Friday, November 25, 2016

Where Are You Not Willing to Compromise?

In this post-election season, much of what we hear from both sides of the political divide is this – “It’s time for all of us to come together and get along?”  That’s nonsense!  Not just regarding politics, but also in many other areas of life.

Listen, politically speaking:

I will never “come together and get along” with those who are Pro-Planned Parenthood, because I believe human life begins at conception and should never be taken except in very narrow circumstances.  I believe that those who are pro-choice and believe that abortion at any time for any reason, as determined by the one carrying the baby, are absolutely wrong.  Hitler defined the Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and others as sub-human; and the slave holders defined the slaves as less than fully human – thus buying and selling human beings!  By the same token, Planned Parenthood defines the unborn as not human, which allows for abortion at any time for any reason; and they even harvest the body parts of the innocent little child they have just killed!  The Bible clearly says the baby in the womb is a human being!  End of discussion!

I will never “come together and get along” with the current demonstrators on college campuses or the rioters in our cities – all of whom I view respectively as spoiled brats, misfits and criminals.  I can get along with people like the Tea Party folks, because they were orderly and altogether law-abiding.  They were not profane; they did not destroy other people’s property and they did not defecate on public property!  Some people know how to demonstrate and protest; still others do not.  End of conversation!

I will never “come together and get along” with those who side with the Palestinians and against Israel.  Period!

I will never “come together and get along” with those who take the position that Christian marriage can be anything other than the joining together of one man and one woman in holy wedlock.  Churches that have embraced same-sex unions and now have liturgy for the “marriage” of same gender couples are disgraceful - but not surprising.  Among these churches – The glory has departed!

I will never “come together and get along” with racists, bigots, homophobics, xenophobics or anti-Semites; or those who brand others as racists, bigots, homophobics, xenophobics,or anti-Semites.  Often the most hateful, mean-spirited and untruthful things are said by those who claim to be tolerant, enlightened and morally “holier-than-thou.”  I have even heard supposedly tolerant, enlightened and “high road takers” dismiss millions of people as deplorable and irredeemable!  They are people at the height of hypocrisy!

I will never “come together and get along” with those who burn the American Flag, or run down this country, or vow to leave America if an election does not go their way … and then fail to do so!  In the immortal words of country singer and songwriter Merle Haggard – “If you’re runnin’ down my country, man, you’re walkin’ on the fightin’ side of me.”  Mess with my country, and you and I are at war!

Finally, to answer the question, “Can’t we all just get along?” the answer is “Hell No!”  While it is true that the Lord Jesus said that we are to love our neighbor (even our enemies), He never said we have to like our neighbor or our enemies.  He never said we have to all “just get along.”  Jesus did not get along with the religious leaders of His day.  The Reformer, Martin Luther, did not get along with the religious leaders of his day.  So, I’m in good company when I say – No, I can’t come together and get along with everyone.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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