Monday, July 6, 2015

Liberal & Conservative Views of Human Nature Define the Great Divide

This blog posting is primarily the words of SRN (Salem Radio Network) host Dennis Prager.  I found them so helpful in clarifying the difference between liberals and conservatives.  It might well help you to identify where you stand and help you to explain your position or the position you oppose.  Prager asks: “If you can’t explain both sides, how do you know you’re right?”

“Left-of-center doctrines hold that people are basically good.  On the other side, conservative doctrines hold that man is born morally flawed – not necessarily born evil, but surely not born good.  Yes, we are born innocent – babies don’t commit crimes, after all – but we are not born good.  Whether it is the Christian belief in ‘original sin’ or the Jewish belief that we are all born with a ‘yetzer tov’ (good inclination) and a ‘yetzer ra’ (bad inclination) that are in constant conflict, the root value systems of the West never held that we are naturally good” says Prager.

To those who argue that we all have goodness within us, Prager offers two responses:

“First, no religion or ideology denies that we have goodness within us; the problem is with denying that we have badness within us.

Second, it is often very challenging to express that goodness.  Human goodness is like gold.  It needs to be mined – and like gold mining, mining for our goodness can be very difficult.”

This is so important to understanding the left-right divide because so many fundamental left-right differences emanate from this divide, says Prager.

Perhaps the most obvious one is that conservatives blame those who engage in violent criminal activity for their behavior more than liberals do.  Liberals argue that poverty, despair, and hopelessness cause poor people, especially poor blacks – in which case racism is added to the list – to riot and commit violent crimes.

Here is President Barack Obama on May 18, 2015:

“In some communities, that sense of unfairness and powerlessness has contributed to dysfunction in those communities. ... Where people don’t feel a sense of hope and opportunity, then a lot of times that can fuel crime and that can fuel unrest.  We’ve seen it in places like Baltimore and Ferguson and New York.  And it has many causes – from a basic lack of opportunity to some groups feeling unfairly targeted by their police forces.”

So, says Prager, “Poor blacks who riot and commit other acts of violence do so largely because they feel neglected and suffer from deprivations.  Since people are basically good [liberal view], their acts of evil must be explained by factors beyond their control.  Their behavior is not really their fault; and when conservatives blame blacks for rioting and other criminal behavior, liberals accuse them of ‘blaming the victim.’ ”

“In the conservative view,” says Prager, “people who do evil are to be blamed because they made bad choices – and they did so because they either have little self-control or a dysfunctional conscience.  In either case, they are to blame.  That’s why the vast majority of equally poor people – black or white – do not riot or commit violent crimes.”

Likewise, many liberals believe that most of the Muslims who engage in terror do so because of the poverty and especially because of the high unemployment rate for young men in the Arab world.  Yet, it turns out that most terrorists come from middle class homes.  All the 9/11 terrorists came from middle and upper-class homes. [Osama bin Laden was a billionaire.]

Therefore, Prager concludes, “Material poverty doesn’t cause murder, rape or terror.  Moral poverty does.  That’s one of the great divides between left and right.  And it largely emanates from their differing views about whether human nature is innately good.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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