In follow up to my
previous posting, let me address why we need to pray about this. Because Islam is an openly anti-Christian and
antisemitic religion. The Koran contains
several statements calling the beliefs of Jews and Christians blasphemy. Here’s one: The Jews said, “Ezra is the son of
God,” and the Christians said, “The Messiah is the son of God.” These are their statements, out of their
mouths. They emulate the statements of
those who blasphemed before. May God
assail them! (Sura 9:30). The word
assail means curse. Islam curses Judaism
and Christianity and considers every non-Islamic person an infidel. Europe learned this the hard way—they found
out quickly that the millions of Muslims that fled there to escape the unrest
in the Middle East could not be integrated. They do not accept other customs or laws—only
what is according to the Koran.
Islamism seeks to take over society by any means possible—the most effective being gradual influence. Once Islamists have enough power, they will turn on anything that disagrees with them to try and force Islam on society. They will force Christianity and Judaism out. That makes it one of the tools of Satan’s hands to try and derail the advance of God’s Kingdom in the US and around the world.
The current wave of violent anti-Israel protests on several woke universities is a sign of what is to come if Islamist influence grows. So are the waves of violent protests that erupt every time Muslims in the West feel disadvantaged in some way, which they interpret as “Islamophobia.”
The animosity of Islam against Christianity goes all the way back to Ishmael, who was prophesied to be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers (Genesis 16:12 ESV). That is why Islam is currently the most prolific and brutal persecutor of the Christian Church around the globe. And that is why we must pray for God’s hand to restrain its radical elements and continue to call millions of Muslims to Himself. Here are some prayer points:
• Pray, first of all,
for Muslims in America to come to Christ as they see the increasing hostility
of radical Islam overseas.
• Pray for Islamist
agendas and ties to terrorism to be exposed.
• Pray for Islamist
politicians to be defeated.
• Pray for the flow of
funds through the Muslim Brotherhood to Islamist influencers to dry up.
• Pray for loving but
bold outreach to the 3.85 million Muslims in the US.
Prayer: Father, we unite in prayer against the Islamist agenda in America. We pray for its hidden secrets to be exposed and its funding to dry up. Ignite a holy disenchantment against Islamic radicalism in the hearts of the millions of Muslims in our nation and call them into a relationship with You. In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.
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