Friday, March 26, 2021

CA Schools Consider Bringing ‘god’ Back into the Curriculum

The capital “g” God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has not been welcomed in California’s public schools for a half-century— but an Aztek god who inspired child sacrifice is set for a comeback reports Steve Jordahl of

The god is known as Tezcatlipoca— a central deity to the Aztecs.  According to, Tezcatlipoca is recognized for bringing human sacrifice to central Mexico 900-years ago.

In the name of diversity and inclusion, the draft curriculum by the California Department of Education requires students to chant the name of Tezcatlipoca (and other gods) in an effort to build unity among marginalized students, The New York Post reported.  The chant is based on the poem “In Lak Ech.”

“By affirming the identities and contributions of marginalized groups in our society,” states the curriculum introduction, “ethnic studies helps students see themselves and each other as part of the narrative of the United States.”

The New York Post credited Chris Rufo (a researcher at the Discovery Institute), for uncovering the Aztec chant in the ethnic studies course.

Responding to the latest bizarre news from California, radio talk host Janet Mefferd tells One News Now this is the same state government that has fought Bible-based school clubs and punished students for sharing their faith.  “It’s very interesting how the liberals were always screaming separation of church and state at Christians,” she observes, “but now they’re fine with kids chanting to an Aztek god.”

On the issue of the Azteks and their gods, Mefferd offers a warning: By asking students to worship a god known for human sacrifice, California is dabbling in the demonic realm in its own classrooms.

Read 1 Kings 18:20-40— where on Mt. Carmel (today’s California) the prophets (CA’s Dept. of Ed.) of Baal (Tezcatlipoca) call for the worship of this false god, and hear Elijah (the One True God’s prophet) declare— “If the Lord be God, follow Him” (verse 21).

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel


  1. Minnesota is not far behind. The recent MN Dept of Education's K-12 social studies standards first draft is taking out the Pledge of Allegiance, the American flag, WWI, WWII, the Holocaust, the American Revolution, Communism, Socialism, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, The Civil War, and other important historical events.
    They are replacing these with LGBTQ+ awareness, how systemic racism "built America", Gender equality/equity, how freedom and democracy have excluded certain groups.
    If you still have kids in public/government schools you are not a good parent.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Go to for more info.
