Monday, August 27, 2018

More Muslims Testifying to Dreams From God

In the midst of so much fake news, here is a fact: God is at work in many Muslim nations, bringing those lost in the religion of Islam to a saving knowledge of Himself in many miraculous ways.

Many are familiar with a report about Muslims coming to Christ and that God is using dreams and visions to prepare them, but the stories all seem to be second and third-hand, and it is difficult for many to know if the accounts are true or not.  Ben and Jenny (missionaries in a Muslim nation) know that the stories are true.

It is a dangerous job to report on these accounts of Muslims coming to Christ, so Ben and Jenny do not name the country or give their last names, but they told American Family Radio’s (AFR) Today’s Issues that the Scripture, Joel 2:28, is coming true – right before their very eyes.  “We seek to share the Gospel three to five times on a weekly basis, and most of those times are people [who] have never heard the Gospel,” Ben explained.  “They’ve heard of Jesus from the Koran, but they have vast misconceptions of who Jesus Christ is.”

One of the people they shared Christ with was a friend of a friend.  “She’s like, it’s really crazy listening to you tell me about your church, because a couple weeks ago – this was before I even met her – she had a dream about me and my husband,” Jenny shared the woman’s story.  “[And] she said you invited me to your church, and I came and your husband was preaching and I left with a Bible and she was even describing what Ben looked like.”

Jenny also said that she is not surprised that God would use dreams and visions with Muslims to prepare hearts for His Gospel.  “For them and their culture, dreams mean something, [and] they have books where you can interpret the dreams and the meanings,” Jenny added.  “And so, for her to have a dream, it really meant something to her.  So, I was able to give her several Bibles before we left.”

Ben is also pleased about the warm reception to God’s Word.  “And several people from that family are now reading the Scriptures and asking questions, so we’re super excited,” Ben noted.

Hearing about Muslims describing dreams and visions is nothing new or uncommon in the West, as many Muslims have come to Jesus Christ after having dreams, according to the Gospel Coalition.  In addition, Tom Doyle, in his book, Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World?, talks about many similar stories of Muslims being given dreams by God.

Praise God for the truth of our Living Lord making His presence known in the lives all people!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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