In the wake of the Orlando ISIS bloodbath, an
Islamic terrorist named Mateen (a closeted homosexual, according to friends and
ex-wife), registered Democrat and admitted Islamic State jihadi enters a “gay”
bar wherein, reportedly, he regularly cruised for random homosexual hook-ups,
and slaughters 49 “infidels.”
The secular “progressives,” rather than
addressing the cry – Allah Akbar – twisted themselves into tiny little knots of
self-righteous indignation to somehow blame American Christians, Republicans
and the NRA. They want to ban guns.
No thanks. While we’re at it, perhaps we should ban beer
steins and put an end to drunk driving.
Listen: One thing and one thing alone is
responsible for the deaths of 49 club-going revelers – precious souls, each –
in Orlando. It’s the global menace of
Islam according to Matt Barber (founder and editor-in chief of
“A despotic socio-political system based on the incoherent and pseudo-religious
ravings of a warring tyrant who, as even the Quran concedes, was a murderous
anti-Semite and anti-Christian misogynist and pedophile, hell-bent on world
domination (Islamic caliphate).”
In reality, Christ and His followers love the
LGBT-identified community enough to tell them the truth about a sin-centric
lifestyle that leads to emotional, spiritual and, an assortment of STDs (increasingly
prevalent to the lifestyle, even resulting in physical death). Christians pray that each and every person who
identifies as LGBT might come to repentance and salvation through Christ Jesus,
who is the only Way to eternal Life.
By contrast, Allah (the deceiver) and his
followers kill homosexuals – not out of hate … though it is hateful … but out
of “compassion.” They actually believe
they’re being compassionate by killing “gays” because the Quran and the imam’s
tell them so. (Mateen most likely
targeted his fellow “gays” in an attempt to reap absolution from Allah for
sodomy.) Even after the horror of
Orlando has become better known, the liberals have refused to acknowledge the
scourge of radical Islam. Rather, they
prefer, for both political and spiritual reasons, to vilify Christian “homophobes,”
Republicans and the NRA.
Even beyond the Orlando
slaughter, homosexuals continue to be (at this moment) “lawfully” executed in
Saudi Arabia, Iran and dozens of other Muslim nations across the globe. Muslim nations summarily hang, stone and behead
both Christians and homosexuals. We’re
all persecuted – sinners and saints (one and the same) – and will only become
more so as incompetent Western leaders like President Obama and Secretary Clinton
tout Islam as a “religion of peace.” [If
this is “peace” can you imagine what “war” looks like!]
Islamic Shariah Law [coming to a community like
yours] requires the persecution of all non-Muslims. Curiously, it’s the same cowardly leftists
disingenuously accusing Christians of “anti-gay hate” (stateside) who remain
silent while homosexuals are regularly executed by Muslims both abroad and, as
of Orlando, right here at home.
This is due to the fact that orthodox
Christians, who are spiritually imbued with the love of Christ, are perceived
as soft targets by both progressives and Muslims; while radical Islamics, who
are spiritually imbued with the hate of Muhammad, are not.
Listen: Christ is Truth; and Truth is the enemy
of “progressivism” … just as Truth is the enemy of Islam. They each derive from the same antichrist
spirit. For the liberals: “The enemy of
my enemy is my friend.”
Muhammad taught, and the Quran stresses, that a
central tenet of Islam is to convert, enslave or kill the infidel. On the other hand, Jesus taught His followers,
who are called Christians, to “do to
others what you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31); that, “You shall not murder.” (Matthew 19:18);
and that we are to “love [our] enemies and pray for those who persecute [us].” (Matthew 5:44) It goes without saying that those who do not
follow these teachings are not Christ followers.
Indeed, while many may claim to be “Christian,”
the word only applies to those who are justified in Christ, spiritually reborn
and regenerated through the super-natural work of the Holy Spirit. The true Christian walks in Christ’s steps
through faith and obedience.
Terrorism and the hatred of persons are in
direct disobedience to Christ. Yet they
are in direct obedience to Muhammad.
Whereas “Muslim extremists,” that is, faithful Muslims,
kill people extremely – “Christian extremists,” that is, faithful Christians,
love people, including their enemies, extremely.
While Christianity brings eternal life to those
choosing to surrender to Jesus, who alone is “the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6), Islam brings eternal
death to those who surrender to Allah, who is “the best of deceivers.” (Surah
And so, to those in the “LGBT”
community, Mr. Obama, Mrs. Clinton, the New
York Times and other progressives who have smeared (and continue to smear)
Christian Americans in the blood of 49 souls who died at the hands of ISIS in
Orlando, know this: We don’t hate you. We
grieve with you and are praying for you in this shared time of national
tragedy. We love you. And we forgive you … because you know not
what you do.
Rev. Dr.
Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
(Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel
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