Monday, September 4, 2017

CA School Makes News Again … Disciplining a 1st Grader for Wrong Pronoun

I posted a blog about this school last week [August 28 – “A Celebration of a Kindergarten Student’s Transgender ‘Transition’ Makes Parents Livid and Kids Traumatized”].  Now this same California charter school (Rocklin Academy) has sent a 1st grader to the principal’s office after she accidentally “mis-gendered” a transgender classmate in what’s being called a “pronoun mishap.”

This latest incident occurred during the 1st week of school when a 1st grader came across a classmate on the playground.  She called the student by his given name – apparently unaware that the boy now identified as a girl.

“This innocent little first grader sees a classmate, calls him by the name she knew him last year and the boy reports it to a teacher,” says Capitol Resource Institute’s (CRI) Karen England.  “The little girl gets in trouble on the playground and then gets called out of class to the principal’s office.”  [CRI is a California-based public policy group that specializes in strengthening families.  They are working with a number of parents at Rocklin Academy upset about the LGBT agenda being forced on their children.]

England said the 1st grader was investigated by the principal to determine whether or not she had bullied the transgender child by calling him by his original name.  After about an hour it was determined the little girl made an honest mistake and she was not punished or reprimanded.  But she was terribly traumatized by the incident, England said.  “The daughter came home from school upset and crying – saying, ‘Mommy, I got in trouble at school today,’” said England.

The little girl’s mother, who asked not to be identified, immediately contacted the school to find out what had happened.  “She was told that whenever there is a pronoun mishap with this biological boy who now claims to be a girl – the school must investigate,” England said.  The mother said, “It makes me sad that my daughter felt like she was punished for trying to be kind to the kid.”

England said Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a nationally-known religious liberty law firm, is currently investigating the playground incident as well as the classroom lesson on gender identity.  “Our focus is on ensuring that every student’s privacy is protected and that parental rights, including the right to be notified that before children are exposed to gender identity teaching, are respected by the school officials,” said an ADF spokesman.

What’s happening at Rocklin Academy is an example of how schools have become indoctrination grounds for the LGBT agenda.  And one way to stop the indoctrination is for moms and dads to take a stand.  It may be unpleasant and it may be uncomfortable; but it’s well past time to stand up to these activist bullies.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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