Friday, July 7, 2017

FB Censoring Conservatives

Facebook (FB) could be yet again about to restrict conservative speech.  According to FoxNews, the social media network currently has 4,500-employees whose job it is to review posts and deem whether they are offensive and violate FB’s rules.  While FB is already deleting 66,000 posts per week (more than it has in the past), it feels that the current levels are not enough and that it needs to hire 3,000 more post monitors in the next few months, bringing the total to 7,500.

This news is especially concerning given FB’s history of suppressing conservative speech. Last year, FB was caught burying conservative-leaning stories from its trending section. This spring, FB also censored a video exposing the abortion giant Planned Parenthood. More recently, FB unveiled a gay “pride” reaction, while never doing the same for conservative causes.  Since FB has shown its political bias so many times, why should we feel confident that an overwhelmingly liberal group of employees will not use this as yet another tool to attack conservative speech?

In addition to these high-profile examples of bias, FB plays politics with its donations. Some of its most egregious activities include funding the Center for American Progress, sponsoring a pro-sanctuary city conference, and joining business coalitions against religious liberty.

Lord knows, I’ve published many, many ultra conservative FB postings.  I’m somewhat saddened that I can’t report that I’ve been suppressed.  Perhaps I’ve not been conservative enough.  Maybe among 3,000 more employees monitoring FB postings, perhaps I’ll get found out.  If so, I’ll consider it a ‘badge of honor’ while you say goodbye to free speech!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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