Friday, December 26, 2014

Re-Name Planned Parenthood to Pedophile Protection

Over 60-court cases reveal that girls as young as 10-years-of-age were taken to Planned Parenthood (PP) facilities and other clinics for abortions and birth control by their sexual abusers; but because staff failed to report the crimes, the girls were subjected to years of ongoing sexual abuse.
Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics (LD) – a national pro-life organization that has compiled these cases – said they reveal that PP is “operating a nationwide pedophile protection racket.”  Some girls were even taken back to the same clinics by the pedophiles who were abusing them for repeat abortions; yet the staff still failed to ask questions or file a report with local law enforcement.
In Florida, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) even paid $200 toward the cost of an abortion for a 12-year-old girl who was 24-weeks pregnant by her 34-year-old abuser.  Life Dynamics and Priests for Life (PFL) are calling for a criminal investigation of late-term abortionist Michael Benjamin who performed the abortion on the 12-year-old rape victim at his Florida clinic without reporting her case to law enforcement.  They’re also calling for an investigation into two abortion clinics where the girl was taken by her abuser, and of the NAF which also violated mandatory reporting statutes.  According to a statement from Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of PFL, a staffer at the Florida clinic was asked why no one reported that a 12-year-old girl was pregnant, and she commented: “Maybe we’ve been hardened with so many kids coming in.”
The 60-court cases LD has posted on its website is just a sample of the total they found where trials revealed that pedophiles used abortion facilities to their advantage in an effort to cover up their crimes and continue years of abuse.  “We just took a select group of the total number that was found and all those are cases where men have been convicted of sexual contact with a minor female,” Crutcher told Christian Post.  “And at some point it was revealed — either during the trial or in the indictment or in the police reports — that the child was taken to an abortion clinic in order to cover up the crime.  And the abortion clinic did not report the crime to authorities like they’re required to under law.”  He continued, “This is not just a theoretical thing going on, there are real victims out here.  This is a major, major problem in our country.”
Although staff at abortion clinics are supposed to report suspected cases of abuse when an adult brings in a child who’s under the age of consent for an abortion, they’re also required to report any suspected sexual abuse when minors go into clinics for birth control or treatment for an STD. “Abortion doesn’t have anything to do with it, really — abortion, birth control, STD treatment, whatever — what you have to have is reasonable suspicion that a child who’s beneath the state’s age of consent is sexually active,” Crutcher explained.  “So the role that abortion plays, or birth control, treatment for an STD or even a pregnancy test, those are evidence that a child is engaged in sexual activity.”  He asserts, “Obviously, if she’s not engaged in sexual activity, she doesn’t need birth control, abortion, treatment for an STD or a pregnancy test.  So, if you have a child there that’s demonstrating that she’s sexually active, and you have reason to believe that she’s also beneath the state’s age of consent, that triggers mandatory reporting.  How else could she need an abortion?  How else can a girl that’s 12-years-old need an abortion unless she’s sexually active?”
Crutcher noted that if an underage girl is taken to a hospital emergency room anywhere in the U.S. because she’s pregnant or has an STD, the staff is trained to abide by mandatory reporting laws.  When asked by Christian Post why people should be concerned about abortion clinics not reporting suspected cased of sexual assault of minors, Crutcher emphasized that people assume young girls are getting pregnant by teenage boys their same age, but the reality is they’re being raped by men who are in their 20s, even 60s.  “The biggest problem here that you have is that the U.S. has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the industrialized world.  And what we now know is that conservative estimates are 60% and liberal estimates are 80% of all minor children in this country who get pregnant are impregnated by adult men, not by other children,” he said.  Crutcher continued: “Everybody has this idea that we’ve got a bunch of sexually active kids — that we have a bunch of 14, 15-year-old boys having sex with 14, 15-year-old girls.  That’s not the issue.  The issue is that we have girls, ages 10-14, having sex with 20, 30, 40, 50, 60-year-old men.  There’s the problem.”  He goes on to ask, “As a country we passed the mandatory reporting laws and statutory rape laws for a specific purpose.  If we’re not going to enforce them in this environment, what environment would we enforce them in?”
Crutcher told Christian Post that among all of the criminal cases of child sexual abuse that his organization has looked at, they couldn’t find a single example where staff at a PP facility or other abortion clinic had faced criminal charges for not reporting these crimes to authorities.  “This is the second stage in the scandal that’s going on,” he asserted.  “There are three stages: The first stage is that we have men who are raping these little girls, and that’s an epidemic in this country; the second scandal is that the places where they’re most likely to show up, which are abortion clinics, are not reporting them; and the third part of this scandal is that law enforcement agencies in this country are not going after these abortion clinics for failing to report.”
“What you’re talking about is: PP and the NAF operating a nationwide pedophile protection racket, and the law enforcement community not doing anything about it,” Crutcher said … adding that far too many people don’t care about the issue until they discover that their daughter is a victim and find out that people who should’ve reported the crime chose not to.  “We ought to be concerned about this when it’s anybody’s daughter.”
Given the U.S. Constitution’s balance of power, it falls to the Executive Branch to enforce the laws of the land.  Obviously, this Administration is selective on which laws it will enforce … or not enforce.  Based upon these reported findings, it’s very clear which party is engaged in a ‘war against women.’
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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