Monday, September 29, 2014

When a High School is Prohibited from a PA Booth Prayer, the Cheerleaders Led a Prayer from the Football Field

Cheerleaders at a small, northern Tennessee community spoke with a huge voice by refusing to let go of a tradition that had been a part of Oneida High School for decades – a pre-game prayer – and they got a good number of the community to join in.
After continued pressure from the TN chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Oneida High School dropped its practice of giving an invocation over the PA system before each game; substituting the prayer with a moment of silence … according to local NBC affiliate WBIR.
“[As] far as I know, we have been playing football here since 1930 and been praying ever since,” said Kevin Acres … who sits in the booth for every Oneida High School home game.
But the moment of silence seemed all wrong.  “I heard the moment of silence, but it was kind of a sick feeling in my stomach,” said head football coach Tony Lambert.
When Acres made the new announcement over the PA system at a recent game, he added, “During our moment of silence, if you want to say a prayer that would be perfectly fine.”  That’s when one member of the cheerleading squad – Asia Canada – decided to take matter in her own hands.  She loudly recited the ‘Lord’s Prayer.’
“He called for the moment of silence and I started off, ‘Our Father who art in heaven,’ and everyone joined in,” said Canada.  And “everyone” included the visiting fans and cheerleaders – everyone in attendance.  “It just touches my heart that so many people are [got] involved with it,” said Canada.
“By the time the prayer was over with, the entire stadium was saying it,” said Acres.
Now there’s a new tradition at Oneida: The cheerleaders begin each game with a cheer for God.
ACLU, how are you going to stop what is not a prayer, but a cheer?  I can’t wait to see how you’ll handle this.  It’s your move!
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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