Friday, October 31, 2014

Obama Says States Shouldn’t Define Marriage – That Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Should be a Nationwide Constitutional Right

Although President Barack Obama previously said the definition of marriage should be decided locally, he now believes the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to same same-sex marriage in all states.  He also suggested that the U.S. Supreme Court’s (SCOTUS) decision earlier this month to not rule on same-sex marriage is the hallmark of his tenure in an interview recently published in the October 27, 2014 issue of The New Yorker.
In the interview, President Obama picked the silence of the SCOTUS on same-sex marriage when writer Jeffrey Toobin asked him to name the best High Court decision of his career.  “In some ways, the decision that was just handed down to not do anything about what states are doing on same-sex marriage may end up being as consequential — from my perspective, a positive sense — as anything that’s been done,” said Obama.  “Because I think it really signals that although the Court was not quite ready — it didn’t have sufficient votes to follow Loving v. Virginia (1967 decision ruling that states could no longer ban racial intermarriage) and go ahead and indicate an equal-protection right across the board — it was a consequential and powerful signal of the changes that have taken place in society and that the law is having to catch up,” he said.  Although his administration hasn’t yet made the argument before the SCOTUS, Obama told Toobin that he now believes the Constitution requires that all states allow same-sex marriage.
Many conservatives decried the Court’s decision to remain silent on the issue this month.  “Unfortunately, by failing to take up these marriage cases, the High Court will allow rogue lower court judges who have ignored history and true legal precedent to silence the elected representatives of the people and the voice of the people themselves by over-turning state provisions on marriage,” explained Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council.  “Even more alarming, lower court judges are undermining our form of government and the rights and freedoms of citizens to govern themselves.  This judicially led effort to force same-sex ‘marriage’ on people will have negative consequences for our Republic; not only as it relates to natural marriage, but also undermining the rule of and respect for law,” he said.
As one called of God to the ordained ministry of the church; and more importantly, one governed by the absolute truth of God’s Word, let me be clear – America cannot expect the continued blessings and protection of Almighty God over these United States.  We have repeatedly rebelled against His Word with demonstrated distain for the Creator’s mandates.  The only remaining hope for this nation (no longer under God nor indivisible) is if God’s people will repent of their sins and earnest prayer for a spiritual revival lead by God’s Spirit.  It is the ONLY hope for America!    
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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