Monday, May 20, 2013

God Help America’s Ignorance Endanging Our Existence

Think about it:  The ignorance of others threatens your well-being.  The growing mass of ill-informed voters has become an invisible majority that elects officials that keep them (and you) dependent upon the government for your happiness.  Perhaps they don’t know any better; but by default, they are useful idiots who pose an imminent danger for us all.
How do you fight ignorance?  How do you win over a person who has no knowledge of a particular issue, but is willing to endanger you over it?  This is a very common occurrence when talking of politics or religion.  Emotion rules; and logic is banned from the discussion!
In America today, ignorance abounds.  It’s so pervasive it overwhelms those who actually know what is going on.  Many times, armed with facts and reasoning, I’ve engaged someone over an issue, only to result in being rebuffed and attacked with hostile emotion … backed by total ignorance.  And these people are now the majority of voters.  Beyond this being sad, it is incredibly dangerous to America’s future.  What would our Founding Fathers think? 
Now there is a difference between stupid and ignorance.  Those who are stupid lack intelligence; they are impervious to and unable to absorb ideas.  You can’t fix stupid.  But it is possible to fix ignorance … though difficult!  Therefore, it’s not a good use of time or effort trying to capture the stupid vote.  Rather, we have to use our resources to convert the ignorant.
The conversion of the ignorant is an uphill battle … given the current state of public education, media propaganda, and false and misleading politicians. How do we overcome such massive obstacles?
Benjamin Franklin said, “The only thing more expensive than education is ignorance.”  He’s right and we are currently paying a big price for what now is the norm among too many voters.  They don’t know the issues.  They are uninformed, but ready to vote for their man or woman for all the wrong reasons.  I honestly don’t care whether President Obama is black or not, but millions do and they voted for him for no other reason.  
Here are a few examples of ignorance in America:
Recently Jimmy Kimmel did a street interview segment on his television show called – “The confusing question of the day.”  His objective was to see what the average American knew about the sequester issue.  The result of the interviews was that no one knew what sequester was, but had definite opinions on it.  The question was phrased: “What do you think about Obama pardoning the sequester and sending it to Portugal?”  
A National Geographic survey of high school students conducted in 2005 revealed even greater ignorance, when they were asked to find ten U.S. states on the map; only 89% could find Texas and California, and only 51% could locate New York.  When asked to locate sixteen countries on a world map, they could only find seven of the sixteen.  29% couldn’t find the Pacific Ocean; and 11% couldn’t even find their own country – the U.S. on the world map! These kids presumably voted in the last two presidential elections.  
The study by the new McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum found that 22% of Americans could name all five Simpson family members, compared with just 1 in 1,000 people who could name all five freedoms of the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  (How many can you name? … and be honest!)
On August 26, 2010, the reported that the greatest threat to U.S. national security is the willful unapologetic ignorance of the average American citizen.  The average American tends to not care about those things that don’t directly affect them.  It is a worldwide recognizable trait that other people of the world seem to or seek to be knowledgeable … except Americans.
There is another segment of our population that displays another form of ignorance that adds to the problem.  The Church has its share of believers from many denominations who are so heavenly minded they are no earthly good.  These sanctimonious Christians give elections to the bad guys, and contribute to the demise of our country.  
Finally, when you discover what Americans don’t know about the U.S. Constitution, to include members of Congress, it’s depressing.  Constitutional studies are rarely taught in schools anymore; and in some cases, teachers spend more time teaching about Sharia Law!
So, what’s the answer to America’s ignorance?  Again, it is education.  If people understood the issues it would take to task the public school’s progressive agenda, the mass media’s bias in reporting, and the liberal politician’s threat to our national security.    
The truth contained in Holy Scripture is abundantly clear: 
“My people perish for a lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6)
“But through knowledge the righteous will be delivered.” (Proverbs 9:11)
I believe that God is in control; and because He is a just and righteous God, we will reap what we sow.  Only the Savior can save us; the state won’t and can’t.  If you are not ignorant and understand where I’m going, perhaps this popular phrase will take on a new meaning of prayerful appeal for God’s mercy and grace – “God bless America!” 
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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