Monday, March 31, 2014

Scoreboard: Pro-Life = 1 vs. Pro-Abortion = 0

As we begin this season of baseball, let me tell you about the ‘double-header’ going on in ‘Pro-Life Stadium.’  This isn’t a game of winners and losers, however.  It only has losers.  There are lives a stake.
Kansas State vs. Planned Parenthood
The State of Kansas won a federal appeals court ruling that they can implement a law that effectively strips Planned Parenthood of state taxpayer dollars.  In April 2011, Gov. Sam Brownback signed a Fiscal Year 2012 budget that restricted Planned Parenthood's access to $330,000 in Title X family planning funds.  The law redirected the monies to hospitals and public health organizations, which do not perform abortions, leaving Planned Parenthood at the bottom of the list to receive state tax revenues.
SBA vs. Rep. Driehaus
Three pro-family organizations … Alliance Defending Freedom, Bioethics Defense Fund, and Life Legal Defense Foundation … have filed an ‘Amicus Brief’ with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit.  The brief is for the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA) … the pro-life organization being sued by former U.S. Rep Steve Driehaus (Ohio-Democrat) who lost his seat in 2010.  SBA had publicized that Driehaus's vote in favor of ObamaCare was a vote for taxpayer-funded abortion.  An Ohio federal court dismissed Driehaus’ complaint, and he appealed to the 6th Circuit.  “It’s a well-established fact in the law that truth is the defense against defamation,” says Dana Cody, president and executive director of Life Legal Defense Foundation.  “And there is no doubt about it – which is explained in our friend of the court brief – that ObamaCare funds abortion,” she adds.  Cody argues the former congressman’s lawsuit is exposed for what it really is – an attack on pro-life speech.
Pro-Life = 1
Pro-Abortion = 0
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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