Monday, September 8, 2014

YouTube Censors a Christian Preacher

Yesterday (September 7th), I preached a 9/11 remembrance sermon that was transmitted LIVE via Livestream.  Much of the sermon focused on the sharp contrast between Christianity and Islam.  I didn’t hold back from proclaiming the truth about radical Islam being evil … as manifested daily by Muslim extremists worldwide.  You can see and hear it for yourself at [].  It will be interesting to see if Livestream interprets it as ‘hate speech’ and removes it from the archives of sermons I’ve delivered.
Now you might say: Livestream shouldn’t be able to remove the sermon; you’ve paid for the Livestream account … for which you are correct.  But don’t think for a moment that the ‘PC’ police aren’t on patrol.  It’s already happening!  Read on.  
The pastor of the small-town First Baptist Church in Moreland, GA recently got banned from YouTube after he posted a video sermon he gave about the persecution of Christians in the Middle East.  Pastor Daniel Ausbun said, “Apparently, they didn’t like me preaching on radical Islam, so I got booted and banned” from YouTube. 
On August 24, Pastor Ausbun delivered a sermon about ‘Islamic State’ terrorism, radical Islam and Christian persecution in the Middle East.  “So many people in the church had been asking about it,” the pastor told Todd Starnes of  “This was almost more of an educational sermon,” said the pastor.  Ausbun told his congregation that Middle Eastern Christians were given a choice to convert to Islam, pay a tax, leave immediately or face death.  He also warned that ISIS is recruiting Westerners.  He encouraged his congregation to pray for the Gospel message to advance … despite terrorism and war.
About three-and-a-half years ago, Pastor Ausbun started a YouTube channel for church members who missed the Sunday service.  Over the years, there was never a problem.  But then on August 27, he said, “I received an email from YouTube telling me that my account had been terminated for violation of the terms of service and their community guidelines.  They actually terminated my entire account.”
Pastor Ausbun said he decided to read YouTube’s community guidelines, and that’s when he put two and two together.  They thought his sermon amounted to ‘hate speech.’  YouTube clearly states that it doesn’t permit “hate speech” – and that includes “speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion” and so on and so forth.  “They didn’t tell me exactly why they terminated my account, but by default there was nothing else wrong,” Ausbun said.  “It had to be hate speech.”  For the past week he’s been trying to reach someone at YouTube to explain what happened.  So far, his calls have gone unreturned.
I don’t know what (exactly) Pastor Ausbun said … for the obvious reason that YouTube removed his sermon.  But I do know – YouTube apparently can censor any pulpit across America that they deem as ‘hate speech.’  It makes you wonder what other messages of truth are being banned!?
You may recall, YouTube came under criticism after ISIS was allowed to post a video showing the beheading of American journalist James Foley.  They removed the video and explained its policy in a statement to the website Mediaite: “YouTube has clear policies that prohibit content like gratuitous violence, hate speech and incitement to commit violent acts, and we remove videos violating these policies when flagged by our users,” the statement read.  “We also terminate any account registered by a member of a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization and used in an official capacity to further its interests.”
To the best of anyone’s knowledge, the First Baptist Church in Moreland is not a foreign terrorist organization.  The pastor says he simply wanted to inform his church about the threat posed by Islamic terrorists and pray for the victims of their Islamic slaughter.  Is that “hate speech?”
“I’m literally terminated – like I’m the terrorist,” said Pastor Ausbun.  He went on to say what happened to him could happen to other American pastors under the guise of banning “hate speech.”  “Anything a pastor preaches on – whether it be radical Islam, homosexuality, the teachings of Jesus – YouTube can label that hate speech and censor their sermons,” he said.  In the meantime, Pastor Ausbun has launched a new video channel – on Vimeo.
Perhaps you had better quickly view/listen to my archived sermons before Livestream decides that my faithful preaching of God’s Word is ‘hate speech.’
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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