An advocate for traditional values is
convinced that in President Obama’s legacy speech, he was lying when he
referred to a “growing chorus” across America calling for boys to have access
to girls’ facilities in public schools.
When the official announcement (May
13, 2016) was made that emotionally confused kids could use the bathroom and shower
facility of their choice, the president (POTUS) and two federal agencies (the
Departments of Education and Justice) said they were responding to a “growing
chorus of educators, parents, and students” who were requesting the action.
Public Advocate USA president Eugene
Delgaudio says his group “smelled a rat” and now has poured over 424-pages of
official government records obtained via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. “That gigantic avalanche that the president
made reference to, and [that] he’s talked about probably hundreds of times
since then, turns out to be four – count them – four confused individuals and their
parents and a couple of special-interest memos,” Delgaudio explains.
So was the POTUS just misinformed when
he referred to a “chorus” – or was something else afoot?
“Well, I think the president was
obfuscating and he was lying,” responds Delgaudio. “[He was] misrepresenting a handful of people
because there were no public members; there was no public outcry.” Public Advocate’s research found several
thousand letters from people who were objecting to the new policy, which
Delgaudio refers to as “a lawless transgendered bathroom decree.” The group says if there was a “growing chorus”
of any type that was it: those who opposed the move. “[But instead this] was essentially his
highness issuing a decree, expecting that no one ever would ask: Well, just
exactly who is it that you’re responding to?” says Delgaudio.
Public Advocate did ask – and the
information it gleaned from the documents obtained through the FOIA is the
substance of what the organization has revealed.
Since the Obama Administration’s edict,
30-states have joined a federal court lawsuit to stop the POTUS’ move to
appease transgenders and further advance his pro-LGBT agenda.
Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
(Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel
This is a case where 30 states have nullified an unconstitutional edict. The 10th Amendment gives "We the People" the authority to also nullify an unconstitutional order. It's time for the people to stand for what is right and not worry about consequences.