Monday, October 31, 2016

There Couldn’t Be a Clearer Choice on Election Day

As our nation approaches the general election (Nov 8), the contrast of the two major party candidates could not be clearer when it comes to life: Hillary Clinton is pro-abortion while Donald Trump is pro-life.  Clinton received millions of dollars in campaign funds from Planned Parenthood (PP) while Trump supports defunding PP if the organization doesn’t stop doing abortions.  Clinton clearly states she would appoint liberal U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) justices and federal judges to preserve the 1973 SCOTUS edit that legalized the termination of human life in the womb on demand while Trump would appoint justices who could eventually overturn the Roe v. Wade decision.

Clinton says, “I strongly support Roe v. Wade, which guarantees a constitutional right to a woman to make the most intimate, most difficult in many cases, decisions about her healthcare that one could imagine ... I do not think the United States government should be stepping in and making those most personal of decisions.”

Judie Brown of the American Life League (ALL) tells OneNewsNow that Mrs. Clinton’s stance is 180-degrees from that of the GOP presidential candidate.  “She has been championing the same hymn of praise to Planned Parenthood for as long as she’s been in public office – and before she was in public office actually when she was just a governor’s wife in Arkansas,” says Brown.  “So I’m not a bit surprised by her.  She’s devoted with all of her heart and soul with killing babies and to Planned Parenthood ... and everybody knows it.”

Clinton has also made it clear that women should be free to decide whether they want to kill their baby through the ninth month – right up until birth.

Jeanne Mancini of March for Life says that’s not only out of touch with pro-life America – “It’s even out of touch with the average pro-choice American,” she continues.  “Six out of ten pro-choice Americans think that abortion should be limited at most to the first trimester – and that is not what Hillary Clinton stands for.”

Brown reacts as well to Clinton’s opposition to a ban on partial-birth abortion.  “She protects – quote, unquote – ‘women’s rights,’ which is a code word for ‘women’s rights to choose to kill their babies and to do everything they possibly can to avoid accepting responsibility for the babies they conceive,” states the ALL leader.  “Hillary Clinton is a devotee of child killing.  She’s a devotee of everything that Planned Parenthood stands for – and that’s not news to anyone.”

Carol Tobias, president of the National Right to Life Committee, points out that Trump stressed the appointment of pro-life judges; and that if Roe v. Wade is overturned, abortion decisions will be placed in the hands of state lawmakers.  “He has been very firm on that throughout the entire campaign,” says Tobias.  “[He] has stated it several times.  This election is about the Supreme Court – because that could affect the future of unborn children for many, many years to come.”

Mancini also stresses that Clinton promises to abolish the Hyde Amendment, which forbids use of federal funds for abortions.  Trump supports the Hyde Amendment.

The choice is clear for those who value the unborn.  If you’ll listen closely, you can hear 56-million unborn Americans crying out from garbage disposals, septic systems, and scientific laboratories – “Stop the murder of the innocent.  Where’s our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?  Aren’t we equally created in the image of God?  I would have been glad to be adopted by a loving family who longs to raise us.  Did the thought ever occur to you that I may have been the mind bearing the cure for cancer and a host of other ailments that plague you?”

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, October 28, 2016

Campaign Clinton’s Distain for Christians

Evangelical leaders are responding to recently revealed comments from Hillary Clinton campaign officials denigrating people of faith.  Among the hacked Clinton campaign e-mails between John Podesta and John Halpin were comments in 2011 that FoxNews chairman Rupert Murdoch and NewsCorp chief executive Robert Thompson (who was then managing editor of the Wall Street Journal) are perverting the faith by clinging to “severely backwards gender relations” and choosing to raise their children Catholic.

In response, Jennifer Palmieri – then with the Center for American Progress, now director of communications for the Clinton campaign – wrote:
“I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion.  Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they became evangelicals.”

Tim Wildmon of American Family Association argues that this latest revelation is further proof Mrs. Clinton and members of her team have disdain for people of faith.  “For Christians, if we have biblical views on issues, we’re part of the ‘basket of deplorables’ that she talked about,” he tells OneNewsNow – adding that it was “kind of stunning” when Clinton told a women’s summit in April that “deep-seated cultural codes [and] religious beliefs” on issues like abortion “have to be changed.”

Culture commentator Ted Baehr of Movieguide says someone needs to speak up for the faith that has done so much to help the world’s suffering.  “It’s our job to stand up for the faith and to stand up for the millions of believers who are running hospitals and homeless shelters and helping people around the world to do the good,” he offers.  Baehr says the campaign should address the remarks, but doubts they have the courage.  “They should apologize, but I doubt it very seriously [that they will].  They’re going to ignore it,” he predicts.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Walmart’s Algorithm Problems

Todd Starnes of FoxNews in writing for reports on the family-owned business of Domagron who for the past 9-months has been selling “All Lives Matter” bumper stickers on Walmart’s online marketplace.  But on October 11 the company received a notice from the nation’s largest retailer that the bumper sticker had been removed from its marketplace.  The notice implied that the bumper sticker had violated the company’s “prohibited products” policy.

Owner Dominick Agron was stunned – so he fired off an email to Walmart demanding to know why the “All Lives Matter” bumper sticker was prohibited.  Later that evening he was astounded to receive the following message from Walmart:
“‘All Lives Matter’ has been deemed an offensive term.  These types of items are not appropriate for the Walmart Marketplace.”

Agron was furious.  “Walmart should be ashamed of itself,” he said.  “To advocate a view that not all lives matter is deplorable.”

According to Starnes, Walmart has not officially responded to his inquiries about the incident.

Meanwhile, Agron wrote a letter to the company’s board of directors announcing his intentions to terminate his relationship with Walmart.  In the letter he wrote:
“As a result of Walmart’s blatant discrimination and formal position that “ALL” lives do not matter, we are terminating our relationship with Walmart effective immediately.  I am disappointed in your views, but we cannot transact with such a morally corrupt organization.”

Apparently, Agron’s message was received loud and clear at Walmart headquarters – because they recently reinstated the bumper sticker.

Agron said, “They had blamed the removal on a system issue.  While we seriously doubt the veracity of the claim, we are taking it at face value.”

Agron is right to be suspicious.  “Someone needed to code the algorithm in the system to consider the term ‘All Lives Matter offensive,’” he said.  “A computer can’t do that on its own.”

As a good faith measure, he decided to reinstate all of his other products on the Walmart marketplace.  “However, we reserve the right to cease dealing with Walmart once again,” says Agron.

You may recall, last month a Walmart in Georgia refused to decorate a cake with the words “Blue Lives Matter.”  Facing a media firestorm and national outrage, the store had a change of heart and agreed to comply with the customer’s wishes.

Starnes says, “Sounds like the Walmart bakers may have had the same algorithm problem that resulted in the bumper sticker getting banned.”  Starnes concludes, “Walmart might want to look into that - or else they might have to come up with an algorithm for disappearing customers.”

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, October 24, 2016

“Unborn Lives Matter”

The total number of babies saved by the campaign – 40 Days for Life – has risen to some four hundred.

Beginning September 28 and continuing through November 6, the largest pro-life mobilization in history is occurring.  All 50-states of the U.S. (367-locations) and 23-countries worldwide have united together in prayer and fasting for saving the unborn.

The 40 Days for Life President, Shawn Carney, told followers via email: “Praise God!  Your prayers are being answered every day!”

Steve Karlen, the North American campaign director, confirmed for LifeSiteNews that the number continues to rise.  [visit their website at for the latest count]

Carney made a posting of what Council Bluffs, Iowa, vigil participants heard recently from a Planned Parenthood manager leaving work at the end of the day.  It was cold and wet, vigil coordinators said, yet their pro-life prayers did not cease.  “Don’t you people ever stop?” the Planned Parenthood worker said to them.  Carney shared the unspoken response to that question: “Yes – but only when the killing of the innocent stops.”

The Vatican endorsed 40 Days for Life.  Pontifical Academy for Life President, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, told Carney and 40 Days for Life CEO David Bereit in a September 20 letter, “I am honored to endorse your efforts and to assure you of our enthusiastic cooperation and assistance, particularly during your coming September 28-November 6 Campaign, in which so many Catholic dioceses and other religious communities and traditions will participate.”  The archbishop acknowledged how the vigil’s “prayer, fasting, witness and outreach” saves so many lives, brings “reconciliation and healing to so many suffering mothers, fathers and families.”  Archbishop Paglia went on to say, “I look forward to working fruitfully with your initiative in the months to come.  Together let us pray that the day will soon come when none of us will ever again see the beauty of a child’s life cut short by abortion.”

If you are just learning of this campaign, it’s not too late to join 40 Days for Life.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, October 21, 2016

The Government Can’t Enforce “compelled speech” Ordinances

Pro-life women’s pregnancy centers may be nearing the end of a 5-year legal battle against the city of Baltimore, which passed an ordinance requiring them to post signs they say would discourage women from availing themselves of the help the centers offer.

A federal judge ruled the city cannot force crisis pregnancy centers to post signs telling clients they do not provide or refer for surgical or medical abortions.  U.S. District Judge Marvin J. Garbis, who was appointed to the bench by President George H.W. Bush, issued a summary judgement in favor of the pro-life movement in Greater Baltimore Center for Pregnancy Concerns (CPC) v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. 

“No American should be forced to promote activities or speak messages that violate their deepest convictions, as Baltimore’s ordinance required,” said Matt Bowman, legal counsel at the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).  An ADF-allied attorney, Mark Rienzi, represented the CPCs in the case.

Courts have consistently ruled that the government cannot enforce “compelled speech” ordinances, legal experts have told LifeSiteNews, requiring them to post signs or otherwise convey a message that opposes their deep-seated views.

Supporters of abortion-on-demand defended the ordinance while accusing pro-life women’s centers of telling lies and falsehood.  “Baltimore’s ordinance is a common sense measure designed to protect consumers from a long-standing and documented pattern of deceptive practices by crisis pregnancy centers,” said Stephanie Toti, a senior staff attorney at the Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) …  which has been party to the lawsuit.

While the city may appeal the order, Bowman of ADF called the judgment an “important First Amendment victory.”

The ADF is currently litigating against similar laws in California and Illinois, “seeking to protect the constitutionally protected freedoms of other pregnancy resource centers that are being threatened by the government,” said Bowman.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The POTUS’ Fraudulent Transgender Bathroom Edict

An advocate for traditional values is convinced that in President Obama’s legacy speech, he was lying when he referred to a “growing chorus” across America calling for boys to have access to girls’ facilities in public schools.

When the official announcement (May 13, 2016) was made that emotionally confused kids could use the bathroom and shower facility of their choice, the president (POTUS) and two federal agencies (the Departments of Education and Justice) said they were responding to a “growing chorus of educators, parents, and students” who were requesting the action.

Public Advocate USA president Eugene Delgaudio says his group “smelled a rat” and now has poured over 424-pages of official government records obtained via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.  “That gigantic avalanche that the president made reference to, and [that] he’s talked about probably hundreds of times since then, turns out to be four – count them – four confused individuals and their parents and a couple of special-interest memos,” Delgaudio explains.

So was the POTUS just misinformed when he referred to a “chorus” – or was something else afoot? 

“Well, I think the president was obfuscating and he was lying,” responds Delgaudio.  “[He was] misrepresenting a handful of people because there were no public members; there was no public outcry.”  Public Advocate’s research found several thousand letters from people who were objecting to the new policy, which Delgaudio refers to as “a lawless transgendered bathroom decree.”  The group says if there was a “growing chorus” of any type that was it: those who opposed the move.  “[But instead this] was essentially his highness issuing a decree, expecting that no one ever would ask: Well, just exactly who is it that you’re responding to?” says Delgaudio.

Public Advocate did ask – and the information it gleaned from the documents obtained through the FOIA is the substance of what the organization has revealed.

Since the Obama Administration’s edict, 30-states have joined a federal court lawsuit to stop the POTUS’ move to appease transgenders and further advance his pro-LGBT agenda.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, October 17, 2016

New MA Law: Barring Discrimination Supersedes 1st Amendment Rights of Churches

Four churches have come forward in left-leaning Massachusetts (MA) to argue their 1st Amendment rights overrule a new state law barring discrimination against transgenders.  The churches (Horizon Christian Fellowship, Abundant Life Church, House of Destiny Ministries, and Faith Christian Fellowship in Haverhill) filed a federal lawsuit last week against the MA Commission Against Discrimination (CAD) and its so-called “spaghetti supper” test that defines what church activities fall under the new law passed in July.

Much like a lawsuit filed in July in Iowa, MA is using the law to claim churches fall under “public accommodation” rules that subject them to the same homosexual-friendly rules that businesses are now subjected to.  The CAD announced regulations in September that included “Gender Identity Guidance for Public Accommodation,” which states that churches are places of public accommodation.

Historically, MA is known for being home to Puritan congregations in the early 1600s, who were Protestants that broke away from the Church of England and settled in New England.  The Pilgrims were among the most famous of the Puritan colonists.  Yet the site of the “Great Migration” from England is now considered the most liberal state in the union.  “Religious liberty is the cornerstone upon which our country was founded,” says Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) attorney Christiana Holcomb.  “And if churches don’t have First Amendment freedoms, I’m not sure who does.”

Meanwhile, the MA CAD disagrees.  It claims that the new law applies to churches, Holcomb says, and also claims the right to determine if a church activity is a public event that is “secular” in nature.

In addition to fighting the “public accommodation” claims from the state, ADF is also fighting language in the law.  Holcomb and ADF points out that the new law prohibits any statements that “discriminate” or that “incite” others to discriminate … which ADF warns is a backdoor attempt to prevent churches and pastors from expressing religious views about sexuality.

I always thought the liberals were the ones who raised the so-called ‘separation of church and state.’  Apparently they think it is fine for the government (laws) to be imposed on the church whose conviction is that God created male and female.  It’s funny how the ‘separation’ works only one way!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, October 14, 2016

‘Gendercide’ Prompts India’s Supreme Court to Order a Block of Sex-Selection Abortion Ads

With an order from the Supreme Court of India (ISC) threatening to shut down Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo … unless they stop carrying ads for prenatal gender testing that have led to millions of abortions of female unborn babies and a chronic imbalance of genders … the three IT giants grudgingly agreed to block 22 related key words.  The agreement to comply led Steven Mosher of the Virginia-based Population Research Institute to say, “Now that these Internet giants ban ads for one kind of abortion, we should encourage them to ban ads for all forms of abortion.”  He added, “Abortion is the greatest poverty, as St. Teresa of Calcutta so often reminded us.”

Google told Indian media: “Keeping in mind the sensitivities attached to this issue and to ensure that technology is used in right earnest to curb this retrograde practice, we have decided to disable certain terms from appearing as autocomplete predictions as well as display a warning message on relevant searches to inform users of the unlawful nature of this subject.”

Earlier, these IT giants reportedly argued before the court that banning the words would impede research and also prevent people from searching for news stories on the subject, but the ISC found the companies in clear violation of India’s 1994 law banning prenatal gender testing.

Though sex-selective abortions were banned a decade earlier, both laws are so widely flouted that UNICEF has reported that according to data up to 2005 there were 7,000 female babies aborted daily in India.  To describe the mounting practice of sex-selection abortion — made possible by the increasing availability of ultrasound in India (and China) — the term “gendercide” was invented.  Indian gendercide is particularly acute in the middle class, according to Mosher.  Among members of this class, 800 girls are born annually for every 1,000 males.  “The lowest recorded number of girls is found in some high-caste areas urban areas of Punjab, where only 300 girls per 1,000 boys survive gestation,” Mosher noted.

In the Indian population as a whole, the imbalance appears less severe, but is increasing. The BBC reported, “In 1961, there were 976 girls for every 1,000 boys under the age of seven.  According to the latest census figures released in 2011, that figure had dropped to 914.”

