Today is
Presidents’ Day. We have been blessed
with some awesome presidents that have positively helped to favorably mold this
question is: What happened? What have we
become? Have we become the nation that
our forefathers had pledged their sacred honor?
Would they be disappointed in what we have become?
As most
of you know, I am a firm believer that America was founded on Christian
principles … by Christian men and women.
And I’m (by no means) alone in that conviction.
Reagan said this on February 9, 1982 at the National Religious Broadcasters
Annual Convention (almost 30-years ago to the day):
“It’s been written
that the most sublime figure in American history was George Washington on his
knees in the snow at Valley Forge. He
personified a people who knew that it was not enough to depend on their own
courage and goodness, that they must seek help from God – their Father and
Preserver. Where did we begin to lose
sight of that noble beginning, of our convictions that standards of right and
wrong do exist and must be lived up to?”
Lest I
be accused of only referencing a Republican president, here is what Harry
Truman said:
“I do not believe
there is a problem in this country or the world today which could not be
settled if approached through the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount.”
true! Our country once lived by God’s
teachings. We had that old fashioned
“Can Do Attitude” – that optimism that seemed to get us through all the
difficulties that the world tossed our way. Where do you suppose Americans gained that
“Can Do Attitude”? I believe it was from
Scripture … as found in Philippians 4:13 – “I
can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” America once believed that our strength
came from above; and by acknowledging it – came many blessings to our Great
Nation. I believe we were once at a
place in America when we could admit that we were weak … in order to draw
strength from God. And this is something
that we still need to do today.
order for us to reclaim that “Can Do Attitude” and (in turn) reclaim America
for Christ, there are three things we must do –
I. We
Must Admit
… that we are weak and cannot do it alone.
II. We Must Submit … in order to move forward.
III. We Must Never Quit … never give
up the good fight.
As I look at our nation, I see politicians and
people that have given up on God. The
once great nation deemed as a Christian nation by our forefathers is considered
by our immediate past president as the direct opposite. On April 7, 2009, President Obama commented
during a press conference in Turkey in which, speaking for Americans, he said:
“We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or
a Muslim nation; we consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by
ideals and a set of values. Whatever
we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation - at least, not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation,
a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.”
That phrase – “Whatever we once were… ”
reveals just how far separated from God our country has become. We have quit on God; and it began long before
the Obama Administration. We quit on God
by kicking Him out of our schools; by eradicating Him from the sphere of our
government; we have quit on God by removing Him from influencing our lives.
50-years ago (in our lifetime), I believe the
majority of Americans would never have imagined we would have become what we
have become today. We are a product of
our own demise. We became complacent and
comfortable; we became tolerant and accepting. The bottom line is: We Quit! We quit living as a Christian nation (years
ago) … long before liberalism got its foothold in our society. We quit when we placed God second to
everything else in our lives. We quit
when we became afraid to speak His name in public.
It’s time, my friends, to ban together and
reclaim the United States of America as One nation Under God. Where has our “Can Do Attitude” gone? … as
expressed in the sacred text – “I can do
all this through Him who gives me strength.”
I, like many of you, love our country; and I
believe in what America represents. I
believe that we were founded on Christ’s Love. But unfortunately, I believe we have strayed
off course. It’s time to reclaim this
nation for Christ.
Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
(Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel
There has been an assault on God by our courts and our congress has ignored their misbehavior. This has been the result of our government schools misinforming literally millions of people that judges are appointed for life and can never be held accountable and therefore congress never keeps them in check and judges believe that they are immune to congressional check. They are never asked to explain their opinion relative to the Constitution, relative to God's law on which our Constitution is based. Cities and states have become frightened of upholding anything Christian since the courts have found in favor Christian persecution. Atheists rarely have a suit against Jews for being accused of being anti-Semite. They rarely come out against Muslims because they would be accused of Islamophobia. But Christian's are viewed as the majority and we can't allow the majority to rule. Never mind that Christian's have no intention of majority rule to force our religion on anyone. Christian's believe that we should tell everyone about the saving grace of Jesus but it must be your decision and your decision alone. This is entirely consistent with our Constitution. The courts have created the so called "separation of church and state" (an absolute 180 of Jefferson's letter) and found no where in the Constitution. Congress has from time to time tried correct this but they do so very weakly and such laws are rarely enforced.