Monday, February 16, 2015

U.N. ‘Watchdogs’ Report on ISIS’ Child Abuse

In issuing its first report since 1998, the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child reveals a horrifying glimpse into how the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists are beheading, crucifying, and even burying alive religious minority children.  The report, which was recently released, was written by a committee of 18-independent experts.  They found that not only are ISIS militants massively killing religious minority boys, but they’ve also found a way to take advantage of the mentally weak Iraqi children … by using their harmless bodies in jihad attacks.
Committee expert Renate Winter said at the press conference (introducing the report) that the militant group is using mentally-challenged children as suicide bombers, and he thinks many of them go into their fatal suicide plots without even knowing that they will die as a consequence.
The committee also found that it isn’t just mentally-challenged children who are being used as suicide bombers, as many other boys under the age of 18 are also being used to carry out suicide missions.  Other children are being forced to donate their blood to battle-wounded ISIS militants.  [read my blog posting of December 8, 2014 – “The Other 5-Million Children Crossing the Border”]
The report also finds that children, mostly religious minority children, also face the most brutal forms of death such as being buried alive, beheaded and crucified.  “We are really deeply concerned at torture and murder of those children, especially those belonging to minorities, but not only from minorities,” Winter said.  He concludes, “The scope of the problem is huge.”
It's not just the Christian and Yazidi children who are subject to ISIS’ brutality, as the report claims that Shiite and Sunni Muslims are often victims also.  Many religious minority children who are not killed are often sold as sex slaves.  [read my blog posting of December 17, 2014 – “Newly Revealed ISIS Pamphlet Authorizes Enslaving …”]  Winter said that ISIS militants often sell children in marketplaces by putting a price tag on them for everyone to see.  “Children of minorities have been captured in many places ... sold in the marketplace with tags, price tags on them, they have been sold as slaves,” Winter said.
The committee also finds that children who are not killed by ISIS often die from extensive starvation or dehydration, while others died as a result of shelling from air strikes conducted by the Iraqi security forces.
The U.N. committee has denounced ISIS and wants to bring awareness to what it labeled as “the systematic killing of children belonging to religious and ethnic minorities …”  And where is the U.S.?  President Obama says global warming is more critical and deserving of our national attention.  Anyone who believes that is as stupid as this Administration!
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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