You!”

The Obama Administration is throwing the weight of the federal government against conservative causes, say right-wing activists.  Using the IRS to target conservative groups - an accusation that was first denied then admitted as a “mistake” - was only the tip of the iceberg.  In the wake of Charlotte, NC voting to protect women and girls in their bathrooms and locker rooms, no fewer than 5-federal agencies are threatening to withhold federal funds from the state.  That includes the Departments of Education and Transportation.

In the latest incident, CA Attorney General Kamala Harris ordered a raid last week on the home of pro-life activist David Deleiden of the Center for Medical Progress … who has become an enemy of abortion supporters after his videos of Planned Parenthood (PP) officials selling body parts caused an uproar nationwide.  [The Washington Post reported the video footage in question was of two Planned Parenthood officials, Dr. Deb Nucatola and Dr. Mary Gatter, secretly recorded talking about “less crunchy techniques” for obtaining intact fetal tissue.]

Daleiden is already facing questionable criminal charges in TX for altering his driver’s license to hide his identity from PP.  The irony of Daleiden being an alleged criminal is that his purpose was to gather evidence that PP is profiting from selling aborted baby organs and body parts to medical researchers – a practice that is a federal crime.  

Brad Dacus of Pacific Justice Institute says he hardly recognizes what country he lives in any more, describing the “overt public tyranny” in action.  “Whether it’s President Obama using the Department of Education to intimidate public schools, because they want to have separate restrooms for boys and girls; or California Attorney General Kamala Harris busting down the door of a journalist for doing his job and investigating Planned Parenthood atrocities,” says Dacus. 

OneNewsNow has reported on political pressure from the Department of Education to force public schools to recognize “rights” for transgender students or face lawsuits and a loss of federal funding.  Dacus says he expects as much from liberal attack groups.  “It’s one thing for the pro-abortion lobby to be doing their dirty work with regard to legislators and putting pressure,” Dacus says.  “It’s another thing when you have the state attorney general, Kamala Harris, using their public authority and pressure to intimidate.” 

Responding to the Daleiden raid, pro-life activist Lila Rose of Live Action called the raid an “unbelievable travesty of justice.”  Rose also points out that Harris has a petition on her U.S. Senate campaign website to collect signatures to defend Planned Parenthood.  “It is very clear, it is very obvious (Harris) is the handyman for Planned Parenthood and the very extreme pro-abortion agenda,” says Dacus.

Regardless of your personal position on marketing aborted baby parts or providing bathrooms for transgender youth, do you really think it is appropriate for officials of the government (… of ‘we the people’) to choose sides with such emotionally charged issues?  If so, get ready – you may be next!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

1 comment:

  1. This is what tyranny looks like! The states MUST take a stand and restore their sovereignty or the republic will be lost.
