Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Sex and Gender – Two Different Things

Anatomy at birth may prompt attending physicians or nurses to check the ‘male’ or ‘female’ box on a birth certificate, but according to The Associated Press (AP), sex and gender isn’t always the same thing.

As shared in my previous blog posting [October 29 – “Here is How the Trump Administration Aims to Define Transgender”], The New York Times (NYT) reported the Trump Administration is considering rolling back the Obama-era expansion of Title IX – a move that essentially redefined the word “sex” in the statute that bans sex discrimination in education programs that receive federal funding.  LGBTQA groups decried the proposed rollback, believing it’s a violation of their civil rights.

In a follow-up report, AP asked the following question of Dr. Jason Rafferty of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): Aren’t sex and gender interchangeable terms?  “Sex typically refers to anatomy while gender goes beyond biology,” Rafferty told AP.  “Gender identity is more an inner sense of being male, female or somewhere in between – regardless of physical anatomy.  It may be influenced by genetics and other factors, but it’s more about the brain than the sex organs.”  According to Rafferty, transgender is a term “accepted across science and medical groups” to mean people whose gender identity doesn’t match what Rafferty calls their “sex assigned at birth.”

OneNewsNow spoke with Dr. Michelle Cretella, Executive Director of the American College of Pediatricians, who sees things differently.  “The lie is that people have sex and that they have something else called gender,” she begins.  “That’s the foundational lie – and Dr. Rafferty is the author of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ pro-transgender policy statement that was just torn to shreds by an openly gay psychologist who looked at the AAP’s policy statement, authored by Dr. Rafferty, and pulled all the references.”  According to Cretella, the references that Rafferty cites for the AAP do not support the claims that he makes.  “He claims, and the AAP claims, that every child – regardless of how young – must be accepted for whatever gender identity they declare and that we need to go ahead and raise them as the opposite sex, whether they are two or sixteen or eighteen,” she continues.  “That is demonstrably false [and] that’s what the AP story is basing their so-called science on.” 

The truth, says Dr. Cretella, is that every human being is conceived with a biological sex, which is determined by an individual’s DNA alone.  “Our identity, our self-awareness of being male or female, is something that is learned, and it develops over time,” she adds.  “It is not until the child is seven years old that a child’s brain is capable of understanding that sex does not change when you change your appearance.  That is the science ... the psychological science, the neurological science ... that the transgender activists – including the transgender activists who wear white coats and stethoscopes – are ignoring.”

As for the Trump Administration’s possible “rolling back” of the Obama-era expansion of Title IX, it was never a change in the law – as implied by the reaction and protests of LGBTQ activists.  In 2010 the Obama Administration wrote a letter that added “non-conforming genders” to the Title IX civil rights law passed in 1972 … redefining the concept throughout the entire federal bureaucracy.  A memo from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), referenced in the NYT article, would simply put the original, scientific definition back.  As columnist David French writes, the proposal would be simply “applying conventional rules of statutory construction to correct the Obama Administration overreach.”

American Family Association’s Sandy Rios says the madness has gone far enough. “We’ve allowed that to happen because we have not spoken back firmly and said, No – this is biology.  This is the way God designed things,” she exclaims.  She contends there are signs many Americans are ready to stand up to those who continue to peddle the “gender identity” lie.  “I think that’s one of the biggest reasons why President Trump has taken the imagination of the American people, because he’s willing to say the things that the American people have been afraid to say,” she shares.

The NYT reports the HHS memo was drafted and has been circulating since last spring.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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