Monday, July 25, 2016

Religion: #1 Reason for School Choice

As the United States of America moves in a more secular direction, parents have rightful fears regarding the moral compass leading our youth of today.  Accordingly, school choice is an option that parents both want and deserve when it comes to the education of their children.

A recent survey conducted by the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice reveals that the number one reason parents choose a particular school over another is for a religious environment; the next reason being better academics; followed by a lack of instruction over morals/character/values.

Over 2,000 parents were asked how satisfied or not that they were with their child’s school, and an overwhelming 81% were indeed satisfied with their current situation … according to the “Why Parents Choose” survey [].  The survey indicates: “[P]arents participating in school voucher programs are systematically more satisfied when they are given the opportunity to choose a school outside of their assigned neighborhood school.”

As this nation faces an intense religious liberty battle, it is now more imperative than ever that school choice remain an option.  Between bathroom confusion and the implementation of ‘Common Core’ being forced in public school systems across the United States, it is no surprise that parents are seeking better options for their children.

Perhaps you don’t have school-age children.  Maybe you have grandchildren.  But whether you do or don’t, you can weigh-in by supporting those companies that support school choice and ceasing to make purchases with those companies who do not.  Click on this link to view 2ndVote’s Education scores of corporations [].

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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