Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Spencer & Sanger – Two Peas of the Same Pod

How ironic.  The progressives who denounced Richard Spencer – the white organizer of the protest in Charlottesville – are proponents of the very thing Spencer is most enthusiastic about, i.e. reducing the number of black people in the United States.  Of course, I’m referring to Margaret Sanger – the founder of the abortion-loving Planned Parenthood (PP).

The racist, eugenicist roots of PP are well-documented, as is the paranoid racial and eugenic visions of its founder, Margaret Sanger, who spoke of her desire to create “a new race with a racial soul” in the United States.  She once cheerfully spoke before a women’s Klan meeting, desiring to “keep the doors of immigration closed” to those “whose condition is known to be detrimental to the stamina of the race.”  Sanger yearned to accentuate “the better racial elements in our society” so as to erase from the population “defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”

Of course, the progressive Left tends to downplay the unpleasant historical realities, dismissing them as products of the time rather than a guiding principle of PP as it stands today.  You will not likely find anyone at PP who will speak as plainly as did Sanger about discouraging the reproduction of “mentally and physically defective” individuals.  But the institution nevertheless fights like hell for the right to exterminate babies solely because of their mental and physical defects.  Yet, around 941 black babies are aborted in this country every day, of which PP is responsible for 329 of those daily deaths.  That averages out to a little more than 120,000 black abortions at PP per year from a demographic that makes up about 13% of the United States population.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, black women get abortions at five times the rate of white women.

If you were a white supremacist who wanted to sharply reduce the black population to make way for more whites, what would you be doing differently than PP?  Nothing!

In the end, the goals of Spencer strikingly line up with Sanger.  Both are overtly and self-admittedly concerned with organizing human society along carefully curated and aggressively restrictive lines – abortive “family planning” for the one, and paranoid racial segregation for the other.  Both see the value of the human person strictly as a matter of superficial considerations.  Sanger pro-choicers judge your moral worth by your biological and physiological development; while Spencer white supremacists judge your moral worth by the color of your skin.  I do not suppose the average pro-choicer is comfortable being associated with the policy views of a white nationalist; but if your political movement is predicated on the idea that it should be legal to kill babies, I guess you really don’t get to be all that choosy.

In the words of Daniel Payne, senior contributor at the Federalist, “If we are going to tear down white supremacy, start with Planned Parenthood.”

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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