Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Democrat-controlled State Senate Bans Late-term Abortions

The West Virginia State Senate – comprised of 24 Democrats and 10 Republicans – recently passed legislation (HB4588) banning abortions after 20-weeks gestation.  The Washington Post also notes that West Virginia is the first state in the nation (controlled by Democrats) to do so … citing fetal pain as a reason.  It cleared the Senate with a tally of 25-9.  The House still has to give the bill final approval.
The bill would make West Virginia one of 10-states that asserts a fetus can feel pain at 20-weeks.  “We were an outlier state in that we didn’t have any regulations,” said Sen. Evan Jenkins (R-Cabell).  “Now we’re part of this growing movement.”
Legal challenges, however, are expected … even though it’s up in the air if the state’s Democratic governor, Earl Ray Tomblin, will sign the bill.  Last week, The Associated Press asked Gov. Tomblin if he would sign the abortion bill.  He said he would take a look at it if it passed the Senate floor.  The House passed the bill in February.
This legislation does pose problems for national Democrats (in general), and the DNC (in particular).  Will they endorse this life-giving measure passed by both chambers – or will they decide to go on-the-record … criticizing their own party in the process for taking steps to ensure that viable, unborn babies are protected in the womb?  There’s no easy choice here for a party that emphatically and unequivocally supports abortion rights. Remember, the bill could not have passed without supportive Democrats, as they control the state legislature.  And while West Virginia is turning into a red state, watching Democrats pass this initiative is significant.
Here’s an excerpt from the statement West Virginians for Life (WVFL) blasted out over the weekend: The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act will protect West Virginia’s unborn babies, who can feel pain, and asserts a compelling state interest in protecting the unborn child from pain.  Scientific research demonstrates that unborn babies can feel pain beginning by at least 20-weeks after conception.  “It is important that West Virginia has asserted its legitimate concern for the well-being of these innocent babies by protecting them from pain,” said Wanda Franz, President of WVFL.
I’ve said it many times, and will say it yet again: The sanctity of human life is the one social issue that defines the morality of this nation, and each and every elected or appointed public official.  If you are a professing Christian, then you must vote Pro-Life.  Why? … because God is Pro-Life, and you are privileged to bear His name as a Christian!  Any denial of His sovereign rule in your life or lack of conviction to stand firmly on the uncompromising Word of God is to not be a Christian.
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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