Friday, November 15, 2013

Syrian Christians Need Prayer – Not Politicians

You cannot rely on mainstream news media to keep you abreast of Christian persecution worldwide.  Let me prove the point.
Are you aware of what has taken place in Syria?  It has come to light that the “Biggest Christian Massacre” in the Syrian Civil War occurred on October 21, when Islamic militants attacked the town of Sadad – a 2,000-year-old village, rich in historic landmarks and archaeological sites, with Christians comprising 10% of the population.
As reported in the Christian Post, a total of 45 Christians in Sadad were killed and 30 bodies of Christian civilians were uncovered in mass graves there.  Said Archbishop Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh, the Syriac Orthodox Metropolitan of Homs and Hama, “For one week, 1,500 families were held as hostages and human shields; among them children, the elderly, the young, men and women.  Some of them fled on foot traveling 5-miles from Sadad to Al-Hafer to find refuge.  About 2,500 families fled from Sadad …”  The report also noted that eyewitnesses said the city, with a population of 15,000, had been entirely destroyed and looted.
As a Christian, were you aware of what your brothers and sisters in Christ are experiencing?  More importantly, do you care?  Is your church praying regularly for our persecuted family members?  If not, why shouldn’t YOU bring it to the attention of your body of Christian fellowship?
Don’t look to politicians to bring about a resolution; rather rely on the power of prayer to resolve this!   
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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