Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Slippery Slope of Student Sports in MN

The Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) has proposed a “transgender student athlete policy.”
MSHSL has been working on the policy since this summer; working directly with OutFront Minnesota (the state’s largest LGBTQ advocacy organization) to draft the policy.  The policy would force ALL schools (public and private) and ALL students participating in MSHSL sports (public, private, homeschool) to permit students who say they feel they are “transgender” to participate on the team opposite their biological sex; thereby gaining access to the showers, locker rooms, hotel rooms, etc. of the opposite sex.
When the truth of God’s design for us as male and female is being distorted in such a visible way – a way that directly harms all children – it stands to reason that God-fearing people show the strength to stand-up against such distortion … united in one voice.
The public only became aware of the policy shortly before the MSHSL Board’s meeting on October 2, 2014.  After the issue became public, MSHSL said they received over 10,000 e-mails expressing concern over the proposed policy (in addition to calls and letters)!  MSHSL also heard public testimony at a special workshop on October 1st.  The testimony was overwhelmingly opposed to MSHSL’s proposed “transgender policy.”  As a result of the overwhelming opposition, the MSHSL Board did not pass the “transgender policy” at their Board meeting on October 2nd!  Instead of passing their policy, the Board cited the need for further work on the policy and the need for more input from key stakeholders.  A motion was passed for a “task force” to be formed with MSHSL Board members and key stakeholders representing both sides of this issue … specifically including a voice for private religious schools.  The task force was to bring forth their recommendations for the best policy.  To date, no such task force has been formed; only MSHSL Board members have been involved in further policy development; private religious schools still do not have a voice in this process; and only OutFront Minnesota has had a place at the table in policy development.
The MSHSL Board is set to meet again on December 4, 2014 (9:00 a.m. @ 2100 Freeway Blvd, Brooklyn Ctr, MN 55430), to make a final decision on the policy.  This may be the last chance to stop this “transgender policy.”  If you’re from the Twin Cities e-mail Troy Urdahl [] or Dan Johnson [] today!
This must be understood:
·         The policy is not required under state or federal law.
·         The policy will affect both public and private schools … and homeschooled 
          students who participate in public or private school athletics – No exemption
          for religious schools or religious students.
·         The policy allows transgender boys to play on girls’ sports teams and
          transgender girls to play on boys’ teams with no safety provisions for
          physical disparities.
·         The policy will almost certainly lead to biological boys being able to access
          girls’ locker rooms, showers, bathrooms, and hotel rooms (and vice versa).
·         The policy contains no privacy protections for students.
·         The policy leaves schools vulnerable to lawsuits for violations of students’
          privacy rights and religious freedom rights.
·         The process for developing this policy has lacked transparency, bringing
          only one viewpoint (LGBTQ) to the table, despite requests and offers for
          participation from other viewpoints.
When it comes to children, we have a duty to protect and ensure that they are not put in harms way.  Jesus said it would be better for us to drown than to cause one of His children to stumble and sin! (Matthew 18:5-6)
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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