Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Gay Agenda is About Crushing Christian Dissent

It isn’t rocket science nor does it require an advanced degree to realize that the true agenda of the homosexual activists is far beyond same-sex ‘marriage.’  One need only look at a lawsuit filed against a Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to homosexual couples.

After 5-lawyers on the U.S. Supreme Court found a constitutional right to same-sex ‘marriage’ last month, homosexuals applied for licenses in the Rowan County Clerk’s office. The clerk, Kim Davis, refused – citing her faith as a Christian for not recognizing a lifestyle God refers to in scripture as an abomination.  She is now being sued.

Davis’ attorney is Roger Gannam of Liberty Counsel, whose client recently took the stand to testify in the suit against her.  “We were able to see through her testimony that this case, more and more, is really about the plaintiffs wanting to force Kim Davis to issue a marriage license despite her sincerely held religious beliefs,” the attorney explains.  “It’s not about the plaintiffs’ desire to get married.”

Kentucky law stipulates that marriage license applicants can get a license in any county – so the plaintiffs could have driven a short distance to obtain the license elsewhere.  Instead, they drove 2-hours to the Rowan County Court House … having passed several other county court houses. .  As Gannam points out, “They drove an hour last week to court to a county where they could’ve gotten a license if they wanted one.”

Gannam argues that the case is about “crushing dissent” and forcing Christians out of public office.  “Just as Justice Alito predicted in his dissent in Obergefell [the same-sex marriage case], secularists are trying to ‘stamp out every vestige of dissent’ by targeting people of faith who do not agree with same-sex marriage,” Gannam states in a press release.

The court could issue a decision in Davis’ case by mid-August.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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