According to Dr. Mitu Khorana, the gap between law and practice is reflected even with the judicial system itself.  More than a decade after the law was passed against sex-selection prenatal testing, she filed the first complaint under the law.  And now, a decade after that, she told LifeSiteNews, her complaint has still not advanced to the trial stage.  Khorana alleges her ex-husband, also a doctor, caused her to fall ill while pregnant so that he could arrange for friends to test for the gender of their offspring while she was in the hospital for treatment.  Discovering she was carrying female twins, she alleges that he then assaulted her to cause a miscarriage.  Khurana told LifeSite that the bias against female babies is due to a dowry system that requires fathers to provide cash to the groom’s family when their daughters marry, and the presumption that sons (rather than daughters) are responsible for caring for parents in their old age.  Khurana also told LifeSite that when men outnumber women, “there is more violence, more rape, more sex trafficking, (and) more polyandry.”

No charges have been made against Google, Yahoo and Microsoft by Indian law enforcement.  The case reached the Supreme Court only because activist Dr. George Sabu petitioned privately.  [Sabu George has 30-years of experience working on female foeticide, female infanticide, and the malnutrition and neglect of female children.  He is based in New Delhi and has published research on child nutrition and sex selection, organized public action, created jurisprudence through litigation, initiated media sensitization efforts, and been persistent in the implementation of the Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PNDT) Act in India.]

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Little Known E-Mails

For some time, the pro-life movement has been suspicious of California Attorney General (CAG) Kamala Harris’ relationship with Planned Parenthood (PP).  After all, she gave the greenlight to the sudden search of pro-life activist David Daleiden’s home.  (Daleiden is the man behind the shocking PP videos last summer that urged Congress to investigate the organization and introduce bills to defund it.)  Daleiden and his group (the Center for Medical Progress) posed as a fetal tissue buyer and secretly recorded PP employees negotiating the sale of fetal body parts.  The footage exposed PP as greedy and desensitized to the plight of unborn children.  Yet, the pro-abortion PP argued the real sin was Daleiden’s questionable tactics.

Now, pro-lifers may have some proof that CAG Harris’ office was working together with PP to target Daleiden and his pro-life efforts.  New emails obtained by the Washington Times appear to show Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California (PPAC) influencing AB 1671 – a bill that would make secretly recording communications with health care providers a crime.  The legislation was introduced after Daleiden’s investigation.  The emails show Beth Parker, chief legal counsel for PPAC, sending multiple drafts of AB 1671 to Jill Habig, who was at the time special counsel to the CAG.

Ms. Parker wrote in an email dated March 8, 2016, “Attached is the language for AB 1671, proposed amendments to Penal Code section 632.  I look forward to your thoughts about this.”  Ms. Parker then sent a revised draft of the legislation to Ms. Habig on March 16 stating, “Here’s the rewrite of the video tape bill.  Let me know what you think.”

PP donated thousands of dollars to Democrat Harris’ re-election campaign.  Makes you wonder – Is the CAG’s office rewarding PP … by allowing them to have direct input to legislation?

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, October 10, 2016

Would You Sign a ‘Declaration of Dependence’?

Evangelical, conservative Christian leaders have gotten together to create a ‘Declaration of Dependence’ wherein they’ve proclaimed their commitment to Christian values and their opposition to sexual perversions.

According to, Andrew Wommack of Andrew Wommack Ministries in Colorado said that God laid it on his heart to write the “Declaration of Dependence upon God and His Holy Bible.”

The declaration was published in the New York Times on just a few weeks ago with funding from a number of prominent evangelicals.  Thousands have already signed the declaration, and Wommack hopes thousands more will add their names.  Those who sign the declaration commit to standing up for conservative, Biblical values even if this means opposing the government.

“We also oppose same-sex marriage, polygamy, bestiality and all other forms of sexual perversion prohibited by scripture,” says part of the statement.

The original signatories of the declaration include James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, Jerry Boykin, vice president of the Family Research council, and televangelists Creflo Dollar and Kenneth Copeland.  Dobson and Copeland are both members of Donald Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board.

Wommack also created a video message to tell people about the declaration and to encourage them to sign it.  Check it out [] and prayerfully consider signing on.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel