Monday, July 31, 2017

Court Protects Christian Physicians

A federal judge in Illinois has blocked enforcement of a law that would have forced doctors to promote abortions, no matter their religious beliefs.

“The government is out of line when it attempts to force Americans to communicate a message that is contrary to their most deeply held beliefs” said Elissa Graves, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Legal Counsel.

ADF attorneys challenged the law which they say violates the U.S. Constitution as well as the rights of physicians.  This is the second time the law has been challenged.  The first injunction only protected a select group of pregnancy centers involved in the case.  

The federal court ruling takes it a step further, protecting all health care professionals who want to exercise their right of conscience.  The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois stated that the law clearly targets the free speech of people with a specific viewpoint.  They go on to say that the plaintiffs clearly demonstrated that, “the amended act discriminates based on their viewpoint by compelling them to tell their patients that abortion is a legal treatment option, which has benefits, and, at a minimum and upon request, to give their patients the identifying information of providers who will perform an abortion.”

According to the law, doctors as well as medical and pregnancy facilities would be required to offer women a list of abortion information and resources if they ask for it.

“We applaud this ruling that stops the state of Illinois from forcing pro-life pregnancy medical clinics to become abortion referral agencies,” said Thomas A. Glessner, President of the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, July 28, 2017

Communist China Crack’in Down on Christians

It is officially illegal to be a person of faith in China’s communist party.  That’s according to a new statement released by the country’s State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA).

“Party members should not have religious beliefs, which is a red line for all members,” wrote Wang Zuoan, Director of SARA.  Instead, Marxism and the party’s politics are to be each member’s belief system.  “Party members should be firm Marxist atheists, obey Party rules and stick to the Party’s faith ... they are not allowed to seek value and belief in religion,” Zuoan said.

Communist leaders say the party’s recent crackdown on faith is due to its powerful influence.  They believe religion is dangerous to the unity of the Communist party.

“Some people who claim to be scholars support religious beliefs in the Party, which has undermined the Party’s values based on dialectical materialism,” said Zhu Weiqun, Chairman of the Ethnic and Religious Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

The Times of India reports that some party leaders believe faith is a threat to national security.  “Some foreign forces have used religion to infiltrate China, and extremism and illegal religious activities are spreading in some places, which have threatened national security and social stability,” Zuoan said.

China Source President Brent Fulton says the latest announcement could mean some Christians in China’s communist government may be forced to leave.  “It’s possible, moving forward, that we’ll see Christians and other religious believers removed from the party,” Fulton told CBN News.  He also warns that believers may be removed from other positions in society if this continues.  Fulton believes now is a ripe time to pray for China.  “We need to pray that the Lord will move the hearts of China’s leaders to recognize that the Christians in their midst are not a threat to the country, but are in fact people who will make a great contribution to the future of the nation,” he said.  Fulton also asks believers around the world to pray so that China’s Christians will know how to react to the pressures of the government.

Let’s keep our Christian brothers and sisters … experiencing persecution in China (and other portions of the world) … continually before God’s throne of grace.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Donation is Drop in the Bucket (not basketball loop) to Planned ‘Murderhood’s’ Income

Last week, the Seattle Storm of the WNBA hosted a Planned Parenthood Night for the Storm, which included a “Stand with Planned Parenthood” rally before the team’s game with the Chicago Sky.  The event was organized by the Storm’s owners who pledged to donate $5 of every ticket sold to the Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands (PPGNHI).

Interestingly, the most recent annual report from PPGNHI shows the abortionist took in over $47-million in revenues for that year.  In 2014, PPGNHI President and CEO Christine Charbonneau received a reported $341,485 in compensation, and twelve other employees are reported having incomes over the 6-figure mark as well.

Despite the false narrative about being a mere provider of vital services for the uninsured and the 501(c)3 non-profit status, PPGNHI isn’t exactly giving away “healthcare” for free. 56% of annual revenues come from “patient services” (including abortions), which would seem the organization operates more like a business than a charity.

The question is: Why does a professional sports franchise need to funnel its fans’ dollars to support a multi-million dollar abortion business?  Clearly, the Storm’s support for Planned Parenthood is ideological and political.

“Stand with Planned Parenthood” is a brand of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the abortionist’s 501(c)4, which is working to prevent the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.  Preceding last week’s game, the 3-owners of the Storm joined a “Stand With Planned Parenthood” rally outside the arena.  Also, 4-Storm players participated in a promotional video [] for – the website for Planned Parenthood Action’s “Stand with” initiative.

The most important money trail to follow in this whole story is the flow of dollars from the game’s fundraiser to Planned Parenthood’s political efforts in the Seattle area.  The annual report says, “Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii is a 501(c)4 nonprofit financially supported by 501(c)3 Planned Parenthood affiliates, including PPGNHI in all of Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, and Washington.”  This organization is the local affiliate of Planned Parenthood Action.  The connections and affiliations, while complex, show us clearly how dollars … whether they originally come from corporations, taxpayers, or private donations … ultimately end up funding Planned Parenthood’s political agenda to fight pro-life policies and more.

I wonder if pro-life season ticket holders can get their money back?

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, July 24, 2017

Corporate (Goliath’s) vs Conservative (David’s)

In a June interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Tim Gill (a liberal mega-donor and activist), expressed a desire to “punish the wicked” in reference to those who oppose the radical LGBT political agenda.  Conservatives and people of faith need only look at the last few years to see the kind of threats.  [I’ve written many, many past blogs urging folks to take these threats seriously, i.e., cake-bakers and florists persecuted for declining to participate in same-sex weddings.]

We’ve also seen big business organized to fight against protections for people of faith that stand against the left’s efforts to redefine marriage and gender.  Conservatives need to understand how Tim Gill and the Gill Foundation are at the center of the corporate involvement in these cultural debates.

Last year, as the Georgia legislature was working to enact legislation to protect religious liberty, the Gill Foundation established a business coalition called Georgia Prospers. Over 400-businesses … including Coca-Cola, SunTrust, Delta Airlines, and more … joined this “front group” in an ultimately successful effort to pressure Governor Nathan Deal to veto the bill.

At the same time, the Gill Foundation was financially supporting Equality North Carolina’s fight against HB-2 – a common-sense measure to protect individuals and business owners in response to the Charlotte’s controversial sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) accommodation law that allowed men into women’s bathrooms and locker rooms. Companies like Bank of America, Facebook, and Wells Fargo … who had also joined Georgia Prospers … were part of Equality North Carolina’s coalition as well.

In truth, opposing Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRAs) and enacting SOGI accommodation laws, or so-called “bathroom bills,” are the focus point of the LGBT left’s agenda.  Given Gill’s involvement in Georgia and North Carolina, it seems that he and the Gill Foundation will continue to take an active role in supporting this agenda.

A look at the Gill Foundation’s annual reports reveals a key strategy: recruiting businesses to help advance Gill’s political goals.  Groups like Equality Texas, Equality Florida, Equality Virginia, One Colorado, and many more have all received grants from the Gill Foundation.  Many of these operate under the umbrella of the Equality Foundation – an organization established by the Gill Foundation.

These Gill-sponsored activist organizations at the state level are where businesses are aligning with and supporting the LGBT left’s policy agenda.  For example, Equality California, a member of the Equality Foundation’s network, is sponsoring legislation (SB 219) that, according to CBN News, would criminalize the incorrect use of transgender pronouns.  This is the same organization that sponsored a 2016 bill that aimed to prevent faith-based schools from establishing standards in accordance with their beliefs like having a system of single-sex dormitories.  Equality California’s lobbying work for this type of legislation is sponsored by some well-known companies such as AT&T, Coca-Cola, and Southwest Airlines.

This is the context where Gill’s use of the word “punish” is especially concerning.  Our neighbors to the North enacted a law last month that makes referring to a transgender person in Canada by the incorrect pronoun a “hate crime” and California’s SB 219 bears marked similarities.  It stands to reason that this is exactly how Gill intends to “punish” those who he considers “wicked.”  Or, perhaps it’s more about punishing those who don’t share Gill’s worldview.

Can it be any clearer that the liberal agenda not only stands in sharp contrast to the Bible, but seeks to muffle the moral absolutes of Holy Scripture and those who would boldly proclaim it as Truth.!?

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, July 21, 2017

Where Does ABC News Get the Idea that Christians are a ‘Hate Group’?

ABC News’ Pete Madden and Erin Galloway smeared Christians who believe the Bill of Rights secures religious liberty as a “hate group,” in an article this week headlined, “Jeff Sessions addresses ‘anti-LGBT hate group,’ but DOJ won’t release his remarks.”  The story made it clear this was not just the work of a rogue headline writer, but the failure of the reporters themselves.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivered a speech to an alleged hate group at a recent event closed to reporters, but the Department of Justice (DOJ) is refusing to reveal what he said.  Who is this “hate group”? – Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

ADF is by no means a hate group; rather a civil liberties organization that battles for religious liberty.  And they’re not a fringe group either.  They just weeks ago won their most recent U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) victory — Trinity Lutheran v. Comer — 7-2.  It was their 5th SCOTUS victory in 7-years … during which time they’ve had no losses at the high court.  ADF is ranked among the top law firms in the country for its successes at the SCOTUS.  In fact, this non-profit law firm found out that the SCOTUS has agreed to hear another one of their cases dealing with artistic freedom and religious liberty.

To characterize such an accomplished civil rights group as a ‘hate group’ is unacceptable and inexcusable.  Why would ABC News, in the midst of cratering credibility, disparage Christian efforts in favor of religious liberty in such a mendacious way?  How in the world did this happen?

For reasons unknown, ABC News chose to wholly adopt the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) framing for the significance of the attorney general’s speech to the group.

Here’s why reporters such as Pete Madden and Erin Galloway should be wary before slightly rewriting SPLC press releases and passing off the work as their own.  SPLC previously had a reservoir of credibility based on a history of good work exposing legitimately nefarious individuals and groups.  In recent years, however, that reservoir has all but dried up as SPLC has gone after reasonable groups it merely disagrees with politically but labels as hate groups.  It engages in this campaign while ignoring serious problems on the left.

SPLC listed the Family Research Council (FRC) as a “hate group,” for instance, even after an SPLC follower used an SPLC “hate map” to locate the FRC offices in Washington, D.C., and commit an act of terrorism and attempted mass murder against the group. Thankfully, the SPLC-inspired terrorist was stopped by the security guard he shot when he arrived.

The other week, the SPLC found itself in the awkward position of disavowing the man who opened fire on Republican members of Congress during baseball practice.  “We’re aware that the SPLC was among hundreds of groups that the man identified as the shooter ‘liked’ on Facebook,” SPLC President Richard Cohen said in a statement.  “I want to be as clear as I can possibly be: The SPLC condemns all forms of violence.”

It’s not just Christians who SPLC targets.  SPLC also faces legal action for placing British Muslim author and counter-extremism activist Maajid Nawaz on an anti-Muslim “hate list.”  He is the only Muslim on the list.  Not only has this smeared his name, but puts him in physical danger.

ABC News can certainly quote the SPLC’s extreme views, but it shouldn’t build a story around the wholesale acceptance of their flawed premises.  That turns journalism into anti-religious propaganda on behalf of a partisan group.  Media outlets do not want to be perceived as enemies of average Americans.  They should avoid giving people reason to view them as just that.

This is a warning to those news outlets who think they can throw around damning labels like ‘Islamophobe’ ‘racist’ and ‘Nazi’ without any evidence and simply get away with it.  Check your sources!  Do your own homework!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Starbucks’ “Diversity” vs Muslims’ “Customs”

Muslim groups in Malaysia and Indonesia are calling for the boycott of Starbucks due to the coffee chain’s vocal support for homosexual rights.  The spokesman for a Malaysian Islamic group said that countries should revoke Starbucks’ trading license as well as other companies, including Microsoft and Apple, that support homosexual rights, The Washington Post reported.  The liberal policies violate Malaysia’s constitution and Islam in particular, the group claims.

It’s an interesting confrontation to watch because the mainstream media typically vilifies conservative Christians who complain about left-leaning corporations, says Justin Danhof, Director of the Free Enterprise Project at the National Center for Public Policy Research.  When conservative Christians speak up, he says, the confrontation is often described as an attempt to “keep down” LGBT rights versus “righteous” corporations attempting to right wrongs.

“Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz slaps down anti-gay marriage activist at shareholder meeting,” read the 2013 headline at website Business Insider, for example.

OneNewsNow reports from time to time after Danhof, representing National Center, confronts corporate CEOs about their left-wing policies.  He confronted Schultz in March and asked about an email from him to employees that stated “we’ll get through it” after Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump.

Referring to the Muslim boycotts, Starbucks put out a statement that reads:
“In all countries where we do business, we are proud to be a part of the fabric of the local community, and we strive to be respectful of local customs and traditions while staying true to Starbucks long-standing values and purpose.”

A search of Starbucks websites by OneNewsNow shows the company isn’t exactly “staying true” to its liberal values.  While the website for Starbucks-Great Britain shows LGBT-friendly rainbow artwork advertising “Pride in London 2017,” there is no such artwork at the Starbucks Malaysia website nor the Starbucks Indonesia website … both countries where Shariah law is being hotly debated as it creeps into public laws.

Despite the “we-respect-all-traditions” statement, Schultz didn’t speak so tactfully in 2013 when the shareholder/activist confronted him over the coffee chain’s corporate stance on same-sex marriage.

After proclaiming that Starbucks “embraces diversity” among its 200,000 employees, Schultz told the shareholder “it’s a free country” and told him to sell his shares if he didn’t like the return on his investment.

Listen: There is no “embracing diversity” at Starbucks.  Not only are they international hypocrites on LGBT issues, but in the U.S. they prohibit law-abiding gun owners from carrying weapons in their stores; they contribute heavily to Planned Parenthood; they support ‘common core’ education; they advocate for sanctuary cities; and in 2016 was a corporate sponsor of the Human Rights Campaign – the largest opponent to religious liberty.  Everything Starbucks embraces is contrary to my tradition.  So much for Starbucks’ diversity!

I hope to God you aren’t supporting Starbucks!  I hate to think that you will have to give an account before the Righteous God for your taste in coffee!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, July 17, 2017

The B-I-B-L-E is Now Being Taught with the A-B-Cs

On June 30, public schools in Kentucky began teaching kids about the Bible through elective courses, thanks to a legislative bill signed into law by Republican Governor Matt Bevin.

The bill quickly passed the KY House and Senate.  Rep. D.J. Johnson (R-Owensboro) sponsored the bill and said students need to understand the role the Bible plays in America’s history.  “It really did set the foundation that our founding fathers used to develop documents like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights,” Johnson said.  “All of those came from principles from the Bible.”

KY school boards now have the option of developing a Bible literacy class as part of their social studies curriculum.  The course would not be a requirement for students, but be an elective.

“The idea that we would not want this to be an option for people in school, that would be crazy.  I don’t know why every state would not embrace this, why we as a nation would not embrace this,” Gov. Bevin told people during a ceremony at the Capitol Rotunda.

Meanwhile, the KY branch of the ACLU is concerned about how the new law will be implemented in schools.  They told WDRB-TV they want to monitor how the law will take effect.

“We want to make sure that teachers can teach and make sure that they don’t go in to preach,” Advocacy Director Kate Miller said.

Supporters assure the Department of Education will have a hand in helping schools develop the course.  “As long as we’re careful with the curriculum itself, there won’t be any constitutional issues,” Rep. Johnson said.  “And we’ll do that.”

Gov. Bevin said critics should not be concerned about the bill.  “You could be an atheist, and you would appreciate there’s a lot of wisdom in the Bible,” he said.

How true!  How true indeed!  The Bible is Truth!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, July 14, 2017

TX Supreme Court Rules No Entitlements for Same-Sex Couples

Overturning a lower court decision, the Texas Supreme Court recently ruled that spouses of homosexual public employees are not entitled to government benefits.  In its conclusion, the justices ruled that although the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges legalized same-sex marriage, it did not include adequate guidance for marriage benefits.  Therefore, the lawsuit introduced against Houston by the conservative group Texas Values and taxpayers Jack Pidgeon and Larry Hicks can proceed.  In their lawsuit, the plaintiffs argued that the city had violated the Texas Constitution.

Justice Jeffrey Boyd authored the unanimous opinion.  “We agree with the Mayor [of Houston] that any effort to resolve whether and the extent to which the Constitution requires states or cities to provide tax-funded benefits to same-sex couples without considering Obergefell would simply be erroneous,” Boyd wrote.  “On the other hand, we agree … that the Supreme Court did not address and resolve that specific issue in Obergefell.”

LGBT groups slammed the Texas Supreme Court’s decision, noting they are ready to make their appeals to federal courts.

“The Texas Supreme Court’s decision is a warning shot to all LGBTQ Americans that the war on marriage equality is ever-evolving, and anti-LGBTQ activists will do anything possible to discriminate against our families,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation).

Courts all over the country are still struggling with Obergefell’s reach.  For instance, under the new court ruling, should a Christian baker in Colorado be forced to whip up a cake for a homosexual wedding? Religious freedom advocates know how to answer that one.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Threats to Religious Liberty in America on the Rise

Did you hear about the teenager arrested for delivering a prayer?  Certainly not in America … where freedom to exercise one’s religion is constitutionally protected.  Think again!

In 2011, the class president at Hampton High School in Tennessee wanted to deliver a prayer at graduation.  The principal issued an edict that any child who attempted to pray would be stopped, escorted from the building by police and arrested.  And this is just one example of hostility to religion.

Here are some more examples:
  • An 11-year-old student in Hattiesburg, Mississippi was penalized for mentioning Jesus in a Christmas poetry assignment.
  • Principal Frank Lay and Athletic Director Robert Freedom were charged with criminal contempt because they prayed over a meal.  The pair was later found not guilty of violating an injunction banning the promotion of religious events at school.
  • A Christian acapella group at James Madison University was told they could not perform “Mary Did You Know” because it was religious.  They were directed to only sing secular songs.
  • An Ohio library banned a Christian group from meeting to discuss natural marriage unless the group also included supports of same-sex marriage.
  • Allstate Insurance Company fired a staffer for allegedly using a company laptop to write a column against homosexuality.  The company said the column violated its diversity standards.
  • San Diego firefighters were threatened with disciplinary action if they refused to participate in a gay pride parade.  The firefighters were subjected to verbal abuse and sexual gestures during the parade.
  • A woman who rented out rooms in her home was sued after she refused to rent to a same-sex couple.
  • An Oklahoma bank was forced to remove religious Christmas decorations under orders from the Federal Reserve.

These types of incidents are included in a stunning new Family Research Council (FRC) report documenting a significant upsurge in American societal hostility to religion.  Since 2014, there has been a 76% increase in religious freedom violations, according to the FRC report – “Hostility to Religion: The Growing Threat to Religious Liberty in America.”

“The recent spike in government driven religious hostility is sad, but not surprising, especially considering the Obama Administration’s antagonism toward Biblical Christianity,” said FRC President Tony Perkins.  Perkins said the 66-page report underscores the legitimacy of the actions taken by President Trump to end polices in federal agencies that “fan the flames of this religious intolerance.”  “This report is designed to quantify the threat to our First freedom and to challenge Americans to use their God-given freedoms to protect these freedoms we enjoy as Americans,” Perkins said.

Even though there is an increase in hostility – there is some good news.  Perkins noted “the growing courage of Christians, especially young Christians, to defend both their faith and their freedoms.”

Travis Weber, FRC’s Director of the Center for Religious Liberty, said he hopes the report will be a wakeup call for people of faith.  “In a society like ours, we must be the guardians of our own freedom,” he said.  “Anyone who desires freedom in the future must take note of what these trends tell us about our freedom right now – relative to where we have come from – in order to protect freedom from going forward.”

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, July 10, 2017

Trinity Lutheran’s SCOTUS Victory Could Result in a School Choice Win

The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) is ordering lower state courts to reconsider their rulings in light of the high court’s recent decision that ruled Missouri’s Blane Amendment violated the U.S. Constitution.

The Blane Amendment, versions of which are included in other state constitutions, specifically prohibits public funds from flowing to religious entities; but the SCOTUS recently ruled 7-2 against Missouri using the amendment to block a religious school from participating in a state grant program.

Trinity Lutheran Church sued the State of Missouri after officials denied its application for a grant program to rubberize school playgrounds.  As a result of the SCOTUS decision, many school choice proponents believe this decision will have far broader implications for voucher programs nationwide, EAGnews reports.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority that “the exclusion of Trinity Lutheran from a public benefit for which it is otherwise qualifies, solely because it is a church, is odious to our Constitution ... and cannot stand.”

The SCOTUS ordered courts in Colorado and New Mexico to review cases currently pending for appeal in light of this ruling.  EdWeek reports:
The New Mexico case involves a state textbook-lending program for private schools and a New Mexico Supreme Court decision that held a provision of the state constitution to bar the inclusion of religious schools in the program.
The Colorado case, involving three separate appeals, stems from an unorthodox effort by the Douglas County School District to create a tuition-scholarship program for students to attend private schools, including religious schools.  The Colorado Supreme Court blocked the program based on a Blaine-like, “no aid” provision in the state constitution.  The school district, the Colorado State Board of Education, and a group of intervening private school parents in the Colorado case all appealed to the SCOTUS.  Like the New Mexico appeal, the Colorado parties urge the court to rule that the state Blaine amendments violate federal constitutional rights of religious schools or parents.

The SCOTUS sent both cases back to the supreme courts in New Mexico and Colorado “for further consideration in light of Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v. Comer” … according to the court’s published order list.  Legal experts both for and against school choice are now arguing about what (exactly) the ruling means for vouchers and other programs previously hampered by the Blane Amendments.

“Today’s order sends a strong signal that just as the U.S. Supreme Court would not tolerate the use of a Blaine Amendment to exclude a religious preschool from a playground resurfacing program, it will not tolerate the use of Blaine Amendments to exclude religious options from school choice programs,” says Michael Bindas – Senior Attorney for the Institute for Justice.  Bindas is representing private school families in the Colorado case, EdWeek reports.

“Despite a suggestion to the contrary in the dissenting opinion, Trinity Lutheran may very well open the door to requiring state and local governments to include religious entities in voucher programs,” writes Frank S. Ravitch, a law and religion professor at Michigan State University, in his SCOTUSblog.

EdWeek points out those opponents of private school choice seem to be acknowledging that this ruling could turn out to be a big win for school choice.

“This ruling threatens to open the door to more taxpayer support for religion, which is at odds with our history, traditions and common sense,” groaned Rev. Barry Lynn, Executive Director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Friday, July 7, 2017

FB Censoring Conservatives

Facebook (FB) could be yet again about to restrict conservative speech.  According to FoxNews, the social media network currently has 4,500-employees whose job it is to review posts and deem whether they are offensive and violate FB’s rules.  While FB is already deleting 66,000 posts per week (more than it has in the past), it feels that the current levels are not enough and that it needs to hire 3,000 more post monitors in the next few months, bringing the total to 7,500.

This news is especially concerning given FB’s history of suppressing conservative speech. Last year, FB was caught burying conservative-leaning stories from its trending section. This spring, FB also censored a video exposing the abortion giant Planned Parenthood. More recently, FB unveiled a gay “pride” reaction, while never doing the same for conservative causes.  Since FB has shown its political bias so many times, why should we feel confident that an overwhelmingly liberal group of employees will not use this as yet another tool to attack conservative speech?

In addition to these high-profile examples of bias, FB plays politics with its donations. Some of its most egregious activities include funding the Center for American Progress, sponsoring a pro-sanctuary city conference, and joining business coalitions against religious liberty.

Lord knows, I’ve published many, many ultra conservative FB postings.  I’m somewhat saddened that I can’t report that I’ve been suppressed.  Perhaps I’ve not been conservative enough.  Maybe among 3,000 more employees monitoring FB postings, perhaps I’ll get found out.  If so, I’ll consider it a ‘badge of honor’ while you say goodbye to free speech!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Making a Living of One’s Faith in Mississippi

A federal appeals court has ruled the State of Mississippi can enact a religious freedom law that protects people of faith in the Magnolia State.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals announced (June 22) that it was overturning a lower-court decision (a year earlier) that stopped the Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act.  HB 1523 was signed into law April 2016 by Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant (Republican), but was challenged in the courts by homosexual activists.  [get the background by reading my blog posting of April 8, 1916 – “Mississippi’s Passage of Religious Freedom Bill”]

The ruling of a few weeks ago found that those activists lacked legal standing because the new law had not harmed them.  “The court determined,” says attorney Kevin Theriot of Alliance Defending Freedom, “that the plaintiffs in this situation weren’t even harmed enough to be able even to get into court, much less to win on the merits of the case.”

Both defenders and critics of the Government Discrimination Act agreed that it creates new legal rights for wedding-related services … such as bakeries and floral shops that have been sued by homosexuals under the guise of anti-discrimination ordinances or state laws.

The U.S. Supreme Court, meanwhile, announced (June 26) that it will hear the case of a Colorado baker – Jack Phillips – who refused to create a wedding bake for a same-sex couple who later was sued for discrimination.  Phillips has said he sells bakery products to homosexuals at his Masterpiece Cake Shop in Denver, but refuses to use his artistic talents for a same-sex wedding ceremony.  “It was the event I’m being forced to celebrate,” he said.  “I also don’t make cakes for bachelor parties.  I don’t make Halloween cakes or anything with witchcraft or demons.”

Most of the lawsuits have favored the homosexual plaintiffs in the appeals process, making this Mississippi ruling a rare exception – and making the state an enemy of homosexual activists and their leftwing allies.

“This law is discriminatory,” declared an attorney for the left-wing Mississippi Center for Justice, “and we will do everything we can to prevent it from causing any more harm.”

The Mississippi law also protects county clerks who refuse to sign same-sex marriage licenses; allows religious organizations to discriminate against homosexuals in job-hiring; and protects religious-based adoption agencies who refuse to place children in a same-sex household, The New York Times unhappily reported the other week.

“We applaud this decision,” says William Perkins, editor of The Baptist Record newspaper, “because it does speak to the biblical definition of marriage and the fact that Baptists, as well as other Christians, should not be forced to practice any other way except having marriage between a man and a woman.”

“This is what this entire law said from the very beginning,” Gov. Bryant told American Family Radio last week.  “That a local or political subdivision could not say we’re going to punish you if you don’t follow the rules that we establish regarding your own business and ignoring your deeply held religious beliefs.”

The plaintiffs in the case can request a hearing before the entire 5th Circuit or, like the Jack Phillips case, appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Monday, July 3, 2017

Commemorating ‘Independence Day’ as a Religious Holy-day

America’s Founders intended that a religious spirit be practiced whenever we celebrated our national independence. 

It is amazing that on the day following the approval of the Declaration of Independence, John Adams was already foreseeing that their actions would be celebrated by future generations.  Adams contemplated whether it would be proper to hold such celebrations, but then concluded that the day should be commemorated — but in a particular manner and with a specific spirit.  As he told Abigail: “It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty.”  John Adams believed that the fourth of July should become a religious holiday — a day when we remembered God’s hand of deliverance and a day filled with religious activities when we recommit ourselves to God in “solemn acts of devotion.” 

As we prepare to celebrate our country’s independence, let us offer up this prayer as attributed to George Washington – the ‘father’ of our country:

“Almighty God; We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection; that Thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States at large.  And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation.  Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.”

Now, enjoy your cookouts, parades, and fireworks!  And may you have a blessed Independence Day!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel