Monday, November 15, 2021

Pushing Back & Navigating Your Threatened Rights

As personal rights are violated and longtime members of the medical community are punished for their vaccine-related views, an emergency hearing has been scheduled for a federal lawsuit involving the Biden Administration’s mandate that federal workers must get COVID shots.

Liberty Counsel (LC) has filed a massive class-action lawsuit and a motion for a temporary restraining order and injunction on behalf of all members of the military in all five branches against Joe Biden, the Secretary of Defense, and the Department of Homeland Security.

Mat Staver, LC founder and chairman of the Christian legal ministry, says Biden’s mandates are unlawful, “and they need to be stopped.”  “What is happening … particularly in the military is absolutely shocking, and it is an abuse of our military heroes,” Staver contends.  “No matter how many tours of duty they’ve done, no matter how long they’ve been in the military, no matter how much they’ve sacrificed, they’re being threatened with dishonorable discharge if they don’t succumb to these COVID injections.  It’s absolutely unbelievable.”

Staver says the government is violating multiple laws, and the federal lawsuit, which is filed in Tampa, FL, is asking the court to stop the unlawful mandates.  “We have an emergency hearing coming up November 15th,” says Staver.  “This case will move quite quickly.”

Meanwhile, a conservative legal defense organization in CA that provides pro bono representation in matters involving the exercise of religion and other civil liberties, has launched a new project called “Operation Pushback” in an effort to aid thousands of parents protecting their children from forced COVID shots and thousands of employees purged from the workplace for their religious convictions.  “This is a great challenge facing America to our liberties and to our freedoms,” says Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute (PJI).  In Operation Pushback, PJI is focused on three main components:

1. Recruiting additional attorneys across America to take wrongful termination cases in every state without any charge to the clients,

2. Distributing a flyer that guides employees, parents of K-12 students, college students, and military personnel, and

3. Making PJI attorneys available to appear at speaking engagements throughout the country.

PJI ’s legal team is already in the process of helping thousands of individuals navigate their rights and take the proper legal steps with their schools and employers, and Operation Pushback will ensure that every person receives the legal help they need,” Dacus asserts.  Now, he says, is the time to close ranks in the fight for religious freedoms.

In MN, an advocate for health freedom thinks a situation involving a surgeon [Dr. Jeffrey Horak] who was recently terminated from his job after speaking to a school board about mask mandates is “the epitome of cancel culture.”  “A person cannot speak their mind, cannot speak from their expert opinion, cannot share whatever their beliefs are and their opinions are without losing their income, their right to work,” says Twila Brase, RN and president/co-founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF).

After losing his job, Dr. Horak told the “Fox & Friends” program that he had been asked by the community to speak at a school board meeting about mask mandates.  “I gave my expertise and my professional opinion, and nine days later, my employer gave me an option: Resign or be terminated,” he accounted.  According to Horak, the only information he got was that his views were no longer congruent with that of his employer.  “I’d been there for 15 years,” he shared.  “I was just shocked.  I didn’t know what to do.”

“To be clear, this was a decision that was made by Dr. Horak’s peers who serve on the Medical Group Board, not by Lake Region Healthcare, the community-based hospital where Dr. Horak practiced general surgery,” stated Dr. Greg Smith, the medical group board president in a statement shared on the “Fox & Friends” program.

“A person has a right to have their own life, their own opinion outside of the place of employment without being threatened by a loss of job and income and the right to put food on the table for their families,” contends Brase of CCHF.


Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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