The latest video in Live Action’s new
investigative series of Planned Parenthood (PP) reveals they reward their
centers with pizza parties for meeting abortion sales quotas – and institutes a
“corrective action plan” when they don’t.
“Every center had a goal for how many
abortions were done,” Sue Thayer, a former PP manager, explains in the video. “And centers that didn’t do abortions like
mine that were family planning clinics had a goal for the number of abortion
referrals. And it was on this big grid,
and if we hit our goal, our line was green. If we were five percent under, it was yellow. If we were 10 percent under, it was red. That’s when we needed to have a corrective action
plan – why we didn’t hit the goal, what we’re gonna do differently next time.”
This video entitled, ‘Planned
Parenthood’s Abortion Quotas,’ is the fourth in Live Action’s series – ‘Abortion
Corporation.’ The series has shown PP employees
admitting its name is “deceptive” because they don’t promote parenting.
Other videos include:
‘Ultrasounds for Killing, Not Care at
Planned Parenthood’ and the accompanying testimony ‘Planned Parenthood
Managers: Ultrasounds for Abortions, Not Care’ highlight how PP will only do
ultrasounds as part of an abortion – not for women who want to keep their babies.
‘The Prenatal Care Deception’ shows
PP’s nationwide denying women prenatal care because they “specialize” in
abortions. “I felt like I was more of a
salesman sometimes, to sell abortions,” former PP nurse Marianne Anderson says
in the video. “And we were told on a
regular basis that, ‘You have a quota to meet to keep this clinic open.’” She said the focus of her job seemed to be
selling abortions rather than “treating people.” “I trained my staff the way that I was
trained, which was to really encourage women to choose abortion, to have it at
Planned Parenthood because that counts as – you know, towards our goal,” said
Thayer, who previously ran a Storm Lake, Iowa, PP. She said PP would convince women that
abortion was their best choice if they couldn’t afford to pay for their initial
clinic visit right away. According to
Thayer, they would say, “If you can’t pay 10 dollars today, how are you gonna
take care of a baby? Have you priced
diapers? Do you know how much it costs
to buy a car seat? ... Don’t you think your smartest choice is termination?”
In addition to pizza parties,
employees could be rewarded for meeting abortion quotas with paid time off or a
‘clinic manager of the month’ award. The
latter meant lunch with upper management.
Let’s be clear: PP doesn’t have quotas
for adoptions or for prenatal care; but quotas for abortions. Lila Rose, President and Founder of Live Action,
says, “Planned Parenthood makes a profit off women in the midst of their most
difficult experiences and incentivizes its staff to take the lives of children
in the womb with pizza parties, paid time off, and lunches with upper management. It’s time to redirect our tax money toward
local health clinics that actually provide real care to women, instead of to
Planned Parenthood, a corporation focused on upping its abortion numbers.” Rose predicted PP would deny these findings,
noting that it claimed it had retrained thousands of employees to identify sex
trafficking after Live Action caught its workers helping people posing as
pimps. Former Sherman, Texas, PP manager
Ramona Treviño disclosed that this “retraining” was actually a way in which the
abortion giant tried to teach staff to recognize undercover journalists.
One of President Trump’s pro-life
promises during his campaign was that he will defund PP as long as it continues
to commit abortions. Congress is on the
brink of passing a bill to redirect the half a billion taxpayer dollars PP
receives to women’s healthcare centers that don’t kill pre-born humans.
Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
(Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel
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