Monday, November 11, 2013

Wait, There’s More … on this Veterans Day

President Obama is sinking for more reasons than just Obamacare. Every day, more people are deciding that he is deceitful.
Reporters Mark Halperin and John Heilemann disclose in their new book – Double Down: Game Change 2012 – that Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama, speaking of the Administration’s use of drone attacks, said, “I am really good at killing people.”  That’s hardly the comment the ‘doves of the left’ want to hear from the mouth of their fearless leader!
Obama’s cultural wreckage and attack on Judeo-Christian values in the U.S. Armed Forces is more evident every day as well.  Beyond the repeal of Don’t Ask – Don’t Tell and his refusal to enforcing the Defense of Marriage Act, this Commander-in-Chief ‘s Department of Defense has granted 10-days non-chargeable leave to homosexuals for getting married in a state that recognizes same-sex marriages; designated the month of June for celebrating Gay Pride; permitted uniformed service members to march in Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender (LGBT) parades; conducted training that labels Evangelical Christianity and Catholicism as religious extremists on par with Al Qaeda and Hamas; and is threatening the religious liberty of military chaplains to preach, teach and counsel in accordance with their personal convictions and tenants of their faith.
The other weekend, the historic Cadet Chapel at West Point was the scene of its first same-sex “marriage” involving two men.  (There were two unions of women in late 2012.)  Do you feel the pride?
Meanwhile, there is a very evident purging of U.S. military general officers for reasons that … more-often-than-not … seem contrived. Some folks are alleging that the sackings are politically motivated.
I suppose these things are of little concern to the 99% of the U.S. population that has never don the uniform of any of our nation’s branches of service.  But for the less than 1% of us who have, we are always concerned about anything that might jeopardize our national security, threaten our unit cohesiveness, and negatively affect our readiness and morale.
Oh well, enough of this on this Veterans Day.  For the most part, the American people just want this day off and to tip their hat to our veterans; they don’t want to give a lot of thought to the future of our military.  Though retired, my thoughts this day are directed to my comrades-in-arms who currently seek to live the core values and defend this nation against its enemies – both foreign and domestic.
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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