Monday, February 9, 2015

Christian Pastor ‘Butchered’ by Muslims

I wouldn’t expect you to know this man who is well known by those recipients of his Godly compassion.  His ministry hasn’t gotten a 30-second sound bite on our televisions.  In fact, his brutal execution didn’t get a drop of ink in our newspapers.  But I’m devoting this blog posting to his life and death … as yet another example of Muslim persecution of Christians.  [Take Note: This has nothing to do with American ‘values’ or ‘foreign policy.’  Read my blog of Feb 6 – “Islam is Responsible for Christian Persecution …”]  Let me introduce you to Adah.  
After pulling over, Adah then called his mechanic who came to the scene to see if he could fix the car.  When it was determined that the mechanic could not fix the car, the mechanic then left the scene to call a tow truck. After calling for assistance and returning to the scene, the mechanic could not find Adah.  Upon conducting a long search, the mechanic was able to find Adah’s slain body.
“A few kilometers from Jalingo, he had car issues along the Wukari-Jalingo road,” the ministry supporter said.  “He was mercilessly hacked to death by Fulani herdsmen and Boko Haram.”
A local police spokesman, Joseph Kwaji, confirmed that Adah was killed by Fulani herdsmen.  Although the police spokesman didn’t provide details about the exact manner in which the herdsmen murdered Adah, his wife told Morning Star News that he was indeed “butchered.”
One ministry supporter recounted Adah’s sacrifices and his commitment to providing for the poor after being ‘born again’ in 2000.  “Not too long after he got born again, he left the comfort and ‘luxury’ of city life for a remote village on a hill without light or potable drinking water, not even a well in sight,” the supporter explained.  “He was there with his humble wife and kids to answer the call of God at this time when larger cities meant greener pastures, fatter offerings and sizeable tithes to others doing ministry.  He continued to preach the Gospel and hold campaigns; not in the urban areas, but mostly in rural areas.  I don’t know why God allowed Boko Haram to cut his life short.  Even when it became dangerous, he refused to get out but kept preaching Christ in villages where many will not go,” she added.
Adah became well known in the Taraba state as he was dedicated to providing food, shelter, money and medicine to the less fortunate villagers in the province.  “He shared his meager resources with the poor. He clothed them.  He showed love to them.  His home was theirs.  I can’t keep the tears away,” the supporter said.  “I’m still hoping to wake up and realize it has all been a bad dream.  If only I can see and speak to my friend, my big brother just one more time.  [He was] a rare gem.  I remember all the times he prayed with me and encouraged me.  I feel so shattered.  I am crushed.”
Although there’s no clear evidence that Boko Haram was involved in Adah’s murder, it was reported in 2014 that many Fulani herdsman have confessed membership to the Boko Haram.  In October, Muslim extremists stormed two Taraba churches, interrupting worship services, and killed 31-people.  Last March, Fulani herdsman in the Nigerian state of Kaduna burned down three Christian villages and hacked and burned to death over 100-people.
As the saying goes – “If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck … then it probably is a duck.”
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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